Don't you get all her materia and equipment when you wake up in Gongaga with Tifa and Barret?first I thought that somehow she was sopposed to come back, then when i got to the 3rd disk that changed to "damn man she ain't comin back", then it changed to "dammit! why did she take 100000 gil worth or equipment with her! all in all i was sad, for the girl who i used as a spellcaster, the materia she died with, and what she could have offered to the story if she was alive.
And what do you have against yuffie anyway!!!!
Anyways, yesterday I got to the bit where Aeris died. I thought it happened in some big room full of water and I didn't realise that Cloud took her there after she died. So I was really surprised when Sephiroth came down and killed her. That and I thought it happened at the end of disc 2.
It was so sad when she floated down in the water. I nearly cried. I know it sounds stupid but people cry in films. Don't they?