[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Toy Story 3

I think it's been said enough but it really is a great "threequel" officially making Toy Story one of the greatest trilogies. I did think though it was quite a bit more dramatic then the other two but it did have a very heart felt ending. It was great.

I grew up watching the Toy Story movies, I even remember the first time I saw the first Toy Story movie 15 years ago at the Scera Theatre on South State St. in Orem Utah. I was amazed back then and loved the first movie. Toy Story is a great animated series and I imagine it will probably be remembered for quite a long time.

Get Him to the Greek. 8/10

It was a very good movie, definitely hilarious. It was a tad... more vulgar than I was expecting, which was awkward for me... as I was seeing it with my mother... some of it was OVERLY sexual, but it was balanced out with the sheer hilariousness of it. The "Jeffery" scene was great, and Sean Combs was the hilight of the movie for me... I really wasn't expecting how funny he was going to be.. I guess you could say he is to GHTTG what Tom Cruise was to Tropic Thunder... he definitely stole the show in several parts.

It's not particularly good, but I quite enjoyed it in a way. Despite the fact that he only has about two facial expressions, it's good bit of casting to have Keanu Reeves in the lead role. It's blockbuster action type movie with some silly theology thrown in. But it was quite fun I thought.
Me, Myself & Irene

Such a laugh out loud film, it's a shame they don't make any films like this anymore. Basically, it's got Jim Carrey in it as Charlie, who starts to suffer from a second personality called Hank because of his closed nature. It's got plenty of laughs. Hank's a pretty funny character and I love how Carrey's able to switch backwards and forwards.

Twilight - Eclipse. (Yes i went to the midnight show) The movie wasn't as good as i expected, they did add allot of comedy. I think they tried to cram the movie into two hours, it should have been longer. Allot of the cruicial parts of the book were left out. As far as action i would say it is a great action film but lacks what it was supposed to be. 6/10
Iron Man

A pretty enjoyable film and Robert Downing Jr. does a smashing job as Tony Stark/Iron Man. There were some bits that had me confused at times, but I eventually came around to understanding them in time. Gwyneth Paltrow does a good job in her role as well, surprisingly enough. This has really made me want to see the second film now.

The Human Centipede

It was... ugh. I literally covered my eyes for a lot of it. It wasn't as gory as I imagined it would be, but it certainly was more disgusting than I imagined. And stuff like
the azn guy shitting in the girls mouth
was something I knew would happen, and would eventually come up... but pictured worse than it was. Either way it ended pretty fucked up like.

The Last Airbender out now.

I'll start out with the good.
Spoiler tags just in case!

The actors:
Jackson(Sokka), in my opinion was a great choice for him. He was funny in the movie and his attitude was very Sokka.
Nicola(Katara) was really really good. Her acting was perfect. She even sounded and looked like Katara.
Seychelle(Princess Yue) was surprisingly a great actress for this role. I really liked her.
Aasif(Admiral Zhao) was THE most PERFECT actor to play this role. He was the ultimate villian that any good movie needs.
Dev(Zuko) was epic as a Zuko. I don't think there could have been anyone more perfect to play our troubled ex-prince. His stunts and attitude made me feel like I was watching the cartoon Zuko.
Shaun Toub(Uncle Iroh) was, I think, one of the best actors in the film. He was so dead on to who Iroh really was in the show. I mean, how he acted made you completely miss the fact that he's not a cute chubby grandpa.
Noah Ringer(Aang) was a really really great action star in this film. He never ceased to look bad ass. He sounded like Aang a lot of the time.

The Plot:
It was a really great way to introduce the storyline to newcomers of the series. It wasn't confusing. It explained the parts needed and just went really well. The storyline itself is a rich, epic long run--which is hard to come by nowadays. It kept the important parts of the show and blended them to where they made as much sense as possible.
The best part of the story was the parts at the Northern Water Tribe-- it was so packed full. But the most outstanding and "WOW" part of the movie was at the ending after the A-team(nickname for Aang and co.) beat the fire nation at the water tribe. I won't say it but if you're a fan you'll definitely be wanting more!

The Music:
James Newton Howard did a fantastic job on this soundtrack. It was powerful and epic and held such a strong emotion to it all.

Sets & CGI:
I thought the sets were amazing! Absolutely stunning. They looked so lively and real. And about the CGI, my dad said we should watch it in 3D but I insisted on 2D... All I can say is, watch this movie in 3D. The CGI was beyond brilliant. It looked so real and there were tons of scenes where 3D glasses would have really made you say "wow!" as oncoming water, earth, fire, and air came at you.

Action & Fights
The action was epic. Just very fast, swift moments of tons of attacks from every element. It really got you pumped to see Aang kicking THAT much ass.

Night. did a great job on directing this movie. His views and ways of directing was a perfect fit for the storyline. His added scenes that he came up with were amazing.

And now for the bad:

Jackson(Sokka) was a bit too serious at times. Although he still kept his funny bone intact, there wasn't THAT many jokes or sarcasm.
Nicola(Katara) she was a bit too emotional at times. It seemed like she was always crying.
Noah(Aang) he was a bit stiff in the beginning and he wasn't as happy as our lively hero was in the show. We didn't get to see him truely be Aang until about 35 minutes into the movie.

