What did you do when Aeris died?

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When I first played FF7, I was a bit shocked to have seen what happened to Aeris. The more I had played the game over and over again, watching her get killed to me is enjoyable because she was one of those characters I found to be highly annoying to me.
I was mad for spending all that time and money leveling her up.

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I absolutely disagree completely with the people who posted that Aeris was a waste of time and money.
Aeris was an absolute sensation to me in the game. I used her always in every fight I had until her death. She, of all the FF games I ever played, was and probably still is the best healer in all of the FF series.
When she died, I cried so much because she was obviously too beautiful to die in front of Cloud. I couldn't go on fighting Jenova, so I gave the controller to my brother and let him defeat her. After the fight, I watched the most saddest scene I've ever saw in all of the FF series.
So, all the members who posted about how Aeris was a waste in the game, they obviously didn't see the point of having Aeris in the game as an amazing healer. She also had the greatest wisdom of all the characters in FFVII.
I found it quite sad, she was a great character but I just kept playing and in any case it was hard to feel genuinely upset over the death of a pixelated midget. Maybe I'll have a cry or something if the remake rears its mythical head.

I wasn't sad or anything, I was disappointed why they had to kill off her, could have just done fine with her in the storyline. Nothing to cry over exactly, except miss her Great Gospel limit (with it, weapons are a cakewalk). Afterwards, I just...gameshark her back into my party. It was fun, I mean she just died and I got her back :elmo:!
Well Aeris was my most favored party mem, my party consisted of Cloud,Tifa, and Aeris, so when she died I could never find anyone to replace her. It was pretty gay but so was Zack when he died he was awesome and yet they go and kll him to.
i cried into my pillow... im 17... i only completed the game recantly so you figure out why thats kinda wrong... oh and btw im a GUY
I wasn't that attached to her really. My party usually consisted of Cloud, Red XIII, and Barret at the beginning. I went on the date with Tifa.. and it was just sort of eh for me.

I was really depressed after playing CC though.

Zack was just amazing.

EDIT: Oh and to the person who said Aerith had the most wisdom out of anyone in FFVII I wouldn't say that. Bugenhagen was pretty damn wise.
i was well annoyed when she died i did try playing through it without training her up and found out you needed to trainer up to get past temple of the ancients so had to start again trained her up and then she went and died very annoying
i was well annoyed when she died i did try playing through it without training her up and found out you needed to trainer up to get past temple of the ancients so had to start again trained her up and then she went and died very annoying

You had to train her up for TotA?

I don't think I even used her. She was dead pretty much the whole time I was there.

I just had Red XIII and Cloud kick the crap of everything there.

I didn't really use her that much so it wasn't that big a deal for me, but it was still quite emotional, especially fighting Jenova with Aeris' theme playing. I do believe her death was an essential element to the story line and just gave it more power. It was kinda like "oh no he(Sephiroth) didn't, I'm gonna kick his ass for that"
I was rather upset, but mostly due the amount of time I spent levelling up. I do think it was a necessary part of the story but it didn't give me a much of an emotional response unlike FFX
when Tidus kicks the bucket (so to speak)
I already knew it was coming so I didn't use her as a character. So it wasn't a big waste of my time.
I thought what a waste of time she died. I never even used her to begin with. So i was kinda glad when she died. Then i started to like her when i played crisis core.
I may have reacted differently if I hadn't known beforehand that she was going to die. I should have just avoided looking at any reviews, forums or walkthroughs before playing the game, to avoid spoilers. As it was, it didn't really have much effect on me. But I did use Aeris a fair bit anyway. I've heard that her final limit break is very effective, but unfortunately I only found it after she'd died.

I notice there wasn't much in the way of grief or tears from any of the characters after her death. Perhaps that was a good thing.
in my game this happened: yuffie and tifa walk away crying (sort of) cloud almost cries but then ends up all "emo" and depressed afterwards and i was like argh get over it... even though i had cried at the time
I cryed sooo much when she died. I was in tears bcuz Cloud lost her after they had sooo much fun at that fun place... i cant believe i 4got wat it was called... but anyway.... i just couldnt stop crying.... i was like "omfg there has to be away 4 me to bring her bck to life..." but no there wasnt atleast i never found away...
I didn't cry or laugh or anything. I didn't use her much and she was only useful for her limit breaks.
I was shocked when it happened but I didn't cry, I just kicked Jenova's butt, you could kinda see it coming when Sephiroth was trying to get Cloud to do it for him anyway. I did find her useful before she died seeing as you had to use her in the Temple of the Ancients against one of the most annoying bosses in the game.
I knew it was coming but I was still a bit sad-ish.
I was more sad when I found out that she did die, rather than seeing it for myself.

I didn't have her in my main party so I didn't use her a lot (She was still the same level-ish as the others with my OCD of keeping all levels close)...eh..i didn't miss her too much.

Only time i felt a bit sad was way after when they're on the airship I think and they're talking about her and stuff. sort of an "awww...right. she's dead. :/" moment.
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