[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Do you seriously prefer some X factor dude above Rage against the Machine? I'm confused. (Also, the song is much older then 2006, it's from around 1992 I think.) Rage Against The Machine is one of the only rockbands that manage to sound sincerely angry at something while screaming. Kudo's for Zack De la Rocha for that.

I'm listening to Lifelover's cd 'Konkurs'. The bandname is highly sarcastic, since the music is full of depressive lyrics and music and very dark sarcasm. The cd is very diverse, though, and features interesting soundbites like laughing children and some polka style accordeon playing. Also, the music really fits the scene around here, it's dark, snowy and grey...
Do you seriously prefer some X factor dude above Rage against the Machine? I'm confused. (Also, the song is much older then 2006, it's from around 1992 I think.) Rage Against The Machine is one of the only rockbands that manage to sound sincerely angry at something while screaming. Kudo's for Zack De la Rocha for that.

I'm not that bothered whoever wins the chart battle- but with the choice, I would much prefer having Joe McElderry up there. I know X-Factor has been terribly dominant, its monopoly on the charts persistent and strong, but if I were to compare the two competing songs, it becomes clear just how much they contrast.

Zack does scream a lot- in my opinion, I don't like that at all. I know the screaming isn't non-coherent yelling- but I have never liked that sort of thing. I would prefer Joe to get his number 1 because he deserves to. I don't care about Simon, Cheryl and the X-Factor corporates. It's Joe who put the hard work in winning. He sings brilliantly in The Climb and it really showcases his talents, unlike his competitor.

But that's my opinion. Joe's The Climb is what I'm listening to :ryan:
Of All We've Known, by Just Surrender.


I dunno. I really like this song. The lyrics are pretty amazing, sounds like it has a heavy message to it. Loving the music itself too.

I'm pretty new to this band. Was searching for new bands, and this one came up. So far, I like them. :D

edit: whoops, to slow, this is in reaction to .Swift's post. :)

I don't live in the USA/UK (or wherever this version of this show is on air...) so I don't know much about the charts, I was just commenting on the song vs. song discussion in general. I don't even follow the charts in my country either. I prefer to listen to music that I like, not music the deejays or other people like.

I was curious about this Joe guy however, and googled the song. The song is just as I predicted it would be. Not a type of song that I like and his singing isn't bad, but it isn't brilliant either.
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I don't live in the USA/UK (or wherever this version of this show is on air...) so I don't know much about the charts, I was just commenting on the song vs. song discussion in general. I don't even follow the charts in my country either.

That's alright. I didn't spot that you're in the Netherlands. Hopefully my last post didn't sound too harsh.

Gabriella Cilmi- Warm This Winter

Her take on the song last year is now back in my playlist now that winter is here. It's a short song, but Gabriella does a beautiful job in her vocals and nailing the song. Her voice is rather recognisable and natural- which is one of the things I like in young singers such as her. It's too bad it wasn't received that warmly in the UK. In fact I've missed hearing from Gabriella.

Chevelle - Highlands Apparition

This is what I am currently listening to, I can't really get enough of his voice and the lyrics of the whole song, the chorus everything.
This band has talent and their lyrics are pure poetry, in the highest respects. Their new Album takes the cake of this year I gotta tell you.

A most definitely earned 10/10
Piece Of My Heart - Janis Joplin

Her voice is so powerful, and so emotional. I much prefer this version to Dusty Springfield's. Janis Joplin has a fantastic voice, and she really gets to show it off in this song, I love the arrangement too.
'Fur Elise' Bagatelle in A Minor, WoO59

Don't be too surprised. Ever since I found out what I had been practising on was a simplified version of the piece, I decided that I shall focus fully on learning the complete version. So... Listening to it, and watching the pianist play it serves as an inspiration as well.
One Man Drinking Games, by Mayday Parade.

Gorgeous song. I'm absolutely in love with the lyrics.

x3 This band has amazing songs and they write them so well. I adore their lyrical writing skills. -Envy-.

♪ And you said it would be funny to keep me hanging in suspense
Then I'd run over to your house and I'd scale the chainlink fence
That borders your back yard and then I'd climb through your window
And I'd whisper that I love you as you fall out of your clothes

And we'd lay there in the darkness like this dream of you I had
Where we captured all the fireflies and knew what time we had
Could be counted on our fingertips and that almost made you cry
you let me hold you tightly as we said all our goodbyes

May I say I loved you more
May I say I loved you more

And it must have been and hour that I clutched you in my arms
And I must have said the right things because you instantly felt warm
And you heard my heart stop beating and you wanted not to cry
As your sympathetic whispers, they told a tale of bad goodbyes

And you swore you saw me laughing and I swore I saw you smile
And this time we've spent together is meant to last us quite a while
As I take this piece of you with me, I'll carry to my grave
Knowing that for someone you're an angel sent to save

(Keep breathing my angel, if you go down I go with you)
May I say I loved you more
(Keep breathing, just keep breathing)
(Keep breathing my angel, if you go down I go with you)
May I say I loved you more
(Keep breathing, just keep breathing)

So let's drink to memories we shared
Down one for all the hopes and cares
Here's two for being unaware that you're gone
Because before too long you'll be a memory

So let's drink to memories we shared
(Because before too long you'll be a memory)
Down one for all the hopes and cares
(Because before too long you'll be a memory)
Here's two for being unaware that you're gone
(I said before too long you'll be a memory)
I said before too long you'll be... ♫
'Satsuriku New Wave' by Soil & Pimp Sessions.

