[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I am currently playing through Final Fantasy VII of the PSP and Final Fantasy IV on my DS. I am on the last disc of Final Fantasy VII - trying to complete it all for the second time. While with Final Fantasy IV I am going through it as per normal when I am not obsessing over my Priest on WoW. *such a time killer*
Well I'm buying a new PS2 because well I'm going to replay Final Fantasy X again, I want to play it badly, have to max everything.

I still play Crisis Core on the PSP but only because of the missions.
So I finally got FFX-2 (which I supposed to play alongside FFIII... but I already finished FFIII, FFIV, FFXII:RW). As I completed FFXII:RW, I move to the next DS game: FFTA2.

So I playing : FFX-2 and FFTA2
Final Fantasy Crisis Core. Just got to Nibelheim after messing around with the missions to get all the DMW spaces filled. It feels really good when you put lots of new materia on Zack to level them and you get Moogle Power level 5. =P
Im currently doing an LLNM run on FF7, I lost my PSP and want to play Crisis Core :'(
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VII again. It's been years since I haven't played it, so I will enjoy playing the game once again on my labtop.
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Since I finally got 3 weeks off from the university summer term, I decided to replay some of my favorites. I went through VI, VIII, X (funny thing about this one.. I liked it after my first playthrough but now I actually don't. Maybe I grew out of this one, but I digress..) and finally I'm at XII.

lol, I just realized I've been playing the even numbered FF's only so far.
I tried booting up VII after I finished X but those blocky looking character models hurt my eyes. It's tough going back to horrible graphics, guess I should've stuck with the order in which they were made..
I'm currently in the middle of playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates. Once I'm done that, I'll get to playing Echoes of Time. I love the customizable items and how the characters actually change when they're equipped. :)
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final fantasy x
i just beat crisis core and recently bought ff x and ff xi because i think they are the more interesting ones besides vii which i also have. i never really played a game like ff that involved romance besides crisis core which seemed to be really sad, so i think ff x would be the most interesting one i have so far
i'm going thru final fantasy ix for the like the hundreth time. i'm trying to get all the shit from the side quests and all that.

in final fantasy x i'm fighting Yunalesca. it's my second time playing thru it and for some reason i can't beat her this time :x

i got to the fourth disc in final fantasy viii but i just quit playing randomely

i think that's about it =P

I was playing FFIII (DS)...until I had a (random) incident where the game just froze on me when it was in scene transistion -_- Bleh.
So I've switched over to FFIV (DS) instead :P
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XII, and I'm stuck on the battle with Cid. I think I'm too under-level to win...I'm also playing FF III, but I just started that one, so I'm not that far yet!
Just got FFXII .. after FFIX I couldn't take any more wacky FF... sorry buts its true... FFVIII wasn't my favorite either... ugh and don't get me started on FFX.... I really considered flying to japan and blowing up all of Squaresoft(enix) after playing it for like... 10 hours..

FF tactics was one of the best cause of its mature story line not really seen in most FF games... (Please no more children story lines!!! Most RPG gamers can handle graphic scenes and intense stroy!)...(oh and no more MMORPGs either...)

All the legacy games are great but I need new games too(is it all to much to ask?)

FFXII so far is fun and very little moments where I fell like I need to ignore as kidish...in fact I cant think of any.

FFVII kicked ass too cause it had several opinions on the whole Mako thing (was it evil.. or did it provide for the people?)When Avalanche decided to destroy the reactor the first thing I thought of was anyone else inside? Was it worth the loss of innocence? I assumed they would never address it. Then Cait Sith(I named him Rice.. dont ask me why)
Confronted Baret about it later in the game. He said something along the lines of, you say it was a necessary sacrifice.."but to them it was everything.." THATS WHY THE GAME KICKED ASS it addressed us gamers as adults! not wacky little fools...
:holyshit: I guess I got carried away heh.
At the moment Im playing FFVII I love it, its the best FF I have played, its my favorite game ! I Love the story to it! :)
Finally finished FFX-2, so I am back to finish the last "main" FFs I have left: FFV, FFVI.
So I'll start with FFV. And I still playing FFTA2.
I am playing Final Fantasy IX right now. I own all of the games from SNES to the playstations, sorry no hand held games. And I try to get around to playing them every year in order. FFIX has a great story and characters too, the music is awsome and the graphics are great, for and PS1 game. I like to hurry through the others to get to this one, I start in January from #1 and for some reason I always endup playing it during the summer. I take my time and enjoy it, but I always try to beat my old times.
new things can always be learnt.

I've played a lot of games this year but I just switched to FFX-2. I somehow can ignore the story plot cheerleading attitudes and I love the battle system and accessories. I just found that you don't have to finish chapter 5 to start a new game plus. Once you've beaten the game anytime you save and soft reset you can enter new game + with everything. Made getting those enterprises a breaze. Just had to make it to chapter 2.
Playing IX at the moment, on disc 2 now, just left Madain Sari. Around level 25 with most people I think. Wishing Steiner was back in my party at the moment though, with his Auto-Reflect and Bloodsword combo. It's getting a bit tedious having Eiko, Dagger and Vivi there, not doing much damage.