[V2] Last Movie You've Seen


Strangely enough, I found myself enjoying it more this time than any other time that I've watched it. There were a lot of good moments, I particularly loved the friendship established between Eragon and the dragon. I'm pretty much hoping a sequel will be made now, though it's looking highly unlikely.


It was just randomly on on tv last night and I ended up watching most of it without realising what I was doing.
All in all twas a pretty good film

Tis not bad. Im glad someone finally did a "What if" film with vampires. However, it didnt go into the whole science cure or why the vamps suddnely went fooking zombie at the end! The ending was a let down as I was told before I watched it.

emmm latest movie i have sen was the A - Team, i am a huge fan of the original show and this was somwhere along tjose lines but more brutal and up to date, the film was hillarious, HM Murdock and BA Baracass where played brilliantly, as was Face, Hannibal however could of been done better but wasnt a bad performance by neeson. some of the cameras where a bit jumpy at times like during fight scenes which was a bit annoying, but i really reccomend you go and see this film... if you haven't already.

P.S 300 POSTS :mokken: do i get a cookie?
Pokemon Arceus and the Jewel of Life.

Hmmm lets see this movie was ok but had to watch it on youtube since its not out on dvd in english yet. Okay it was great but I really didnt understand why A human betrayed Arceus. I mean didnt Arceus creat Humans himself? Damos was alive before Arceus? Confusing. Also Giratina who is supposed to be evil isnt evil in this one either cause it remebers Ash :ffs:

Now the biggest flaw of this movie was when they get in the past and then change the past. Then when Arceus is healed in the past its furious in the future and then remebers Ash and Pikachu :ffs: Jeez half the movie took place in the past. Also that Lady Sheena can connect with Arceu's heart? O_O Arceus is god xD Oh YES and the official way to Pronounce it is Arkeus. Overall I think this movie was just a legend based on Michina town in the movie. It wasnt tuly following the story of Arceus....

So 7/10. Also Arceus's voice is uhhh kinda weird in english.
Shrek Forever After

I actually really enjoyed the movie. It was faaaaaaaar better than that dire pile of dog turds called Shrek The Third. It was witty, it was easy to watch, and overall, it made me smile. It wasn't as good as the original Shrek, or Shrek 2, but it was still a pretty decent film. Loved Rumpelstiltskin! "Bring me my angry wig!" :rofl:
Green Street

I watched this on sunday night and have suddenly remembered how much I enjoyed this film therefore I rewatched it again, for like the seventeenth time within the last couple of months :wacky:

I have forgotten how easy to watch a bunch of football hooligans smash each others faces in inbetween small chunks of other scenes could be so much fun..

Twilight Eclipse


Seen it yesterday and yaay it was awesome. Seen the first and second a few weeks before. The third one was way better as there was more action in it. And Jacob showed up more, I like him more than Edward, lol. Plus I liked the rivalry moments between those two xD The story was good, but I did think they should have extended some parts in the end.
A Cinderella Story

Well, that's a couple hours of my life I won't ever get back. Clare was round last night and it was on, so we decided to give it a bash. It was just so gay and cheesy and just generally....crap, even Clare thought it was crap, and she normally likes shit like that

It was just utter poo
The Last Airbender:


It was an all in all good movie though it pisses me off that the movie was cut to shit, I was happy to leave and be able to say that it was still one of the best movies of the summer for me and a lot of other people too XD
The Glass House.

People had been getting on me to see this movie for a while, due to my love for suspense-thrillers and home invasion-esque films, so when it came on HBO (or... Starz? idk whatever), I plopped down in my chair this morning and watched it through.

The whole thing was kind of 'meh'. Some of the plot points were interesting and for the most part, I didn't mind the main actress (most roles written for females, and the actresses assigned to them, are bullshit in thriller films). But it just wasn't nearly as effective as I'd wished it had been.

The Time Traveler's Wife

A bit late on finally getting to watch this. At first, the story was hard to grasp since movies don't portray books that well, but towards the middle of the movie I understood what was going on. Even though I really like Rachel McAdams, she was... terrible in this movie. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be the character's personality, but she overdid it just a bit.