It's very upbeat jazz song, which makes me want to party. If you know the soundtrack of Cowboy Bebop, S&P Sessions plays music that sound like the intro song. Great music to hype yourself up. The great thing about S&P Sessions is that the dress up like pimps and gangsta rappers and have one band member who's only job is to shout through a megaphone and agitate the crowd and band and smoke cigars on stage, how cool is that!
<我们> - 陈伟联

That translates into <We/Us/Ourselves> by Chen Wei Lian.

He's a blind, Singaporean singer. Made it big via a singing competition in the nation, and hey, has released a few albums since. This is one of his latest songs, which was featured in a drama that's airing on Singapore television at the moment.

The theme of the show was something of Singapore's past, and this song speaks of how beautiful the past had been, and how tempting it was to return to it.

Also, this song uses the tune from <The More We Get Together>. (Not for the entire song though, just the starting part, and almost no more)
AIDS Wolf - Spit Tastes like Metal

Nothing beats chilling to the sounds of a squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag, AIDS Wolf are the champions of no-wave noisecore. They present to you every emotion you have ever felt in a short period of 2-4 minutes, it's so class.
Shakira- Did It Again

I find her voice unique and interesting to listen to especially when you hear the fractures in her voice. The chorus is rather catchy and I have found myself humming to it on my mobile phone radio. I wonder why it isn't as well received as She Wolf in the UK charts- Did It Again shows Shakira being a strong vocallist without much special effects.

The times, they are a-changin' - Bob Dylan

Watched Watchmen earlier, which uses this song in the opening credits...its quite catchy I thought, so I downloaded it. Now I can't stop listening to it...
"The Clandestine Dark Suits" -- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

CC is most assuredly not the spiritual equal to Uematsu's original score for FFVII, but this track is a pretty decent remix of a piece that was originally quite stolid. That "follow the leader" effect running between the electric guitar and piano is pleasing.
Lyrical Lies, by Cute Is What We Aim For.

This song is amazing. xD

It's definitely my current obsession as it's on repeat. Now if I can find my damn iPod cord, I'm puttint it on there, so I can listen on my break at work tonight. 8F

The lyrics are amazing. There's a drop dead gorgeous cover done on YouTube as well.

Mind you, a cover, not the actual band, but it's great;


♪ An old man gave me a tip he said;
"Don't waste your time with politics" he said.
"Just chase skirts instead".
"Life is too short, and you're almost dead" he said;
"I met a woman once, I gave her my best shot".
"But never did I talk and talk and talk".
"If I had her back, I'd be as real as my age"..
"I so don't blame them, I wouldn't do the same"
"But I can blame them, I'd sing her this".

And you want to be dressed in poetry...
But imagery doesn't fit.
And you want resizing...
But darling dear get a grip.

And I think what I just wrote is going over my head...
I'm stealing lines from myself.
And what I said was never said...
It's just a lyrical lie...
Made up in my mind...

And you want to be dressed in poetry...
But imagery doesn't fit.
And you want resizing...
But darling dear get a grip.

You're moving but not aware.
You're drowsy without a care.
Except keeping your whites behind your lids.
And your lids are your best canvas...
I can only imagine what you're painting, what you're painting...
And your body on my mattress is proof.
And your makeup on my pillow is proof.
But do you think I am telling you the truth...

It's just a lyrical lie...
Made up in my mind...

And you want to be dressed in poetry...
But imagery doesn't fit.
And you want resizing...
But darling dear get a grip.

And you want to be dressed in poetry...
But imagery doesn't fit.
And you want resizing...
But darling dear get a grip. ♫
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Dirty Ice Cream - Lady GaGa

It might be an unreleased song, but it's still pretty fantastic. It's typical of GaGa songs, it's got a great chorus with a ridiculously catchy hook. I hope she releases this as a B-Side or puts it on her next album or something, it's great xD
My Tears Are Fire - No Big Silence

A friend of mine uploaded the War in Wonderland album, so I thought I'd give it a try...its...interesting. A little softer than Disturbed, and the vocals aren't nearly as good, but this song is particularly catchy...
Girls Can't Catch- Echo

This single and the trio have potential- whether or not it translates to success I am not currently sure. The song is nothing special, and to be fair, a rather typical pop song. However, I have only heard it a few times so I'll probably grow to it. Opinion-wise, their debut song is better as the chorus of Echo tends to lose steam. The girls' voices are amazing, especially Phoebe's. Whether or not GCC's Echo can be a serious contender to The Saturday's Ego we will have to see.