What did you think about Zidane?

Hey, some of us like Squall AND Zidane =P - the point about Zidane is it's good that they varied the main character a bit after the first two games. I like Cloud and Squall (and despite popular belief, neither are 'emo' to be honest) but sometimes it's good to shake things up and try something different. And that's what Zidane is. It'd be boring if every FF game was the same in its characters after all.
I never said that someone couldn't like either. I'm just saying, one cold instantly see the correlation between someone liking Squall and hating Zidane.

And they don't have to be "emo" (which I know they aren't) to be the opposite of Zidane. To be honest, Cloud, at times, isn't that much different from him. Yeah, he might be short for words at times or brood at times, but he's had his quirky side too (Tifa's drawers, dressing up like a girl, Mr. "What're the princess' measurements?", etc...) Squall, I have to say, is quite the opposite of Zidane. Again, this doesn't have to make him an emo, but there's no denying their differences. Zidane is loose, up-beat, optimistic, and virtuous. Squall is somewhat of anti-social, very conservative, complaintive, and a bit stoic.

That being said, I'm not saying it's a one or the other type of thing.

On the topic of Zidane, I love 'em. I think he's a great character - with a great heart, and a great overall attitude. Not to mention what is quite possibly the greatest title given to a human or Genome - The Angel of Death.
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I quite liked him actually. After FFVIII, he was a nice change of pace from Squall, who (especially earlier in the game) was quite frustratingly miserable and antisocial at times. I liked how he was compassionate, and even quite funny.

Towards the end of the game, you see that Zidane has quite a lot of depth to him too.
I loved Zidane,
he was awesome,
i felt what,
truly set him,
apart was,
unlike Cloud,
or Squall,
always keeping,
one generic mood,
or personality,
Zidane was upbeat,
sad, angry,
just when you,
felt he,
should be.
I notice Tidus,
is somewhat the,
Zidane will always,
be one,
of my favorites.
Zidane was always and will always be my most favorite Main Character. I mean the other main characters were alright I liked Cloud and Squall too. But Zidane will always be my top favorite! he is just too lovable! and he's quite the character XD
What did you think about Zidane? I honestly felt sorry for him..... when he figured out that he wasn't a human and had actually been created to serve Garland. And that in some weird way how he was related to Kuja...
Was he the biggest perv?Yes i think he was, he tried to get Vivi to start thinking about girls more often than i care to remember..
Was he funny?He wasn't extremely funny, but there were those moments where i just had to lol a little bit, like at Lindblum, when he asks the barmaid if she wants to go on an airship cruise with him, then later asks Garnet/Dagger if she sill wanted to go on that cruise and she was like WTF... just one of the scens that made me laugh, there were plenty others... thats just the only one i can remember off the top of my head.
Was he annoying?Honestly, i didn't think he was very annoying, there were sometimes when i felt the need to shout at the t.v calling him a royal dumbass...
How does having a healthy sex drive make you a pervert? That being said, I don't like him or hate him anymore than most people. He's pretty typical.
Zidane was my favourite main character. I found Squall to be quite irritating at times, he was always so miserable. Zidane is nice to all the other party members and he keeps them going throughout the game.
I liked him alot. I think that he is one of the top 3 main characters in the FF series. I didn't think he was too perverted, just another guy interested in women. I also thought that he was very upbeat and likeable. I perfer him than Squall.
personally I really liked him and his storyline. made a great character. created to provoke wars and to be the greatest warrior (thief >.>)

I didn't think he was really perverted.
he was funny and I don't think he was annoying.
Final Fantasy 9 was the first Final fantasy game I played, and at the time, i thought he was probably your typical main hero, but after playing ff8 i reaslised how wrong i was, squall ruined the game for me, his misreableness and lack of personality made the game far less enjoyable (a quality zidane did not have)
Then i went on to play ff10 wich i found tidus to be quite annoying tbh, the voice actor annoyed me to no end, and it sounded like the voice actor didnt no how to speak slow and properly (demonstrated at the part of the game where tidus is saying to auron 'i have to come with you, i have no choice, do i? i have to i just have to' wich was spoken much faster then it should have been)
and then their was vaan, whos appearance of a complete sissy made me hate that character from the star xD lucky in that game, you could change who you controlled so i always chose baltheir, wich tbh i think would have been a much better main character,

So so far zidane will remain my favourite final fantasy character.