Seeing as how I tend to enjoy drama movies, this one was great. Lots of sad moments, but there were also some really cute ones too. All in all, a good movie.


That movie creped me out and made me laugh my ass off at the same time. I didn't know it was possible, I almost puked during the movie. And pee'd my pants. WTF?

-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
Underworld - (First Movie)

Underworld is probably my favorite vampire vs. werewolf kind of series. I'll admit what got me hooked was the prequel Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans which probably remains my favorite of the series.

As far as the first movie goes, it's a fun action packed thriller that tells the tale of an on going vampire vs. werewolf war in a more modern day setting. Lucian leader of the lycan clan played by Michael Sheen is by far my favorite werewolf character of any movie and is my favorite character of the series. He was great in Rise Of The Lycans and does well in Underworld as well.

I initially thought Underworld was just gonna be one of those pointless action movies with not a lot of plot or character development but it was actually pretty good and it tells quite a cool dark story. Overall, Underworld is worth checking out, but for those who aren't familiar with the series, I'd suggest starting with Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans before getting into the other two.

Army of Darkness (1993)

Back when Sam Raimi was awesome, I mean he rekindled my adoration for him as a director with the second Spiderman film but the third one . . . ugh. Anywhoo, you should know the deal, but for those who don't I'll tell ya. So Bruce Campbell, with his sexy self, is an Average Joe, he's got a girlfriend, and works as one of those bored store clerks. One day he finds the Book of the Dead, ancient Sumerian stuff, cracks it open like Curious George and unleashes EBIL! His girlfriend gets killed, he boohoos, lops his hand off with a chainsaw after it gets possessed by more EBIL! and then gets sucked into a vortex and spits out into the Medieval Ages. Oh yeah, it becomes a twisted version of The Wizard of Oz except without the wittle girl, her wittle dog, her weird band of companions, and well . . . all of the other characters. See, he needs the book to return home but Bruce has terrible memory so he ends up unleashing . . . an Army of Darkness! Ah, see clever title, right? Right? Okay yeah whatevs, so that's the plot basically . . . in a nutshell.

Black humor abounds, makes you want to piss your pants, especially since Bruce knows how to wisecrack while splitting the undead open with a manic grin on his face. He's a crazy antihero that evolves into a semi-hero halfway through and it's just the funniest two hours I've ever had. Black humor films should take a page out of this masterful movie, man. It's classic.

10/fucking 10.
Despicable Me (2010)

:wacky: This movie was absolutely f*cking hilarious :x3: My face literally hurt from laughing on the way out of the theater. Everyone has to see this movie. For those who don't know, it's about a villain who gets trumped by another villain, and has to find a way to settle the score; but as part of this, he ends up adopting three crazy little girls and having to take care of them in the process. It's really, really funny. Definitely 40/10, a must-see :yay:

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I absolutely loved this and it's done the book justice. There were a few things missing that I noticed, but it's fantastic how loyal to the book it is. I particularly enjoyed seeing into Jasper and Rosalie's histories. It was pretty funny seeing the training scenes, Jasper had some of the best lines. It was a little uncomfortable with Jacob's obsession with Bella, but you eventually get over it. This film's probably better than the other two combined if you think about it. I loved the action scenes. I've been looking forward to them for ages! I watched this on a Torrent, so I'll probably watch it again soon. Top notch!

Seven pounds

Watched it for the second time, I really wanted my parents to see this. I couldn't help it but I cried again. It's just such a sad movie. Will Smith has done an awesome job in this movie, so convincing. The movie is really confusing in the beginning but in the end all puzzle pieces come together. This movie really made me think the first time I saw it and I decided to become a donor.


Although short, it was excellent. Kept me interested the whole way through, despite the fact that the trailer of the movie gave away the best scenes. Every single actor and actress played their part perfectly.

Get Him to the Greek - rated R - 9/10

I dont care what people say this movie was so funny lol and Jonah Hill and Russel Brand are just so freaking amazing lol. Also my favorite rapper P. Diddy is in it and at first i thought he would have a small part in this movie wich would have been fine but i was so happy that he was a good actor and had a big part XDDD great movie. You should not be dissappointed if you go and see this :x3: