Was Kimahri a Worthless Character in Battle?

I used him after I had beat the game about 4 times and wanted to really mess around with the parties. I made Kimahri the hard hitter, Rikku the thief, and Lulu the healer/caster. It was a very interesting game with the set up...Pretty fun too.
Through my experience, Kimahri was the middle character, as in he wasn't exactly as good as anyone in magic, speed, strength, etc. but that he was better than others, worse than others kind of thing. Average if it was up to someone else to call it.

He wasn't really a worthless character in battle, I got him to do 9999 damage third in the party, and he's always in my starting battle lineup anyway. ;D
He was pretty frikkin useless to me. His section of the sphere grid just kinda sucked, only way to get him any good was to teleport him to another section...and that just seemed like a waste of a good teleport sphere.
I thought he was a pretty neat and useful character. I liked his Blue Magic things, and I usually let him learn a bit of everything, including part of Rikku's grid, Auron's, and Tidus'. He wasn't that bad with Black Magic either...used my spare spheres for both Kimahri and Rikku, the Level 3 spells.
He becomes useful when you aquire the Dragoon Lance and Equip him with the Genji Armlet, before this however the only unique thing about him is Lancet and even that isn't terribly useful, I think if the Piercing attribute was exclusively his before you can customise weapons, people would hold him in much higher regard
I just used him as fodder. id use him in battle so he'd get exp and soak up any damage the boss did early in the fight. other than that i didnt use him. He just didnt stand out. Also wasnt there a thread like this a few weeks ago??
No character is really useless if you train them. I plan on maxing out all the stats of all my characters. I'm gonna use Kimahri in the battle against Nemesis, so he can learn Nova.
No character is really useless if you train them. I plan on maxing out all the stats of all my characters. I'm gonna use Kimahri in the battle against Nemesis, so he can learn Nova.

Man, if you stick with that plan i'll bow to you, that'll take alot of dedication.

And you could just let Kimahri learn Nova from Omega weapon then use it against Nova ^_^

Ya know...i've never found blue mages useful...ever. Although aside from Quina's Frog Drop, Kimahri does learn some of the best blue magic spells. I think it's just that his initial sphere grid is so mediocre compared to everyone else's (aside from Rikku), that he's really not needed, and it's a pain to make him good.
Personally, I found him to be pretty useless, although I liked him as a character.

Whats all this nonsense about "Well he can do anything any of the other characters can do!".... erm, can't they all do that? Thats the whole point of the sphere grid.
No...I think most of us have been saying that he's very versitile in the Beginning. All the rest have to stick to their own sphere grid throughout half the game and Kimahri can go as he pleases from the start. There is a difference.
I don't think Kimahri is really useless, it just depends on what grid you put him on. I made him a Black Mage which was a huge mistake, I have no idea why I did that to begin with. He was very useless to me after that. If you can get him to learn Auron or Tidus' sphere grid then he will be very powerful and useful. I need to remember to do that if I start the game again any time soon. :lol:
I never bothered using him in fights really and i just found him pointless to the story and battles.
Yes, I did find him useless in battle. Even putting him on other grids really didn't make him seem worth the trouble. Lancet was neat with the ability stealing but a majority of his special abilities only arose when his overdrive was activated. I'm almost done with the game and I still find no real use for his character on the battlefield.

He was a good character though. I loved the fact that he had to fight for acceptance among his people. That was sort of inspiring.
I think Kimahri is a great asset in battle. If you know some of his Ronso Rage then you can become a well rounded force. For example with White Wind it heals about 2000 hp. Self Destruct is good for ending a battle. There are many many different uses for Kimahri you just have to find the one that works the best.
kimari was pretty much just a space filler. i think that they just wanted to have a beast like charactor on the team when they were creating the game, but then they couldnt figure out any real ability that would suit him, and soo yea like in an earlie post he is like a misc. . . charactor.
His lancet and blue mage abilities were very useful though. They did help in tough situations. Like Mighty Guard. He was good if you knew how to use him.