What did you do when Aeris died?

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i was annoyed first time as i used her alot, not anymore tho just think its a cool scene
I remember! I was like, "WHAT THE HELL!?!? I JUST GOT HER LAST LIMIT BREAK!!!! DAMMIT!!!". Yeah, those were the days...:P
I was upset. I actually knew that she was going to die because my older cousin told me. But I didn't knew how until I got to that point myself. When it was over, I was just mesmerized by what I saw. (It was 8 years ago so I was 10.)
I was very bummed that the first disc ended because I was borrowing the games first disc and didn't have the 2nd disc at the time.

Somewhat like him. Kind of felt like crying if it weren't for the fact that:
1. I knew she was going to die. It's a secret of the game that really isn't well-kept anymore.

2. Bustersword was in the room. He was there when I watched FFX's ending. I cried there, and it was totally awkward. But unlike what followed Bustersword, I was able to access the 2nd disc in a couple of minutes following the end of the 1st.
Well, I stop playing for 2 week then when I continue playing! I was stuck at that point for 6 month!

Wew its so frustating!
i was shocked to be honest. i would have thought that cloud would have ran and grabbed her when he saw sephiroth falling hundreds of feet from that random place he fell from. i was pretty pissed, cause i had her in my party...also she was my favorite character up to that point...i was really pissed actually.
I cried in the heart while I kill Jenova as hard and as hell as i can.Then continue the adventure till the final battle against Sephiroth at that time i went on killing him with Cloud's Limit Break Level 4 "Omnislash" with Cloud's original weapon the "Buster Sword" which is from his best friend Zack.
She was my main healer so the Jenova fight afterwards was slightly hard.

I watched Advent children before playing the game so in the movie flashbacks is when I first saw it.
I was angry because I spent a lot of money and time leveling her up. What a waste. At least she died cool though, it kinda made up for it.
I put FF-victory theme playing and made my victory waving.

Actually it was sad scene and I already knew she is going to die but it was still sad but I wasnt crying or anything. Hey it is only a video game.
I thought it was really sad because I liked Aeris! She was my favorite female character and I used her a lot in battle as my main healer. I stopped playing the game for a while after she died because I got bored with it lol. It was a real shame but oh well, it happened. I didn't cry when she did die but I think I was pretty close to it. :P
I didn't really care and laughed a bit but not because I'm a Sephy fanatic and not because I thought she was worthless. She wasn't worthless; her magic was incredible. I laughed I was a HORRIBLE CHILD! I was only 11 when I played that game for pete's sake.
I thought "...that sucks" then continued playing the game, I never used her or liked her to begin with so I didn't really care, but I knew she'd be back one way or another to help out in the end.
Eh, I didn't do anything. I had some sympathy though; she didn't deserve death.

My old best friend cried for a few hours though after seeing the scene and kept talking about it on the way to the movies. >_> I had to calm him down before the movie started.
I was totally ticked off! She was so hot! lol if you like the pop-eye kinda people! I really didn't play as her to much. So it really didn't bother me. But then of course I play through it a few times and i missed her.
Thank god it was not Tifa.
Anyway,Its kinda sad,(for cloud)so,the only thing I thought about was,Poor Cloud.Thats all.
I knew she was going to die so before playing, I prepared myself just for that scene. I felt a bit sad but fulfilled, she died strong, even though I wasn't able to use her Great Gospel that much. I made Yuffie my 'Aerith the second', she became physically and magically strong.XD
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