[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Brotherhood, been playing multiplayer quite a bit more now. Haven't done the rest of the sidequests in the story though but i will get back to it. Off and on i play castle crashers, side scrolling beat em ups are fun every once in awhile. I plan on getting the old x-men arcade game off PSN soon so that's next on my to play list.
I am currently playing Killzone 2

I played a demo of it a while back and didn't like it but a friend of mine forced me to play the game and I have finished it once and I am playing it again on a harder difficulty. The game is actually better than I thought it was going to be and it has really good graphics and a brilliant story.
Since its now Winter break, I finally ended my gaming hiatus and started playing with my PSP again. Right now I'm playing Lunar: Silver Star Harmony. I've already got 13 hours on this game, and I am not even close to the middle of it (from the gameplay videos I've looked through, I say it has at least 45 hours. At least.). But I will say my party had just discovered who one of the bigger antagonists are - but it'll be a while before we fight her (she's the 2nd to last boss in the game apparently.) .
Playing Left 4 Dead 2 with Tia (Robot Santa) and Diar (Jenna Angel). It's excellent except I'm horrible at it. I've died a total of 6 times: 4 times on one level, and one each on two other campaigns in the finale. Hopefully someday I can make it out alive. :(
Final fantasy VIII, finally finished disk 1, just returned to Balamb again, now I can play card games again, I really need the pulse ammo.

Heavy rain- Just started again to show a friend, I played the first part, now he is playing further (and it goes kinda slow =.= ) but I watch every now and then
Still grinding away on Resonance of Fate (PS3) here. I think I've FINALLY managed to get the hang of it...although, that said, I haven't tried to do anything of the story yet. Since starting Chapter 5 I've gained access to a ton of new levels with some rather powerful enemies, the ability to synth and buy grenades (FINALLY) and Cranktown, so I've been exploring and training to try and take on the optional Dakota Vein dungeon...I figure getting everyone to Level 40 (consisting of Lv15 HG, Lv15 MG and Lv10 Grenade) should be sufficient to get me through it...hopefully. I finally discovered how to activate Terminals the other day, as well...and I need Green Hexes. Lots of them.

I also re-started Pokemon HeartGold (DS)...I really want a file with one of every Pokemon on it, but I keep losing interest before I manage it. I won't lose interest this time. Hopefully.

I'm casually playing Eternal Legacy on my iPod, as well. Apparently its a Western take on a JRPG...its OK, I guess. The voice acting is a bit bland (although I'm amazed it even HAS voice acting) but the battle system is fairly engaging, and its reasonably pretty so long as you don't look at anyone's face.

I'm still playing cod Black Ops :8F:

I haven't finished the campaign yet though and I keep meaning to :gonk: it's just whenever I go to play it, the temptation to just go online and play instead of playing alone is too much and I do that instead.
Call of Duty: Black Ops

Switching between Campaign and Multiplayer. Multiplayer seems to be going well so far, a decent consistency. Single player, I'm not that far into but once I've completed it I'm having a run through on veteran difficult anyway. :busta:
I've been switching between Call of Duty: Black Ops, NBA 2K11, and CoD: Modern Warfare 2.

I'm not a big fan of the new CoD, but I do like the online Multiplayer Wager Matches.

Other than that, I've gotten back into the NBA and basketball this year so me and a buddy of mine always go online and play each other in 2K11 head-to-head.
Oh Geez... Someone is going to have to save me... Cuz I know someone on here will be upset, but I've restarted playing

World of Warcraft.


But I read a big lvl. 99 Chocobo thing about an hour ago and really wanna play FF12. But I don't have a converter for my memory cards from ps2 to ps3. :/
The games I have been playing most recently are FF9, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, Shining Tears and Fable 3.

I wanted to do a bit of retro gaming, and since my Disc 1 of FF9 is scratched so much it's unplayable (and I have no save files of it on my memory card), I had to shell out $10.05 and download it to my PS3.

Shining Tears has always been one of my core favorites. I still go back to it every now and then.

Phoenix Wright. Quite possibly one of the funniest and most enjoyable who-did-it games there is. Still waiting and hoping for the Phoenix Wright/Professor Layton crossover to come to the US.

Fable 3. So far, the storyline and all is better than it's predecessor, which so far each Fable game seems to be better than the last. Not to crazy about the new way jobs are done. I prefered Fable 2's job system.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

I haven't played the story in a while and, I recently just got my PS3 back. I was going to start up Assassin's Creed again but, I didn't want to :sad3: So, I decided to hit up uncharted 2 again since apparently, I lost all my data :sad3:

I forgot about some parts of the game though :hmmm:

Really fun game without a doubt :)

Resonance of Fate (PS3) - Doing the guild missions for Chapter 6...I'm irritated, because I accidently chained 2 terminals together, meaning I now have to fill in a crapload more hexes...meaning I have to farm red hexes, which is going to take me hours ._.

Vanquish (PS3) - Picked this up earlier...playing it on Hard, for some reason. As such, I've died. A lot. But it's more due to the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing, and that this shares something in common with Bayonetta - it's absolute CHAOS. Good voice acting, though. Plus blowing the crap out of the giant Russian robot (why is it ALWAYS the Russians or the Germans?) was a lot of fun ♥

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (DS) - I'm in two minds about this game...on the one hand, it's freakin' Golden Sun, and on the other, it feels a lot like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World did. Although I've only just got my fourth party member and seen Alex for the first time, so I guess I'll hold off on my judgement for now and savour the end of an eight-year wait.

...I've got other random games on the go as well, but I'm probably not going to be playing those much anymore. xD
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

I probably wouldn't have bought it if it weren't on post-Christmas sale but I'm glad I ended up doing so. I haven't gotten very far at all in the story mode or even on multiplayer but it seems like it's going to be an excellent game.

I can see myself playing a lot of the multiplayer, it's something completely different than the experiences I've had on multiplayer before. I don't really like the team based games seeing as how if you're not on the "hunting" team then you're just stuck sitting around waiting for someone to kill you, basically. There's a bit of lunge when someone's coming in to kill you so it gets annoying if you're not fast in escaping before someone gets even remotely close. Overall though, it's great.

As for single player, it's very intimidating at how much there is to do. Like I said, I'm not very far at all in the story mode yet. I'm just going to do a story playthrough and then go back and do as much as possible and possibly clean up some missed trophies if I can be bothered to. I remember wanting to go back to play ACII but there really wasn't that much to do after you'd finished the game, except for the feathers and other tedious collectibles.
I`m doing the missions of FFXIII,and playing both Fallout 3 and Oblivion GOTY versions.

MOD EDIT: Can you please put a little more effort into your posts please? This is a spam post in a post count section. Just elaborate more on either the missions or why you're playing the games. Thank you.
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