The Plot:
It was really rushed in the first half of the movie. It felt like they were jumping from city to city just to hurry it all up. We didn't get to see Aang, Sokka, or Katara become friends they just automatically liked eachother and were close. There were no cute moments like penguin sledding or shots of Aang staring at Katara with wide eyes of love. We just saw them meet and carry on with the story. Also, there wasn't enough dialog.

Action & Fights:
Frankly, there wasn't enough action scenes. Don't get me wrong, when there was it was amazing but there just wasn't enough. It was really one of the biggest downers of the movie.

The Verdict:
I highly suggest seeing this movie for a fun action movie. It was a very brilliant storyline, great characters and good actors. The sets and CGI were perfect and the action scenes were epic. But because of the rushness of the beginning, stiff actors at times, and few fight scenes I'm gonna have to rate this movie a 7.5/10
Rating: 7.5/10
Waltz With Bashir
It's a first for its genre. A documentary that tells about the first Lebanon war in the mid-to-late 80s. A soldier who fought in the war has lost all memory of it, and visits his old war friends to try and piece together exactly what happened to him at that time. The big twist is that it's entirely animated, which gives it an odd sort of feel. I'm not usually one to watch documentaries, but Waltz With Bashir is fantastic. I'd highly recommend it.
Toy Story 3

I don't care how old I am I still went xD.
Today actually.
I'll honestly say, i'm glad I went. Though, it's not that great in 3D to be honest :hmmm: probably wouldn't have seen that much of a difference in 2D.
The movie was really cute, I think. I've been waiting forever for this movie x]
Jessie and Buzz :ryan: haha

Andy going away to college so sad D=

but, in the end it all worked out.

Really cute movie. =)

I agree with Rydia, ken was funny xD.
It was a stunning film. Nice story, albeit predictable at times. Loved the characters & the animals were so cool! XD Fantastic CGI.
8/10 Because I found the story predictable but I enjoyed watching it.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I don't fucking care how hated this series is, this movie was great. Most of the parts where Edward and Jacob interact were hilarious. The only gripe I have is that some of the acting can be pretty bad. Most of the scenes fit perfectly with what I imagined from the book, and this was actually the first movie in quite a while that I've seen in a theatre, so it was all the more enjoyable.

The Wolfman

I know this movie didn't actually do that well and to be honest that slightly disappointed me because I didn't think it was that bad. I thought it was a pretty cool reinterpretation of the 1941 movie. I do know it was kinda predictable and maybe people complained a bit about the wolf transition effects relying too much on CGI, but the atmosphere was great. I thought the dark foggy night added well to the mood of the movie. Overall I enjoyed it.

The Protector


It had some truly amazing fight scenes but the story was just so stupid. "I use martial arts to reclaim my elephant!" What the Hell is that about? But this film helped me to develop a man-crush on Tony Jaa. It's worth watching. Well, the fights anyway.
Avatar The Last Airbender(in 3D!! :gasp:)

I have not seen the anime and my knowledge of ATLA was zero when I was walking into that theater. And for a first impression? abhorrently abominable.

I should get what I found good about the movie out of the way first: I found the premise cool. I liked the concept of the Fire Nation and how they're all Indians....
-__- and the music was good.

The action sequences were cool at times but they all consist of giant CG riddled 'so whats?'. You can't enjoy the action scenes because you don't care about any of the characters on screen and they can't make you care.

The script was godawful. Again, I have not seen the anime, but I could still tell they jumped real fast from one event to another and kept everything so brief that you're not provided with adequate detail and not enough background for you to care. Naturally with brutal jump-editing, one can't help but feel they've left many important things out.

What is it with the actors in this movie? I can't believe an American made film has actors that sound like generic low quality anime voice actors, I didn't know such a thing was possible let alone executable. Even the dialogue sounds like it was originally written in some other language and was fan-translated: "Is there a holy place where I can meditate?" "There is such a place. It's a very holy place. This city was built around this place". Horrendous.

I have not seen fail of this magnitude since Eragon...okay, not as bad as Eragon, but close.

I am truly sorry for fans of the anime, I'm going to get my hands on it soon so I could wash away this fail cold soup of epic fail in my mouth.

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walked into airbender 3d and walked right back out when i saw the horrible acting and the indian kid that i cant take serious and into Twilight. Twilight was an awesome movie, emotions were running strong and the battle scene was awesome. eclipse= 9/10 airbender= horrible movie.
Watched Last Airbender (which was amaaazing) and then after that was done, I noticed that a screening of Eclipse was starting so I sneaked in. Eclipse was alright, kinda corny but the fight was awesome.
The Final Destination

The fourth in the series and possibly worst. The first two connected with each other which was alright, and the third (only saw it once I think) was passable... but the fourth was just atrocious. It was a meager attempt at a jumpy movie with some gore inserted here and there. It made me cringe at some points (only because I hate blood) but made my guy laugh his tits off at a chick who got impaled by a rock.

It jumped around too much with barely any time between deaths, and the 'premonitions' were quite lame... also with barely any time for explanation.

The A- Team

I loved the movie. It was just so badass XD. Murdock and B.A. were my fave xD

I know it was based on the tv show and tbh, the actors look similar toward one abother XD. Now I haven't really seen the show so, I can't compare

Anyways, I loved the action and the twist and turns of the movie. I was very entertained and I loved the movie x] Just a fantastic movie start to finish.
