[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 10/10

I don't care what those reviewers say, this was my favorite movie out of the series. I don't even know why it got bad reviews. I mean, I heard some crap about the scene with the savages being racist and not important to the story but, meh'. I think I'm going to go out tomorrow to get At World's End. I haven't seen that movie in years.
Couples Retreat

Uh... yeah. :wacky: It was a terrible movie. I thought it would be at least a bit funny, and having Vince Vaughn in it usually means it's going to be funny, but I didn't really laugh the entire movie. The story was just awful and didn't keep me interested for a second. I actually walked out of the room without pausing it, I just didn't care for it at all.

Let the Right One In

It's a beautiful dark foreign film about a boy and a vampire. It's Swedish. Subtitled. It's got a lovely classical soundtrack and the leads are like sixty year old people trapped in the bodies of young pre teens. But they're both so DARN CUTE! Ahem, yeah this beats Twilight by a looooooooooooong shock. It's visually haunting and pretty all at once. And I normally detest horror with every fiber of my being but this is like . . . Gothic romance or something. It's just different but in a good way. Check it out on Youtube.

Let the Right One In

It's a beautiful dark foreign film about a boy and a vampire. It's Swedish. Subtitled. It's got a lovely classical soundtrack and the leads are like sixty year old people trapped in the bodies of young pre teens. But they're both so DARN CUTE! Ahem, yeah this beats Twilight by a looooooooooooong shock. It's visually haunting and pretty all at once. And I normally detest horror with every fiber of my being but this is like . . . Gothic romance or something. It's just different but in a good way. Check it out on Youtube.


Glad you think so. It's a fantastic film =D

I just watched 10 Things I Hate About You.

Not overly my kind of movie, but I have to say that it was somewhat entertaining. I managed to watch it all so it can't be all that bad. It's just a typical High School Love drama. Not as funny as it could have been, but definately a good cast of characters.

6/10 - Not a classic but definately worth the watch if you enjoy films like that.

A pretty good film that had me wondering what the hell was going to happen all the way through, which isn't necessarily a bad thing either. It was nice to see a different plot that involves vampires. Like how it's set in 2019, like the futuristic feel to it. However, the cure to vampirism is very peculiar indeed. I believe it was brief exposure to sunlight whilst drenched in water? Either way, it was a good film. It was also interesting to see Willem Defoe as a hero, I'm so used to seeing him as the bad guy. He stole some of the best lines.

The Hot Chick

A bit of a boring film where Rachel McAdams and Rob schneider switch bodies. It is somewhat funny, but the story itself is about as dull as watching paint dry. I can't give it a high rating. Gets points for the idea though.

Queen sized

It's about a big girl who gets picked on on high school, she only has one best friend and isn't welcome on parties and stuff. Then popular girls thought it was funny to put her up as candidate for becoming homecoming queen. Maggy decides to make the best of it and tries to win the title.
I thought this movie was okay but kinda predictable. The girl who played Maggy was annoying sometimes, not too fond of that actress, the message behind the movie is good, not much more to say about this. I rate it a 6/10

I think that's it's name anyway. My copy says "Skuggspel" =/ But it's a film about a man trying to get his partners husband to sign the divorce papers but the husband makes a fool of him and scares him shitless so he seeks revenge. I thought it had an amazing ending, but a slow ending. And the same old shit all over again. It was surprisingly good seeing is it only had Jude Law and Michael Caine. No one else in the entire film. Strange, I must say. But nice to see.

Walt Disney's Tarzan

Currently addicted to disney films, been watching alot lately. Tarzan is epic always has and always will be :mokken: its not my all time favorite Disney movie, but its one i enjoy watching over and over again.

Where are the Morrigans. Its one with Sarah Jessica Parker. It was a pretty good film I liked it but there wasnt much. It took place in wymoming in the middle through the end. Was a nice love story I guess. She was supposed to be killed by that one dude but it never happened. The ending was better than having her killed so I liked it. 7/10
Once Upon a Time In Mexico.

Fantastic cast, and I don't think you could get much better than it. Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke, Willem Dafoe and....Enrique Iglesias? Probably one of my favourite films of all time and definately should be considered to be a classic in anyones movie collection

The A - Team:

Such an awesome film and IMO has one of the best openings ever made in cinema lol. The cast are fantastic and the action is nonstop. Yeah theres plenty of larks involved aswell, but Jessica Albei just doesnt seem to fit into the film well. Her scenes were boring as hell and her character jusy seemed unneeded.

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Normally not a fan of vampire films, whether it be shitty ones, or good ones. I quite like these series though. I guess it's cause it holds my attention through-out the whole film, instead of having me bored after sitting still for 30 minutes.

I like how they put this one together, probably my favourite out of the lot. Can't really say I care who Bella ends up with though, either are a nice pairing. xD I just liked the fight scenes. :8F:

Finally got to see this though.

It's A Boy Girl Thing

Pretty good film that had quite a lot of laughs. A boy and girl, who are neighbours, hate each other. They swap bodies through this mysterious statue the next morning after they visit the musuem. I found it really funny and most definitely worth the hour and a half for watching. The ending was sorta predictable, but I still enjoyed it. And oh God, that guy dancing to Black Eyed Peas at the end! That was freaking hilarious!