Was he a perv? not reallly, he seems a lot less pervy then the people i know.
Cool character

I thought he was a cool char. Liked his positive attitude for a change. The only thing I didn't care for was I found him to be kinda childish.
I like Zidane a lot. I liked all characters of FFIX but Zidane was one of my favourites. He was both cute and handsome at the same time, and he had a tail! Didn't mind about his, um, girl fetish at first but when I realised Dagger likes him, I thought flirting with other girls was pretty annoying. Though I accepted it somehow since it was such a big part of his personality. The best thing in Zidane was his positive attitude and will to help everyone.

FFIX was the first FF I ever saw or played so I couldn't compare him to the other games' characters. VII and VIII came next so Cloud and Squall felt really gloomy and boring compared to Zidane but soon I got used to it and started liking them as well. My opinion about Zidane hasn't changed after seeing those more mature FF-boys though.
Zidane is great, I like his style. He is funny and really intresting character. He is lot different from Cloud and Squall that are mysterious. Zidane is really great.
I like him but not as much as Squall or Cloud, i like a character more if i could relate to them somehow. It makes me appreciate them more because i understand what and why they went through the things they did and how they became afterwards.
I'm kind of in the middle about Zidane. I like him because I find him funny and think he's a nice guy, but I dislike his lack of growth thoughout the story. Still, I guess in the end, I find him thoughly enjoyable, but don't care for him as much as other FF male leads.
i like zidane. i dont think you can really judge him on being less mature or more childish as he is genuinly younger. i think this is good though and it does give him a more positive outlook :). i also love his tail. more human characters should have tails !
I thought he was one of the more positive main characters that I've came across so far. For most of the game, he had been the motivator, proving himself to be able to lighten the mood easily. Usually, it'll be other characters motivating, but it seemed he only allowed that once. (To avoid spoilers, I won't say when, but when that happens it plays the song <You Are Not Alone>)
I thought he was one of the more positive main characters that I've came across so far. For most of the game, he had been the motivator, proving himself to be able to lighten the mood easily. Usually, it'll be other characters motivating, but it seemed he only allowed that once. (To avoid spoilers, I won't say when, but when that happens it plays the song <You Are Not Alone>)

I agree. It's one part that made me like him quite a bit. A main FF character doing something different, having a different personality. He was like an updated Bartz, but with a better personality. Nearly all of the FF main characters have acted quite melancholy about most everything. At least this time, it was the other characters who needed some caring for, which just didn't happen much, if at all with Cloud or Squall. The main character's dark mood remained constant for quite awhile. IV, VI, VII, and VIII. So honestly, I found Zidane to be a welcome change, and through a difference in the main character, the story is told somewhat differently. It was still the usual end of the world drama, but the mood in general just seemed a bit lighter.

Zidane was finally the 'everyday guy' main character. Handsome to the girls, though somewhat offensive depending, fun to be around for the guys, and always chasing after a girl. It was light hearted and fun, but not X-2 light hearted, which IS worth mentioning. He was fun like Tidus, enjoyable to be around, but not nearly as annoying as that certain someone. So in general...the fact that he finally wasn't melancholy and dark, fun and active but not annoying, but still had a strong will and a good heart...made him a very good character.

Honestly, I've gotten tired trying to convince people that FFIX is a worthy FF title. It's a fantastic game more than worthy of the franchise with characters who had better backstory and personalities (generally speaking) than FFVIII or FFX's characters. And finally we had a main lead character who was actually quite emotionally balanced. Shocker. It certainly didn't make him boring though. Something about Zidane's character made it easy to like and follow him with wherever or whatever he did.
I loved him, he was happy and full of life. He was ready for anything unlike some past main characters and future main characters. I thought he was a funny addition to the FF universe, and him being a perv was still funny.

I loved his story in the game though, I don't want to spoil anything so I won't elaborate but I liked his character.
I don't think much of Zidane... I pretty much played FFIX for the hell of it and hated it. He had his ups and downs, it was an okay game, but just not for me.