[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Battleship (2012)

Its one of those movies where the first half is spent providing exposition on how much "potential" a character has and how they're something of a miserable failure despite this. The second half is supposed to portray them winning big when it matters & you're supposed to cheer for them, etc.

Some of the effects and action sequences were cool. :wacky:
The Avengers (2012)

Rating: A+
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, & Mark Ruffalo
Pros: + Superb casting choices, particularly for Thor and Loki.
+ RDJ and Mr. Ruffalo had some really memorable one-liners. Some of my personal favorites were: "That's my secret Cap, I'm always angry," I thought this was perfect and really summed up Doctor Banner's struggle with maintaining the dual personalities of his human self and his rage-induced mutated self. Oh and ... "Phil! Come in." "Uh Phil? His first name is Agent."
+ Really well-written script.
+ Great action sequences, honestly got me super pumped up.
+ Wonderful little spoiler at the end of ...
Thanos and The Other smiling down at planet Earth.

Cons: - Hawkeye should have had more screen time IMO.
- The movie was too short and I demand a sequel. Honestly it was THAT good to me. I was pleasantly surprised and super psyched and my friends didn't disappoint me by highly recommending it. if you're an action movie buff like moi and you're into comic book superheroes like moi as well than do yourself a favor and watch this movie. Watch it in the theatre or rent it on DVD it is SO worth your money and time and love. Just watch it.
I've seen a few movies recently. :hmmm:

The Avengers, which was absolutely fantastic. :cheer:
  • The story was very interesting and I very much liked the links to Norse Mythology
  • The script was well written. Some of the lines were incredibly witty.
  • The characters were all interesting - I NEED to see Hulk - and well cast. Robert Downey Jr. is always fantastic, though. ;)
  • The action scenes were superb. Fast paced, exciting and varied. :)

Last week, I also made my way through the first three American Pie movies for the first time! :O I was really reluctant to watch them when I was younger - they were a bit outrageous for me, I guess :lew: - but thankfully I'm not overly serious anymore. :ryan: The first one was certainly the funniest, but the entire trilogy was hilarious. I need to see more comedy. :wacky: The characters - apart from Stifler - were all very likeable and easy to identify with too.
moonrise kingdom

wes anderson's new comedy. i haven't seen a great amount of his other stuff, and i've heard that this is about as wes anderson as it gets. it was a really nice coming of age style film about two kids who run away together because they're in love. it was really intelligently made, and beautifully stlyish. it will never be as big as it deserves, because it's a little too indie for major mainstream cinema, but as many people as possible should watch it.
Snow White & The Huntsman. I'd give this about 7/10. Kristen Stewart was the only let down for me... Although her acting was better than in any of The Twilight Saga. I loved the Queen and the background she had been given, but I wished I could of seen more of it. Chris Hemsworth was good as the Huntsman too (although eye candy wise he is better as Thor ;) such a girl, I am).

It got a tad irritating at points, (the enchanted forest bit with the dwarfs seemed to go on forever to me) but I suppose that's the directors/producers trying to stay in line with the 'fairytale enchantment' themes.

That's all that's negative to me on the whole movie. But yeah, it was enjoyable, so about a 7/10.
the damned united

the story about brian clough's time in charge of leeds united. i thought it was absolutely brilliant. the cast were all incredible - especially michael sheen as clough and timothy spall as peter taylor. it really felt like a british film, and it's aimed at a bit of a niche market, but i really do think everyone should see it because it's a fantastic piece of cinema.
Snow White & The Huntsman. I'd give this about 7/10. Kristen Stewart was the only let down for me... Although her acting was better than in any of The Twilight Saga. I loved the Queen and the background she had been given, but I wished I could of seen more of it. Chris Hemsworth was good as the Huntsman too (although eye candy wise he is better as Thor ;) such a girl, I am).

It got a tad irritating at points, (the enchanted forest bit with the dwarfs seemed to go on forever to me) but I suppose that's the directors/producers trying to stay in line with the 'fairytale enchantment' themes.

That's all that's negative to me on the whole movie. But yeah, it was enjoyable, so about a 7/10.

I actually liked Kristen in this movie. The scene where she's giving her speach after being awakened by The Huntsman gave me a Joan of Arc feel to it. The battle scene following reinforced that fought for me.

You're spot on with the rating, though. I came into the moving expecting the worst, but was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. Also, I hear they're making a Huntsman origin movie. I seen Chris hinted around to it in an interview a few weeks ago.

As far as the last movie I've seen - Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies. If you're into horrible acting and cheesy B-movies then I'd suggest to watch it.

Assassin's Creed: Embers

Its a short CGI movie portraying Ezio in his old age. It may sound boring, but I thought it was good.

Gantz: Perfect Answer
The sequel to the first Gantz(manga) live action. I wasn't really feeling it, but it was decent. Reminds me, I still need to see the Death Note live action, bah.

Superman vs The Elites
Its like a prison vs capital punishment debate where Superman has his traditional values and beliefs questioned. Eh, don't know what to think about it...

The Divide
Its about a nuclear holocaust where people are trapped in a basement. They try to wait out the radiation. Different sides of human nature emerge. Its dark and primal nature-ish. Its good in terms of originality, story and ambition. But, it is depressing and troubling to think on how desperate circumstances bring out the worst in people.
chernobyl diaries

i really hoped for a little more from it. i thought the setting was absolutely perfect for a creepy horror film, and it wouldn't need to be original or anything. sadly, they didn't use the location well enough. i don't know if it's just me, but ghost towns are really creepy, and pripyat is probably the creepiest. they had so many opportunities to do the old someone is watching from the buildings ploy, but never did. they could have had some absolutely stunning cinematography in a place like that, but never did. it just felt like a lazy film, and of course is predictably predictable.
Hot Fuzz, for the first time. It was a lot better than I had expected! I've always been a fan of Simon Pegg (even though I haven't seen a large number of his movies).

