[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

The last movie I watched in a theater was Harold & Kumar's 3D Christmas. As usual, the 3D was gimmicky, but the movie itself was the funniest Christmas movie I've seen. It even has a surprising amount of sardonic/witty social commentary.

The last movie I watched at home was Trans-Siberian Orchestra's The Ghosts of Christmas Eve. If that doesn't count, then it was a re-watching of Crash, which, while not on my top 10 movies, would probably be #11. Easily the most underrated Best Picture winner of all, and I'd probably call it the next most emotionally hard-hitting winner after Schindler's List and Slumdog Millionaire.

not particularly ground-breaking in terms of plot or anything, though the twist did catch me off guard, but its been done before. it was very stylishly made though, and used music and the surroundings very well.
i'm not sure about setting it all over the world though. it didn't seem to make any sense why they took her to morocco. it could have been done just as well if it was all in america. i also noticed during the scene when she's in bed with her friend, they were looking each other in the face, but were both laying on their left side.

I am shocked I've never seen this movie before, it was very interesting and kept me on my toes through almost all of it. Liam Neeson was very good at playing a sad old man and made me feel very sorry for him until I saw how badass he could be. There was one particular part that annoyed me because I felt it was very out of character but I wont mention it because it will spoil plot stuff for those who have not seen it. But other than that one tiny thing the movie was great, I'll probably watch it again with friends.

Carlito's Way.

My buddy told me how good this was so I got curious and decided to watch it, it stars Al Pacino and Sean Penn and is a gangsta movie about a retired old gangsta trying to straighten his life out but his past reputation keeps ruining it for him. It's a really great film, I enjoyed it a lot! The first fight scene you see is a little bit shite though haha because of the effects but what can you expect from an oldish movie :hmmm:
The Help

I loooooooooooove this movie :gonk: ...I was uncertain about buying it because I've heard from many other people that there is a lot in the book that is left out from the movie...which is actually very true. However, the film version is so well-acted that you really fall in love with the stories of the women in it. Some parts of it are so heart-breaking, I think I cried about 4 times watching it. The end of course, leaves you wanting more movie, but if you are really wanting closure...you should really read the book.

I really love this. This is probably one of my favorite movies now.


I'm watching this right now. The beginning I really couldn't get into. It was a bit all over the place. Now however, I'm starting to like it. The special effects are amazing and the parts are really well acted. Leo is alright to watch, but other than that this is just an alright movie to me. Not one of my favorites.
I also watched some of Ferris Butcher's Day Out last night, which was pretty good. :)

Did you mean Ferris Bueller's Day Off? I've never heard of Ferris Butcher's Day Out. :wacky:

Movie: Priest

Rating: M

It was pretty good.

Another vampire movie but it was still an awesome movie.

The ending leaves you thinking that there will possibly be a sequel too.

It's not something I would go "OMG I can't wait for the sequel to come out." But it was still a good watch.

Score: 10/10

(500) days of summer
i'd been wanting to see it for a coupl of years now but never managed to. i usually forgot all about it when i was buying dvd's :hmmm: the story isn't exactly anything new or out of the ordinary for a film like that; boy meets girl, they have a relationship, they break up, he learns that there are other things in life. but the way it's told was brilliant i thought. i've seen that kind of film too many times for the ending to have the beautiful heart warming effect that's intended but i still really enjoyed it. it had a brilliant soundtrack that helped with the story telling, i think it may have become my favourite film soundtrack. better than scott pilgrim even :hmmm:
mhm aha.
The last movie I watched is the greatest Christmas movie of all time.
Alan Rickman is fantastic in it and easily the best thing about it. Bruce Willis is quite good too, but he's no Rickman.
Real Steel

A movie about a boxing champ who now boxes with robots, he's some jackarse with a chip on his shoulder played by Hugh Jackman, he has a kid which he sells for $50K to his wife and her BF but has to keep the kid over the holidays or something, he then uses the money to get a Robot and things go from there.

It was a very lame feel good movie and I hated it to pieces. It was lame in every way...the kid... I wanted to punch his face in same with Hugh's. The graphics were good I guess but that was the only redeeming quality.
War Horse

Its like a cross between Hidalgo and Saving Private Ryan.

Pretty awesome~ Its only january, but I'm calling it. This movie will win awards in 2012. :ohshit: Its much better than War of the Worlds and recent films Spielberg producd, imo. Maybe Spielberg has gotten his second wind & his mojo is returning.
Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game Of Shadows

I watched this last night on cinema and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It's hard to follow at times, but as the movie goes on, the smallest details start to make sense. Solid plot. Great casting and acting. The soundtrack played around the movie's theme song and it gets repetitive sometimes, but it's still good. Screenplay was amazing.

...I can't wait for the next one. :gonk:
War Horse

Its like a cross between Hidalgo and Saving Private Ryan.

