[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Fight Club

I've already seen it a few times but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. I'm sure some people would say that the movie is less enjoyable once you know the twist but I don't think this is the case at all.

The good thing about this movie is that it has a great twist but it doesn't rely on it. It even throws some blatant hints and foreshadowing which make me wonder why the twist even caught me off guard the first time (mind you the first time I watched this, I would have been about 13). The film is littered with really interesting ideas and themes as well as subtle humor. All of which make it interesting to re-watch. This film is still one of my favorite movies EVERRR!
rec 2
i rewatched them both in one sitting. it's a decent sequel, and i like that they tried a different spin on the whole zombie apocalypse. i think this kind of almost guerilla-esque style of making a film is risky and it can go terribly wrong if not properly planned, but with this they managed to do it well twice. it's definitely helped by being contained in the one apartment building. i think a third will be very difficult to make.
Kill Bill vol 1.

I ended up watching this again last night. I really wanted to watch the Video game awards but I must've gotten my dates messed up so it was Kill Bill that was really on Spike. They killed it with commercials every 5 minutes though so I ended up putting the dvd in :wacky: Uma Thurman acted her part really well, but I think my favorite part was played by one of the villians, who was played by Lucy Liu. Her back story was really sad...so you can kindof understand why she turned out to be the person that she was. The best part is she's so sweet and innocent looking and you could never picture her being the uber biatch that she was :lew:

The martial arts in this are modernized but make this really fun to watch. You can easily bond emotionally with the lead character because she ended up surviving to get revenge after what was pretty much miraculous circumstances. The only part I originally didn't car for was the excessive blood they have in it...and the weird comic scenes. But, over a few watches I just laugh when I see them now. Really good film 8/10.
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
This was...pretty good, actually. I despised the protagonist, but then, I think I was supposed to. He was almost as annoying as Hope. Almost. I quite liked the other characters though (although I think Misato might be a bit of a pedobear...) and the story wasn't overly complicated - a complaint I've heard about the series, amongst others - and seemed to fit quite well into a movie format, and the mythology references were nice. Plus the designs of angels are of Cavia-level insanity. Fantastic. The soundtrack was also excellent. I've been putting off watching Evangelion for a while now; it was awfully nice of the Japanese to rebuild it with nicer animation and condense it into movie format so I don't have to :yay:
Casanova (2005)

It wasn't at all what I was expecting the movie to be. I thought it would be about a guy who goes around town seducing women for the whole 2 hours, but I was wrong. It was quite nice, I enjoyed it. All of the plot twists were unexpected. I loved the dialogue and screenplay. :hmmm: Props to Heath Ledger, he did a good job as the lead. :britt:

Movie: The Little Rascals

Rating: G

I loved this movie as a kid.

Darla was just so cute. XD

They played their roles really well and I liked that I got to watch it again and understand things I may have missed as a child.

Good movie. :ryan:

Score: 10/10
The Dark Knight

Seeing as I'd never been interested in Christopher Nolan's movies until I saw Inception, or his Batman movies till recently, I never got around to watching them in full. I watched Batman Begins two nights ago, and watched this yesterday afternoon. It was pretty good. I'd say I enjoyed some parts of Begins more (especially because Katie Holmes was much better looking than her replacement), but overall it was quite good. I'm still no fan of Heath Ledger's Joker, though. When he actually laughs, it's good, but the rest of the time I didn't like him. He was a good character, but didn't fit the Joker that I've come to know (Mark Hamill is the best). But it fit the movie's theme more than a much sillier Joker would've been, and complimented it nicely. I can't wait to see how they've adapted Bane into the Dark Knight Rises, so I'll be seeing that next July :grin:

i didn't hear about it until a month or so ago, mostly because it was barely publicised at all which is a shame because it deserves a lot of recognition. as it's a martin scorsese film, it's quite long, but is worth sitting through. it had a beautifully touching story, and the smaller stories of the more minor characters helped to break it up nicely and add the little touch of comedy that it needed to be a great film.

i hope it starts getting more recognition because it's one of the best films i've seen this year.
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance

Hmmm...I have to say, I enjoyed the first one a lot more than I did this one. The story was more structured, and it was just more exciting. It just seemed to flow a lot better. I expect in the context of the overall story this is a good film, but I've not seen the last two films yet, and this one has left me out in the cold a bit as a result. It just seems to be a bit aimless, really.

...but the cast in this one was so, SO much better. Surprisingly, I think I prefer Mari to Asuka, but only because Mari has a foul mouth that makes her genuinely entertaining to watch. I am extremely glad Asuka is coming back in 3.0, though...I don't like how such a big deal was made of her, and then she was just brushed casually aside. Still don't care much for Shinji or Rei. Misato is now even more of a predator for having two minors in her flat. Ehhh.

