What did you think about Zidane?

Roy Mustang

The Flame Alchemist
Jun 1, 2008
What did you think about Zidane?
Was he the biggest perv?
Was he funny?
Was he annoying?

Me, he reminds me of Damon. :P
So far his had some pretty pervy quotes.
When he was talking to Vivi one time he said
Zidane; "Don't tell me you don't like girls?"
Vivi; "I don't know...I..don't really think about things like that"
Zidane; "What!? I'm always thinking about girls!"
I liked Zidane, I played FFIX after playing FFX, VII and VIII and I thought it was nice to have such a cherry, optimistic character. He was just the complete opposite of Cloud and Squall, and I liked him far more than Tidus xD He really grew on me, I liked having a happy main character for once ^^
lol. Zidane is a great character, and it was nice to see such a change from the hard-ass characters of the past few games before it.
He's a tad like Edgar and Edge are with girls. I think Edgar had even more moments of quotage ownage than Zidane did.
I liked Zidane, at first I wasnt too keen, I was used to the likes of Squall and Cloud. But he's just a loveable pervert really 'ooh soft' was an amusing line xD

He had such an amazing story, and I really felt for him when he discovered about himself and he seemed to lose all faith in everything for a short while - that music didn't help either, and even Steiner was nice too him...I was just like :gasp:

He is probabaly one of my favourite characters. He is so upbeat, but so deep and thoughtful aswel. He's great, i luff him and his snazzy little tail <3
Zidane is great as a main character, his story is very cool , he was created to destroy humanity but turned ut to be a failure but stiil very powerfull. He has a good sense of humor that makes him great to be around, He is just cool in every sense of the word. He is not a perve he is just a man jaja. What the hell he is just cute .
I loved Zidane, He was very humorous and I liked his upbeat personality. He had some really funny moments what with his perviness and the way he always managed to get on Steiner's nerves. His back story was pretty damn interesting too, he was an all round great character really.
I really liked Zidane,he was a really good character and a nice guy.I don't consider him such a perv,he was normal.Many times he would be in funny situations,like fighting with Steiner.I'm glad he is so different than the rest of the FF main characters and I think my favorite one.He was just what a leader should be,most of the times he was optimistic and that really encouraged the rest of the party.
I liked him but not really a lot, yes he's really funny xD but I don't really like the main character to be like that, I like my characters to be like Cloud, Cecil, Squall (maybe) and the funny characters can be side ones like Cid and Barret.
Personally I found him annoying. I'm not a huge fan of the happy go lucky characters and I've never really cared for the thief class other than Locke. I'm of the opinion that Vivi should have been the main character of IX due to his extreme awesomeness.:P
Brilliant character. It was amusing watching him flirt with garnet and at first getting absolutely nowhere. It was a breath of fresh air to get a main character who was very positive. I liked his outlook on life, nothing really seemed to get to him, he would do anything he could to protect his friends and even help those like Amarant who he barely knew. It was about time FF had a main character with a sense of humour.
I liked him. I thought that having a monkey as a main character was kinda stupid at first, but then I got used to it and it was better.

He's always highly more advanced than my other guys that I hardly use him in Memoria.
As the first FF game i played all other fall short and I think zidane made a great character, while he was cheeky i think it worked rly well for a counter balance to characters like garnet and vivi, and In the end you see zidane as a good guy who really cares about his friends even feeling sympathy for kuja.
In my own personal opinion, Zidane was the best main character the series has produced so far. His general attitude as a leader, on top of his blatant amount of win, really did set him apart from the miserable characters from before. It was a pleasant change to have such a charismatic character in charge of your group of heroes.

Also he has a tail. WIN. :giggle:
He is one of the only FF male characters that i like ( Vaan and Tidus come in close second but not to close )

His humor and bright personality makes him a great humor that and he has feminine features and even a tail is just freaking awesome

also the fact that he got
Depressed and down cranky when he found out he was made to be the angel of death was such a deep character development
What did you think about Zidane? I liked him but he got to be a bit much, he shouldn't have been so set on the princess in the first couple of seconds talk about desperate :nudge: But overall he wasn't squall annoying, At least we didn't hear him be a little turd through most the game, he wasn't emo thats a plus :notfunny:
Was he the biggest perv? Yeah.
Was he funny? Kinda....wait no I'm just trying to show pity on his humorlessness...
Was he annoying? Sometimes.

Then again I'm not finished with the game....
I'm not finished with the game yet, but so far Zidane is a really nice character. He's positive, and overall really hard not to like for me. He's certainly a change from previous leads, I'll give him that. The fighting with Steiner... flirting with every girl possible... overall just a positive, caring dude...Hey, I could fall for that. ;D

Zidane goodness i loved him :fan: Yeah hes kind of weird looking (cause his tail) but i was madly in love with his personality it makes me laugh to myself because most guys try and act all bad-ass when they really aren't such bad guys and aren't as bad as they think they are. I loved how he was always after Garnet that's how all guy are trying to get the good looking chick :P He was always full of life and energetic and its like yes! finally a character who won't beat himself up.
and that's just the beginning. I'm sure no ones gonna wanna read about my obsessions of Zidane XD
L-O-V-E-D him :drag:
im the pink dude dragging Zidane away hehe XD
I also thought Zidane was a good character, he was pretty humorous unlike Squall and Cloud who were way too uptight and negative (especially Squall) though he wasn't a bad character but it was a nice change from Zidane.

Plus, Zidane was a determined leader with a care-free attitude even during hard times and he stood up valliantly and overcame them along with his companions he stood by until the very end.
Zidane's character appealed very much to me. After Terra, Cloud, and Squall's somewhat angst/emo/moody attitudes, seeing some one like Zidane with such a positive outlook on life, it was really refreshing.

Proof that heroes don't need to be lonely and moody! :gasp:

What makes me love Zidane even MORE is that he DOES have an angsty emo side to him. He's searching for his "home" and has his breakdown on his actual home followed by the sweet, cliche friendship scene after.

His flirty nature reminds me a bit of Edgar from FFVI, but that just adds to his charm. How can you say no to a teenage monkey boy? ;D

As well, he's very supportive of everyone, especially Vivi. With just a few words, he get's Beatrix to back off on them and get it though her head what she had done was wrong.

It's also that he comes off as a very cultured person. Zidance really is just an interesting guy O.O
Im a big fan of Zidane. I think he is charming and I loved how he was always trying to get with Garnet. He was sensitive to his friends needs and always tried to cheer them up which was great. So yeah,I thought he was a wonderful character. His background was a little sad and I usually always tear up in Pandemonia. But that just shows he needs to be reassured about things and have his friends help him as well.