What did you think about Zidane?

At first I didn't like Zidane, but he definitely grew on me. I like his disposition, and I think he's funny.

Plus, his nature makes his storyline and past more dramatic, I think. Especially with the scene after he learns who he is, and he's pushing everyone away, and You're Not Alone! (best song ever) is playing. I think the contrast makes it more drastic and has a bigger impact.
Compared to the other 3-D FF Main Characters at the time (Cloud and Squall), Zidane wasn't the depressed sad sack who either a) got his memories jumbled up or b) forced himself to become an adult. Plus he's cultured, though living in Lindblum all your life would probably do that to you.
Ahh, Zidane, sucha good-looking person in sucha odd way :wacky: He was one of my faves in IX (next to vivi) and he was just so full of energy! He wasn't dull, boring and emo like Squall is in VIII. The fact he tries so hard to act like a ladies man is funny. XD. I really enjoyed Zidane and I thought he was a great character in IX! :D
Zidane's probably my favorite character in the game along with Amarant.

Zidane's got the whole cool rebel thief image going for him where he's got skills and he's not afraid to use them. He likes to live life on the edge and he's up-front about his personality and what's on his mind. He will make a fool out of himself to impress a girl, but he's got the charm to show them he's not quite an idiot.

He's the character who does go through his dark time and the unpleasant life events, but his optimistic attitude and ability to attract friends helps him through those problems throughout the game's journey.

Zidane? One of my favorite characters in the FF series.
Zidane was the perfect character and is the main reason of what made FF9 such a great game. He's always positive, virtuous, and pure hearted. He doesn't hesitate to help people and he can run into almost any sittuation head on without a plan, and still come out on top. He was a complete ladies man too.
Zidane is one of my favourite FF characters, up there with Balthier and Red XIII :)

I just loved how he was always thinking of everyone else, and how funny he was aswell with his skirt chasing ways, I think he learnt that from Regent Cid myself XD

He is a very developed character, without being too serious or too annoying, and thats what I really love about him :inlove:
Zidanes a tough one for me. I love IX, obviously, but Zidane goes through a long stage of basically being an arse. However he has to be- his womanising and selfish nature is of course what makes the 'you're not alone' moment work so well. He needs the build up. But...again, he's another lead character who doesn't go through the motions like the player (which is why Tidus works so well.)

So it's kinda a love hate situation.
The guy is one of the best. He's definitely one of my top favorites, along with Firion.

He wasn't too serious. He was mature, and actually got serious when he needed to be. But he's cheerful, and he wasn't anything like Squall or Cloud. Fans at the time IX came out were probably very disappointed in his character, but what do you expect? It's Final Fantasy! Things change, and the current installments can attest to that.

Zidane was a guy with no memory of his past, but still makes the best of every situation. And he did do something that I believe no other human being is able to do: Despite the pain Kuja has given him,
Zidane goes inside the crazed Iifa Tree, risking his life in the process, to save Kuja.
I can't think of anyone who'd risk his life like that.
Zidane was my all time favourite character from Final Fantasy for a really long time, but when I went through and played the games again it changed.
I do love Zidane, it was nice to have an upbeat protagonist for a change who was still able to be serious when he needed to. & He was really wise sometimes ;]
I didn't really have any peeves with him and his crush on Garnet was absolutely adorable.
I think Zidane was great, one of the better FF lead characters IMO. He had a refreshing personality in that he wasn't brooding, tough, and reticent, like a lot of lead male characters in..well, a lot of game series, really. He's charming and not afraid to make fun of himself a little, and all the things he did at the end thoroughly sold me on his character. I'm someone who almost never likes the lead character in any story, but Zidane is different--I actually like him better than some of the other playable characters, which is a rarity for me.
So far I've only gotten a little into the game and I don't really mind Zidane so far except for a few things.

He's a bit of a manwhore by the looks of it and just comes across as sleazy most of the time.

Though it's only what I've seen of him so far, so I may warm up to him.

I just don't like the way he talks about Garnet and then goes and hits on any other woman he can find. >.< It's really yuck.

I like how he is with Vivi and that though. He's really nice and can be funny. I just don't like him when he starts to talk about girls. >.<
He and Garnet aren't an "item" Kandy, he can do that if he wants :p but he's always thinking of Garnet when they're away from each other, and he truly cares about her (and everyone else). Trust me, the more you play the game, the more you'll come to love Zidane (yes, that sorta rhymed lol).
I can't for the life of me remember if I responded to this thread so sorry if this is a repeat.

Zidane is one of my favorite lead characters. I thought he was the best developed and he had several sides to his personality. He didn't spend the game emtionless, or whining and he truly cared about all his friends. I also liked that he was a womanizer which was a refreshing change from the typical lead who tends to be virtuous or so brooding that no woman could possibly want him.

He also made me laugh several times in the game. when he touched Dagger's butt and when he forgot that it wasn't her that he made a date with.

It was also nice to see a thief be the main character as opposed to the warrior/knight.
He and Garnet aren't an "item" Kandy, he can do that if he wants :p but he's always thinking of Garnet when they're away from each other, and he truly cares about her (and everyone else). Trust me, the more you play the game, the more you'll come to love Zidane (yes, that sorta rhymed lol).

I already knew that they weren't an item. =P

I just don't like the way he tries to get close to Garnet and then chases after other women when she's not there. >.<

I thought it was funny when he groped her butt and such but at the same time he's kind of misleading her feelings, especially when she found out that he had confused her with someone else he had arranged a date with. =/

It's just not an attractive quality 'keeping your options open'. If you like someone just concentrate on that.

But yeah it's a game so I won't get any more serious. XD
Zidane is probably my favorite male final fantasy character. He's stron willed, he has morals, he's funny , not to mention tons of personality.
-What did you think about Zidane? He's one of my favorite characters
-Was he the biggest perv? Steiner is probably more perv
-Was he funny? Definetly,he is awesome
-Was he annoying? Not at all
Kandy, just wait until you get to Disc 3, and sit back and watch once the final boss in Disc 4 is beaten. You'll see how much you'll like him in the end, perhaps more than you do now. I certainly did. :)
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After playing FFIX recently I can say that I'm still not too fond, but then that goes for most characters in the game. I really used to have a problem with Zidane but I've learnt to get over that and also noticed that there are far more irritating characters in the game too. So yeah, I'm definitely not a fan but I don't hate him the way I used to. It's quite weird that my favourite characters from the game are probably Kuja and Amarant and they're two of the least popular.
Zidane is a fun character but he isn't a classic, memorable one. Its nice to have a happy, friendly character but he just doesn't stand out. I dont dislike him at all i just think he is a middle of the road character, still certainly better than the lead to a certain FFXII ...