Vincent Valentine

First time I played I didn't have a guide and I was sure I got him.
I don't remember how I did it but I am sure the game Designers would give clues or something on how to unlock the safe.
If there weren't clue only half of the gaming population would know who Vincent is.
yeah the code is in the mansion but you need a starting point otherwise you wont know where to go or how to do it.

It is difficult but if your inquisitive (and bloody persistant) then it is possible without the guide, cause that letter in the room gives you enough hints i think anyway. I just pressed the X button

And then theres Yuffie....I just stumbled upon her by accident, getting the right sequence of conversation to actually aquire her tho did my head in.....grr
Hey if u want me to tell you where the codes are then just give me a shout.You'll have to fight a boss first when you open the safe so maybe have character levels of at least 30 and white wind and big guard enemy skills should come in useful to.
Like most, I completely missed him on my first play through, but finally managed to get on the second. And yes, I did use the strategy guide; even then it was still a pain to get him unlocked.
Hmm...I can vaguely remember getting him and it being inside a cave with an entrance on the left. Plus I think I found the code in a magazine with cheats in it at the time. Not 100% sure though.
I think I had to use some kind of help to get the code for the safe, It was the last part of the combination that I was a ditz about because it was invisible on the letter wasn't it? And the boss I didn't have much trouble beating so after the first time through it was a breeze to get him.
*guilty with walkthrough*

I only got my hands on FFVII AFTERRR i'd heard a lot about it and whatnot so I knew about Vincent and that you had to do a sidequest thingy to get him.

I managed to get the codes but got confused with the way you move to get the codes on the safe if that makes sense. Like i went right -> right -> right -> right, instead of however it's meant to be D: After like 30 tries I finally opened up a walkthrough xD
I've never had a guide, and I got him 2nd time after wondering about why there was 7 characters and 9 spaces on the buy screen. I remember that you can't enter the code until you find it. I tried on my 3rd time without finding it, and I couldn't get him.
The codes for the vault are all around the mansion and that but damn, they are hard to find on one own.
But that's not half of it, then the thing works as an actual vault if you pass the number then you already failed -.-;;
I stayed there for about an hour before I got the right combination xD. But yeah I knew that I had to find the things and everything, my friend spoiled that for me v.v
However, what I did not know is that I had to fight Lost Number, omg, I almost died to that bastard, he turned blue on me that one time, thank god I had Aerith with me so I used "Seal Evil" on him. It froze him long enough to take away a huge chunk of his health.

erm the code for the vault thing was hard... i had to watch a walkthrough in order to put in the code
Everytime I've played through, I've had him, though I can never remember using a guide, I might have but definately never the first time, because I had no internet back then and no other guide, so there was no way I could've. On later play throughs I may have though, as the first time I think was just pure fluke.
I almost always obtain Vincent as a character, same for Yuffie, but I rarely use either of them in battle.
like i said in another forum i first started playing about a year once it had been out (i was about 8 or 9)
i first saw him when i was watching my cousin louis play it (he was a nerd lol) he completed it after about 4 weeks and went to do it again but better and suprisingly enough he did, this is when he got Vincent and ive just remembered ever since it quite simple really
I already had the strategy guide in front of me, but I decided to look around for the clues anyway just for the hell of it. Then I gave up because I couldn't remember the order of the numbers and ended up peeking. Oh well.

Personally, I find Vincent to be an irreplaceable member of my party. It's not even that he's very strong, because he isn't; I just find him to be convenient. His weapons are all long range, his Limit Breaks don't frustrate me endlessly with how useless Limit Breaks can sometimes be, and so on. And he's just cool. :wacky:
I never used a strategy guide to get Vincent. I don't use strategy guides for games if I can avoid it. The last one I remember using was for Majora's Mask. I always make sure to get Vincent though. He is my all time favorite final fantasy character.

I actually had a harder time getting Yuffie my first time around than Vincent. She kept stealing my crap. It got annoying. Quickly.
"Back in my day...we didn't have strategy guides! If we wanted to beat a game, we had to figure it out ourselves... Uphill! Both ways!"

I obtained Vincent on my first play through the old fashioned way-- Ever since, I've had the combination memorized. I know, that seems a bit obsessive. But it's nothing considering I have a half-sleeve tattoo of him.