"The Last Airbender"

....I hope no one reads this, just knowing that I went to see this is enough to get me to cover my face in public. This movie was terrible. The story was rushed and bent out of shape like all hell. The casting was horrible. The character designs were bad for the most part; not to mention some characters--important characters--were left out and Soka wasn't even funny. Oh and acting was kinda bad, too. The effects were nice and the scenery did redeem some of the movie's epic fail. Costumes--though not really accurate with the anime--were also very nice and elaborate; and the Earth benders were pretty cool.

Jurassic Park:

This is the second time Ive watched this in the last 2 days. I adore this film, reminds me of my childhood. Was the film that helped me and my dad bond and even though its 17 years old, its still epic and truly amazing CGI and casting. Plus the music is out of this world!

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 <3

Inception is a 2 and a half hours long roller coaster ride that demands your full concentration. The story is complex in a sense that you really need to pay attention and grasp the logic in this film. It's easy to get lost in this movie, and what seems as sheer interest could turn into frustration.

I've heard from a good number of people who've not understood the plot well, because they wandered off in their heads for a short amount of time. It is CRUCIAL that you pay attention to the details.

Christopher Nolan has managed to make the audience forgive many things that are usually unforgivable in other films. One thing I had to point out is that we've established that they are able to orchestrate and infiltrate dreams. However, we've been given next to no explanation regarding the technology that allows them to do so. And it's amazing how the merits of the movie itself, managed to make me not care about the details.

This movie is clever, in more ways than one. Anything that you're ready to throw at the film, it counterattacks. I highly doubt you can predict the outcome. Any cliche plot-twist, or even plot-twist formula is thrown out of the equation.

The score was a swing and a miss with me. It seems that in this movie Hans Zimmer acted more like a sound effects expert than an actual composer. And you know what? It actually works. At times it's a little over dramatized, you get two to three characters just talking and the music is just blasting in full volume. But for the most of it, it proves effective. There are only three solid themes that stood-out, and were very impressive. But the rest of the soundtrack acted as musical ways to say "THIS IS DRAMATIC! PAY ATTENTION!! :rage:"

The cast was brilliant. The effects were remarkable and the script is solid. You walk out of that theater feeling you've got your money's worth. It's truly an inspiring experience. I usually don't give this kind of hyperbolic praise. Especially to a summer blockbuster. But Inception has earned it.

9/10 well done Nolan and team, well done.
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Movie: Dinosaur

After many years, I decided to bring my video out again. I'd been wanting to watch the film for months! My memories of it were good. I wasn't disappointed. The movie was well carried out. The plot was simple and predictable, as many are, but well executed; the animation was impressive for the time (the backgrounds were real though); and the voice acting was perfect. And the music was breathtaking! :)

Toy Story 3

Oh God, words cannot describe how much I lurrrrrrrrrve this film now that I've finally got the chance to see it. The 3D glasses didn't make much of a difference, mind, but it was great, anyway. It was pretty packed as well, but managed to get a decent seat. The whole story was very captivating and reflects upon kids when they get older parting with their toys. Most certainly think this is the best of the trilogy. I wanna get all three films together as one when they're released. The Ken and Barbie scenes had me rofl'ing all the way through, too!


Inception is a 2 and a half hours long roller coaster ride that demands your full concentration. The story is complex in a sense that you really need to pay attention and grasp the logic in this film. It's easy to get lost in this movie, and what seems as sheer interest could turn into frustration.

I've heard from a a good number of people who've not understood the plot well, because they wandered off in their heads for a short amount of time. It is CRUCIAL that you pay attention to the details.

Christopher Nolan has managed to make the audience forgive many things that are usually unforgivable in other films. One thing I had to point out is that we've established that they are able to orchestrate and infiltrate dreams. However, we've been given next to no explanation regarding the technology that allows them to do so. And it's amazing how the merits of the movie itself, managed to make me not care about the details.

This movie is clever, in more ways than one. Anything that you're ready to throw at the film, it counterattacks. I highly doubt you can predict the outcome. Any cliche plot-twist, or even plot-twist formula is thrown out of the accusation.

The score was a swing and miss with me. It seems that in this movie Hans Zimmer acted more like a sound effects expert than an actual composer. And you know what? It actually works. At times it's a little over dramatized, you get two to three characters just talking and the music is just blasting in full volume. But for the most of it, it proves effective. There are only three solid themes that stood-out, and were very impressive. But the rest of the soundtrack acted as musical ways to say "THIS IS DRAMATIC PAY ATTENTION!! :rage:"

The cast was brilliant. The effects were remarkable and the script is solid. You walk out of that theater feeling you've got your money's worth. It's truly an inspiring experience. I usually don't give this kind of hyperbolic praise. Especially to a summer blockbuster.

9/10 well done Nolan and team, well done.

All I can say is that I totally agree with this. I saw it last night and I must say when I left the theatre I felt like...proud that I had seen this movie. It was defiantely the best film I have seen all year and possibly for a long time. I am not interested in the likes of Twilight and Shrek series films, but I think Inception was amazing.

I would give it a 9, but only because from what I can see this fil isn't available in 3D and that is surely the only way this film could have been better. That and the headache of trying to explain it to my girlfriend several times.

I do agree though, you do need to be aware of everything for the the film to make sense, and I think that could lower the score for a lot of people if they just switched off for two minutes.

Personally, I thought it was wonderful. I just pray to God they don't jhave some shit idea to make a sequel or even prequel to the story.