What did you think about Zidane?

Im a big fan of Zidane. I think he is charming and I loved how he was always trying to get with Garnet. He was sensitive to his friends needs and always tried to cheer them up which was great. So yeah,I thought he was a wonderful character. His background was a little sad and I usually always tear up in Pandemonia. But that just shows he needs to be reassured about things and have his friends help him as well.
I really liked that scene in Pandemonium, it told detailed explanation of Zidane's character. He showed true human feelings of hopelessness, sadness, loneliness, and anger. Something we all would show if we were in that situation, for they are typical human feelings. We are all imperfect and most of us experience these feelings every day of our lives, so in that aspect it was extremely easy to relate and show sympathy to Zidane.
In my opinion, the best part about Zidane is that he's very altruistic, very caring. He goofs around and seems easy going, but he'll usually be the first person to put his life on the line for someone else, even if he doesn't know the person.

And he's got quite a bit of depth too, for example in the pandemonium sequence I always notice something very interesting. He takes on all the negative traits that he helped his friends with earlier.

He felt angry and confused about being created for a violent purpose, like Vivi. He felt he had a loyalty to Terra above all else, like Steiner did about Alexandria. He felt consumed by the past like Freya. He felt he was better off alone like Amarant. And so on and so forth.
It just made for a really touching scene.

True, he does seem to to preoccupy himself with women, but I think that part of him is only skin-deep. Deep down he's just a very caring person. And that's what makes him so memorable IMO.
I HATED ZIDANE! he is such a perv and why does he have a tale that pissed me off as well >_< i also hated that knight guy.
The only one i liked was Vivi but he pissed me off always falling over >_<
Don't diss Vivi!:gasp: *points to first username* xD
Anyway, I liked Zidane, he was quite a nice change from Cloud and Squall who both had behavioural problems of some sort xD
He was a cheerful thief and although often mistook he just wanted to be happy really. I mean, the end of the game is an example, when
he goes back to Kuja in the Iifa tree after all that happened
. Most "heroes" would probably not do that, so overall I think he was quite a nice character, plus the tail was amusing for some reason xD
I hated Zidane when I first saw him and still hate him. Like wth, a horny monkey, sure makes a good hero.
I really like him. He's humorous and flirty, but at the same time, by Disc 2 says some deep shit. He is actually compassionate towards others but also makes you laugh. He's like Tidus but better and more badass.
I really liked him. His story was such a deep and amazing one. I felt for him when he found out who he truly was and it hit me; which means I have a connection to the character. I love the pervy aspect of him.

A lot of characters are really dark and gloomy. I love the twist. Tidus really tried too hard. Maybe it was because we could hear him!
I love Zidane. He keeps a good attitude throughout the game, and he's completely loveable.

I mean, look at his quote. It describes him to a T. "You don't need a reason to help people."

Well said, Zidane. Well said.
He seemed more cheerful and More Imature then Cloud and strife which was A good thing But At the Same Time He Was Tough I loved How he had such a strong Bond with his Group tantalous. And His Little Rivalry With Steiner Was Great
Zidane was awesome in the start, cause he was funny. Serious Zidane, not so much so.
Zidane is and always will bethe best character...how could you beat a monkey man :P but cloud follows very close behind.The only thing i was put off by was the outfit. It just seemed really werid and crap.
i remember when i first inserted the disc into my ps1, it was my birthday so was a bit busy, so couldnt clicknew game straight away, after about a minute a screen came up of zidane with the quote "i don't need a reason to help people" from that point on ive loved him as a character and is my favourite lead.

i loved his little monkey tail, it defined him as a character as he always monkies around, he may seem flirtasious, he may seem arrogant, and he may seem childish. But under all that he has a heart of gold, someone who will do whatever to help those in need, and all he wants to know is where he comes from which just made him a complex character i enjoyed sabing the world of gaia with
I found Zidane to be a very well designed main character for a FF game. IMO he is a very close 2nd to Tidus as far as being the best main char( I know he is annoying, but towards the middle to end of the game he is tons better.) His rivalry with Steiner is what made me like him, he was funny, upbeat, and had a great back story. So far through the FF games I've played Tidus and Zidane are the only 2 I can honestly say I liked and connected with. Now if you count Crisis Core since it wasnt an original I could include Zack in the conversation and he'd be my #1 main char.
I loved Zidane. Some of the things he said made me laugh out loud which I hardly get with other Final Fantasy characters. It might just be because it was the first game I played but I love him! Defenatly my favourite game too. I just got FFI for my DS cus I heard IX is alot like I.
I think Zidane was one of the best male leads in the FF series. He was a fun character but he also knew when to be serious. He wasn't boring and predictable like other FF characters who I will not name. XD
I loved Zidane. He was friendly, upbeat and entertaining. I loved his personality, especially his kindness towards others. He's my favorite FF male lead. I thought he was a nice change from the brooding heroes of the previous two games.
Zidane had a different feel than previous leads, which I liked. He was upbeat, stood up for his friends, funny, and just one of those guys you wanna hang around. While he did give the game a more lighthearted feel, he knew when it was time to be serious; especially when it game down to his friends.
I thought that Zidane was an excellent choice for a main character role in a game. He kinda reminded me of myself. He was funny, upbeat, and wasnt a quiet person who tried to shun himself away from others. And I loved his backstory, an interesting character for sure.