Weirdass movie. And all along it had me thinking the wrong thing. Pretty good movie, though the second one was a tad ... I dunno... confusing, and the ending was very annoying. :ffs: I guess I don't like the semi-good dying, if that's what they even were. o_o

Cube II: Hypercube

Confusing, all I got was that it was/is about some sort of company that's apparantly very badass and evil. o_O I'm gonna watch the third one tonight, and see if it will all come to me and make sense by then. :wacky: Let's hope so.

6,5/10 for both.
The Hangover Part II

Same format as the first one: the wolfpack get drunk, don't remember anything, one of them goes missing, and they arrive just in time for the wedding. With that said, I fucking love it. The humor stayed, and fuck yes, Mike Tyson made a cameo apperance. Plus, Zack whatshisface made the movie his bitch. He such a dumbass(at least the character he plays), being such a clueless fat dude with a retarded kid's mindset. I can only imagine what's gonna go on in the third one. :lew:

Jane Eyre (2011)

I wasn't aware that there was a recently filmed Jane Eyre movie. I came across this at a store two days ago, and I bought it. I found the director's interpretation dark and fierce, which I enjoyed. The acting and setting were fantastic. The music could be better, but that may just be because I recently watched Pride and Prejudice (2005) again which led me to expect music as great as Dario Marianelli's.

My only negative comment is that the chemistry between Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender wasn't...strong. They had scenes I felt were lacking in emotion and bored me, there were some that creeped me out, and those I felt weren't needed. Still, there were a few that were quite good and sent my heart racing.

But even so, I liked it enough to watch it again tonight before I turn in. :ryan:
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

I did actually quite enjoy it, though I am not the biggest star wars fan as I have had little to do with it - my parents never got me too into it. I watched the prequels which I didn't like as much as the main ones - I do like this one: It's amazing what they have done with special effects considering it was made like forever ago. :)
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides

Rating: M

My God I did not think I was going to like this very much with Penelope Cruz in it, but she actually wasn't all that bad and didn't ruin the movie as much as I thought she would.

I am so craving the next movie after that ending now!

I so want to see more of Philip and Syrena! :gasp:

Score: 10/10
Sherlock Holmes 2 (forgot the official title, sorry)
I must say this is a pretty decent movie. Robert D JR is amazing in every way, quite a looker too. :D
Jude Law was good also; I enjoyed the parts with him in the most. I recommend anyone who likes the idea of it or has seen and enjoyed the first go see it. <3
Cars 2

I think this was much more of a kids movie than the first. It was well done, though. That's what I like about Pixar. They've never had a box office flop. Everything they do is quality work, even their sequels.
Men in Black (from about half an hour in) and a little of Borat.

Both were on tv last night and I hadn't seen either before. Men in Black was pretty cliche, but had some good moments that hit the right notes. Will Smith was fantastic, as ever. I had no idea that there were aliens in it. :blink: Borat was a lot better than I had expected. Chris and I kept discussing how most of it was probably a set up and tried to detect any scenes which might have been real. :lew:
Movie: Saved

Rating: M

This is so funny. XD

It's basically about a Christian school and how they send kids away that turn out to be gay, pregnant etc to this Mercy House.

The main girl in the movie's boyfriend says to her during the Summer that he thinks he's gay and so she has sex with him to try and "cure him." His parents end up sending him away to the Mercy house and she finds out she's pregnant and has a bunch of Christian girls (who used to be her friends) harassing her all year pretty much.

Mandi Moore is in it too. She does well as the head psycho Christian girl. XD

It's nice how it all comes together in the end though. <3

Score: 10/10
I went to my friend K's for New Year and we watched her favourite movie, 'But I'm a Cheerleader.' It was actually pretty good!

The story's about a cheerleader who's not interested in her boyfriend and has pictures of women in her locker, which lead her parents to believe she's a lesbian. Subsequently, to 'save her,' they send her to a sort of camp which is meant to 'straighten' homosexual teens out. There she meets several other teens who are also being given this 'therapy.' She falls in love with another girl and ergo discovers that she IS a lesbian. At first, she decides to stick to the program to become 'normal,' but soon discovers that it's best not to deny who you are because you will always be that person. By the end of the movie, the protagonist has basically pledged her undying love, in front of everyone, after having being disowned by her parents, and she and the girl live happily ever after. The moral is 'be yourself.' :)

It was different. :P

I also watched some of Ferris Butcher's Day Out last night, which was pretty good. :)