What did you do when Aeris died?

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When she died I was shocked. I started thinking "Oh great who's gonna heal my party now?" Took all of my anger an chopped Jenova into little bits f nothing. I knew I couldn't loose that battle not while "her" song was playing.
When she died I was shocked. I started thinking "Oh great who's gonna heal my party now?" Took all of my anger an chopped Jenova into little bits f nothing. I knew I couldn't loose that battle not while "her" song was playing.

Pretty much the same. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open, in my FFVII pre-order T shirt, on my second "sick" day from school thinking, "Wow, how often do you feel this sort of loss from a video game?" Maybe it was the fact I had been playing for two days straight without any real sleep. Maybe it was because I had her max limit break. Maybe it was because she reminded me of this girl in high school I majorly had the hots for . . . but that hurt.
i celerbrates because she suked. whhen she attacks she jumps in the air and with a small ......twang..... did like 50 damage ^^
Wel, i was kinda sad, mainly cause i was seven years old, but also cause she was gonna be cloud's girl ( AND THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A SWEET COUPLE)

HOWEVER, we did get to see sephiroth, coolest bad guy ever, be even more cool, and show his badass heartless side, so it ain't all bad
Aeris died!? Spoiler! Just kidding, ha.

Well, I knew it was coming already. So when it happened, all I did was go "Hmm" and think "boy am I glad I didn't use her in battle!"
Cried, then realised she had all my good gear! Then got angry and then accepted as Im huge Cloud/Tifa fan hehehehehehe so really I went through all emotions but shock was pretty much the big one
it was awesome way past awesome indeed and the thing about it, it didnt have the fething cliche of her and her 20 minute long last words, it was just like that, but it would have been cooler if Sephiroth sliced her down the middle.
yeah that would have been cool, oh and I grinned
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I personally thought her death was more dramatic then it was emotional. But I was pretty stunned when it happened and a little bit sad afterwards. But she served her purpose. Her limit breaks helped me get everyone up to their Level 3 Limit Break by the end of Disc 1, so that was good.
I bawled my eyes out....*sniff sniff*! Well maybe not quite, but I was a bit depressed the rest of the day...
I was pretty upset and I teared up. I had her set up in that game. She was one of my best characters and one of my faves to boot. I think I was more saddened by Cloud's reaction after she died. That was just heartbreaking
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At first, i didn't really care much 'bout it cause i was like... Oh! It's impossible and laughed!:D Hehe... Then later on as i play through the game, i realize she's gone forever! Uh! Oh! Anyway, i'm nut to fussy 'bout that, but i gotta admit that she's really useful with her healin' magic that's all.

And no!:mad: I'm glad it's nut Yuffie that gotta die cause she's a dork and i like her for that. Hehe...

Anyway, sumething i always wonder, did anyone ever got Aeris last limit break before she got killed? I always wonder how does it look like that's all!:mellow:
I already knew it was gonna happen because I had the guide book and they had pictures from the scene. But I admit that made me want to kill Sephiroth more. I mean, what did she do?! lol
I don't understand why people bawled their eyes out. It wasn't THAT sad. There were much worse death scenes then Aeris' (compared to Janos Audron's death in Soul Reaver 2, Aeris' death was just completely subpar). I mean I could understand if she had some dialogue whiel she was dying or before she died, or if Sephiroth was torturing her or something like that. But it was just "Stab, dead, water".............. nothing really worth bawling your eyes out over.

However, in Advent Children , the end of the movie with her and Zack walking out of the church made me tear up a bit (mostly because of the music, and the fact that she and Zack were so young when they were murdered)... but I still didn't bawl.

Sometimes I wonder if people are just overreacting or exhaggerating.
We also have to remember that a lot of us were young and the time was 1996-1997 era. I was only 13 when I played the game for the first time and graphics were extremely extensive to us at that point in time. Now imagine what that scene would entail if it were to be done in today's CG graphics? You would be able to hear the voices, the sounds and it would seem so real that I think I would probably actually cry seeing it done that, but who knows, that's off the subject. However I don't think people are exaggerating at all. Some people are more sensitive than others and take things to heart in that aspect *shrugs* I mean we're talking kids from like 7-15 years old playing the game at that time. Nowadays, especially if you know what's going to happen, I don't see how to scene would make you break down, but I could see it choking you up a little if you have special connection to that game, especially Aerith fans.
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