[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Lost Odyssey- hate it. But i just popped the ol' FFXIII in, and i think im gonna replay that. or maybe try and complete all the challenges instead. But i really want to watch all those cutscenes again and the whole Sarah ordeal.
Red Redemption I think it's called?

Im not sure if Im going to keep playing it. Ive been told by a lot of people that it's a great game, but I just don't like it. I have 5 days before I have to bring it back, but I think I might do it tomorrow if I can't get into it
I've been playing Final Fantasy XII for around 2 and a half weeks now. I'm in the Salika Wood. I was surprised to find that it wasn't half as bad as the first time I played it. I have no idea why. I can even say it's becoming one of my favorites. :rage:

I didn't finish it during my first playthrough, because I got bored and it was taking too long. Hopefully, I will this time. :wacky:
I am currently whoring out playing Call of duty: modern warfare 2 in preparation for the release of Black ops in a matter of days.

i have to practice again because lately i have been playing a lot of Fallout and uncharted 2 so i am no longer as good as i was due to playing with different button configurations and also without the ability to do parkour like movement whilst in the third person mode.

When the kids are off to school I practice on solo tour and I've moved on to medium. a few songs are hard for me to get 4 stars on. Especially enter sandman from metallica, that one was hard. Now I'm planning to try out hard mode o_O that will suck xD
When the kids are back we play multiplayer and we have to play on medium now to get more fans.

Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs - Being a huge fan of the Pokemon spinoff games - more so than I am the mainstream games, especially with the advent of that pile of bollocks that they call the fifth generation - I'm quite pleased with this. I just subdued Raikou, not sure where I'm going now. I AM very annoyed that the Deoxys mission is multiplayer only, though. Whose stupid idea was that?! Now I've got to buy a second copy and get my mother to play it...

Fable III - Not playing this too much. Just killed the undead general, not sure where I'm going now. Following the glittery trail. Although I'm more concerned with building up my property empire...I've bought all of the caravans in that grubby little outpost, now I'm just letting the rent come in so I can afford to get some houses...

ClaDun: This is an RPG - Downloaded off the US PSN store, because I r hacker. Well, not really, I just made a US account on my PS3. I might make a Japanese one at some point as well. Anyways, this is awesome. The swapping between retro and original music is awesome, its fairly amusing dialogue-wise, and sprite art is something I'm quite good at, so I've been having fun with that. I have a fully customized team, including a Pikachu. xD

Borderlands - Just started this...playing as Lilith, because I like going invisible. I'm just running errands for an old blind man with a shotgun at the moment. I quite like the feel of this game, and it looks spectacular. Hopefully things will get a bit more exciting soon, though...
Currently replaying Golden Sun, once I complete this I'm gonna move on to Golden Sun : The Lost Age. Hope to have both games completed before the end of the month, when the third game is finally released.

Both of them are brilliant RPGs, they're challenging and they're really fun. I love the characters and the storyline hooks me in every time. I think the second game is the stronger of the two overall, although the first half of it is sorta aimless, while the first half of the first game is better paced.
I'm currently playing through Assassin's Creed II.

I love how it's not as repetitive as the first one and there's so many sidequests to accomplish. But the main storyline is very intriguing indeed and love how it ties into the first one. Even though I'm now a big fan of Ezio, I like how Altair is still mentioned. I'm on the third memory sequence right now and it's one of those games I just can't seem to put down. xD
Well, I'm currently playing Nier. Slowly.

I can't say it's my favorite and I don't think it's worth buying in my honest opinion :hmmm: But, i'm glad i'm giving it a shot.

I spent a lot of time completing side-quest for people though. Which got rather tedious.

Right now,
I just un-petrified Kainé and Emil turned ugly
(straight up xD)

I like the cutesy and heart-warming storyline of a father trying to save his daughter though =)

Idunno if I'll be able to finish it though, i'm kind of bored with it.
Just started playing Rune Factory. It's a fantasy version of Harvest Moon. I'm only in the begining part of the game so I am trying to raise money to buy more tools and weapons. I think I know which girl I am going after :)
I just borrowed Call of Duty 2: Big Red One from a buddy of mine. I'm aware that this game's a little out dated by the standards of the newer games in the series, but I actually think it's pretty fun. It's my first time playing it. It's got some frustrating monents here and there but overall not bad.
I think I know which girl I am going after :)

...lol thats the best part of the Harvest Moon games, picking out who was going to be your hubby/wifey. Apparently I'm not the only one who has them picked out right away :awesome: I could never get into that game as well as the other Harvests because the beginning went way too slow for me. Maybe I'll pick it up again someday.

As for me, I'm playing Sims 3 for my ps3. I've had some major lol moments so far. I got my girl sim married and pregnant...and when she goes into labor the husband panics for a couple of seconds, then he goes off to prepare a sandwich in the kitchen and just leaves her sit there screaming and doing the lamaze (WTF???? bad programming there)...when he should really be taking her to the hospital. Consequently, I got a phone call so it resulted in a home birth with twins...and omg are twins work :/ Fuuuun game though. Theres loads of customization for your house and the lots and I suppose I'm going to try and get all the challenges completed. 10/10.
Right now, I'm playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for the PS3 slowly but, i'll get there eventually xD. I'm in no rush to be honest :hmmm:

I'm also playing Birth By Sleep for the PSP as well. (Currently playing as Aqua, just grinding) I know I is behind in gaming but i'm determined! XD

So far, both games are amazing! :D
I just got back into Tomb Raider Underworld. I was stuck for a really really long time in the Mexico Level but I just found out a glitch was not letting me go further. Now I found the problem and I got further into the Mexico Leel. Hopefully pass the game tomorrow or so. The reason I got back into TR was because of the new reboot news xD. I am so glad I am finally getting further!
I'm playing Resonance of Fate (PS3) again at the moment. The last time I played this I stopped at the beginning of Chapter 4 - I WILL finish this game this time around! Just need to train and prepare a little more...I think if I farm grenades and level everyone up evenly, I should be alright...I'm not as bad at the game as I remember. Although I've just started chapter 3, so that may change when I fight that bastard puppet Caligula again...
I'm currently playing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the PS3. It's been frustrating and it's had its moments, but I've nearly finished the game. I've got most of the trophies as well. Not a bad buy so far.
I am currently playing Nier. I am almost done the game I believe as I am gathering the stone gragments. I am at the Junk place right now so I imagine a boss is ahead somewhere. I also will be playing Resonance of Fate in a bit. I really need to catch up with that game. Still chapter 3 but this time I wont make a mistake and fight that super hard enemy..
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