I absolutely loved the quirkiness of Hot Fuzz, and the mysterious story! The plot developed quite nicely; and ended on an unexpected note. :ryan: I was truly uncertain what would happen as I watched it, waiting to discover the truth. The characters were all fantastic and I liked the fact each had his/her own motives, despite them being somewhat ridiculous (but that's part of what made it quite fun).

8/10! :cheer:
The Book Of Eli

At first, I didn't think much of the movie. It went on the cinemas I don't even know when, and some of my friends told me it was worth watching. Today, my good ol' friend and his girlfriend couldn't believe I hadn't, so they made me watch it with them. :wacky: I was sucked right in. Great plot paired with amazing cinematography. It sticks to you :rage: I love it. I can't even write a proper critique, I just keep going 'omgomg it was so fantastic' :gonk:
Magic Mike.

The plot was shit. But I don't know any woman in her right mind who went to see that movie for the plot.....it was all eye candy. And boy, did it have a lot of that. Long story short: I loved it. :woot: And so did my 60 something year old aunt (she went on a separate occasion, not with me. That would be weird), my 30 something year old cousin, and my friends who are college and high school aged. Basically it's a movie for women of all ages, and some men, can enjoy. ;))

Channing Tatum shirtless...... :inlove:
City of God

So I finally watched this after saying i would for ages. I've had the DVD for a couple of weeks but was told not to watch it until I was in the mood for a DVD. So tonight, I had nothing else to do and felt like a DVD, I popped it into the PS3 and got started.

Right from the start I could tell the movie would be good! The camera work was absolutely amazing :| it was just a scene with a chicken but they made it so intense hahahaha then you got introduced to each character and their stories and ugh it was just amazing and so in depth. I love movies that really get into the characters like this one did, rather than just focusing on the story, leaving everything else behind.

It was a really brutal movie too. I found myself cringing at a lot of parts...just knowing there are countries and places out there that are actually like this is scary. Also the main character is really great, so is Benny, the 'cool hoodlum' :wacky:

I can't really say much else other than it's an amazing movie and I am really glad I have seen it.
Thank you buddy @Big Casino for recommending it to me! ;))

This movie was pretty good. I had heard so much about it from a bunch of my girlier friends, and they said it was hilarious. So I expected another sappy chick flick that happened to be super funny. And it wasn't at all like that. I normally hate hate hate chick flicks, but this one didn't feel as much of a chick flick to me. However, it also wasn't as funny. There were a few parts where I did genuinely laugh, like in the store when she yelled at the teenage girl and said "WELL YOU'RE A CUNT!" lmao that was great. But it wasn't ultra sappy like most chick flicks are.

Some parts were just nasty though, like when they got food poisoning so the fat one starts shitting in the sink. Um...yuck. Also the typical ending where the villain becomes good and now we like her yayaya.

But it was good. It wasn't all sappy, and it had some pretty funny moments. So yeahh.
The Amazing Spider Man.


I preferred it to the earlier Spider Man movie from the OO's. I do wonder if they will add Spider Man to an Avengers sequel.
The Truman Show

This movie was so good :rage: At first you just keep saying things like What? That's weird. I don't get it! But geez this was just so good! It tugged at your heartstrings and talk about original! (Although there was a British tv show apparently a bit similar before this) But it has a very clever and interesting plot. I think everyone should watch this movie. :mokken: I didn't know that that was where the Jim Carrey face is from.

The movie had a very good metaphor, and was just so interesting. Even though it wasn't a comedy, I was just laughing my head off at parts. (Like when the dude is watching in the bath tub and starts splashing lmao :lew:)

So yes it's a very good movie and everyone must go see it right now if they haven't :monocle:
The Dark Knight Rises:

It was great, not as awesome as the Dark Knight especially because it's missing the Heath Ledger/Joker element, but overall it was worth spending your money and time waiting at the line. I can't go into details because I know some people have not seen TDK Rises yet.

Overall the movie has both it's trademark amount of action (with the gunfights, and the chasing and the cool high-tech stuff Batman has) and the drama of the Dark Knight as we last saw him after the
death of Harvey Dent
at TDK.

Unfortunately the movie goes into a downward spiral of drama for a good chunk of the movie just to come back with a bang at the end. Definitely a-must see-movie, the only thing that the TDK Rises is missing is The Joker/Heath Ledger. If one thing made its predecessor amazing, was the great (and creepy) iconic acting of Heath Ledger. Hell after the TDK we had a massive Joker spree with people all over the world wanting to go to most Halloween parties dressed-up as the Joker...
Summer Wars and The Dark Knight Rises.

Summer Wars receives a spectacular 10/10 for being original, well-written, exciting and beautifully animated! The blend between real life and sci-fi was perfect and credible enough! The character development was superb! The cast itself made for some excellent humour - a quirky family, each with their own foybles, but devoted to one another. I absolutely LOVED Granny! She was somewhat badass. :lew: It certainly does rival the works of Ghibli! :)

The Dark Knight Rises was also very good, but less original than the first Dark Knight. I hate to oversimplify it, but at its core, it was another movie about a superhero who has to overcome inner demons before he saves the world - and he succeeds. Anne Hathaway was utterly impressive as Cat Woman and Christian Bale did an excellent job of Batman once again! The two were compelling to watch. :grin: The pacing was fantastic and the action scenes were well balanced against the rest of the drama. Methinks I shall give it a 7/10... Apologies to those who absolutely LOVED it! >.<