Pretty awesome~ Its only january, but I'm calling it. This movie will win awards in 2012. :ohshit: Its much better than War of the Worlds and recent films Spielberg producd, imo. Maybe Spielberg has gotten his second wind & his mojo is returning.
super 8, true grit (oscar nominated last year), the pacific and the lovely bones were all produced by spielberg in the last few years. his second wind began a long time ago.

i saw the girl with the dragon tattoo last night. i haven't read the books so i don't know how it holds up as an adaptation, but i really enjoyed it. like a good david fincher film it was dark and gritty and i think it definitely needed a director like that.
i thought rooney mara was absolutely phenomenal as lisbeth, it was one of the best performances i've seen in a film for a long time. it'll be a definite snub if she doesn't receive awards for it.
Lol Kandy... you rate every movie 10/10 :wacky:


Loooved this movie!! Ewan McGregor is so dreamy in it even if he is a junkie and he does the Scottish accent so well! :inlove:

The movie is pretty much about a bunch of guys who take heroin and all the dumb stuff they get into. It's a bit disturbing at times, I was cringing a lot but I really enjoyed it. Sometimes I did find the accents to be a little hard to understand.

Begbie is an awesome character as well.


A movie about one of Australia's most notorious criminals. He's a crazy mother fucker, who got sent to jail for kidnapping a judge amongst other things, while in jail he randomly stabs some guy in the eye which turns everyone against him, even his friends who end up shivving him (which makes for a really great scene). The rest of the movie just goes on about what happens from there and how he 'helps the cops' to keep himself safe.

I really enjoyed it, Eric Bana played a great Chopper, I can't imagine anyone else doing it but him.

It was an honest mistake you cunt :rage:
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They took Heroin, heroine is the female version of hero, I don't know much about junkies in Edinburgh, but I don't think they inject themselves with Lara Croft or Clarice Starling or with Ellen Ripley.

Ah yeds.
The last movie I saw was Senna. It was the best movie that I watched last year, though I did not see too many. It's a documentry about Ayrton Senna. I couldn't care less about F1, but it was still fascinating. It was very moving, everyone knows how it was going to end and I almost stopped it so I didn't have to watch it, but I did. I felt extremely sad. It's the story of one man's life, I don't know how it has been overlooked for the Oscars, the people in charge of selecting which films are nominated must have snorted so much cocaine that their eyes exploded and just chose random movies.
It is one of my favourite films of all time.
mhm aha.
Arrietty, by Ghibli.


I've heard a lot of good things about this film - people love the story and the animation. Certainly, the animation is impressive and as beautiful as any Ghibli film. However, I wasn't impressed by the story. :( I was expecting something more relationship-focussed, with the young boy and Arrietty becoming good friends. The young boy and Arrietty didn't spend that much time together at all, bar a short conversation in which he tells her that her species are doomed. :hmmm: He saved her a couple of times, yes, but I didn't find the development of their relationship very convincing. Why did they come to care for one another so deeply? Because neither of them had any other friends, it seemed, though this point wasn't stressed.

I watched the entire film in English but the voice actor for the young boy didn't really do a good job. :ness:
Red Riding Hood

I got this just to watch for fun on my netflix list. It was alright. I'm sure you all know what the plot is about :wacky: They just put some real life twists on the classic story, and inserted some sensual moments, a cgi semi-creepy wolf, and a bit of a sad love story. Amanda Seyfried was so pretty in this, it's a shame they couldn't have put some better looking guys in this movie with her :hmph:

I liked it, but I wouldn't ever end up buying it.

Kill the Irishman

SOOOo good. The casting director did a good fucking job, I must say. I didn't even know who Ray Stevenson was before this movie, but I fuckin liked him a lot.

Look, the movie was good. But who cares? Is what I say to that. If a movie has boring characters, I can't care too much about it. But this one didn't have boring characters. This one actually had interesting characters. It even had a few interesting female characters! Awesome. That never happens in movies because writers are retarded. But yeah. I recommend it to anyone who'd be into crime dramas, I dunno. It was good! Fuck.
The Help

I don't usually like movies like this, the touchy feel-y kind, but omg :sad2: this movie was so good. It was so sad but happy at the same time, I fell in love with all the characters (besides the bitches) Emma Stone was so lovely but the actors who played Mini and Ava - the help - were the best. It almost made me shed a tear and I've never cried in a movie before or even come close!

I loved it to pieces and it's definitely one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I was almost ready to ride it off and not bother with it but i am glad i did :grin:
I definitely recommend it.

One of the weirdest and most disgusting movies I've seen in my entire lyfe, if not the weirdest and most disgusting. I can't think of anything that left me feeling soiled or wishing I had a time machine to travel back in time to prevent myself from seeing it.

Its basically about horny high school kids who stumble across a decently hot looking femme zombie and are tempted to have non-consensual sex with it.

I'm going to pretend I never saw it, now. :ohshit: