What game did you buy last?

What I bought was Pokemon Dimand. I got it because I like Pokemon and I have alot of other Pokemon games and I think they are great.
Crisis Core
Slow but hey, its fun...!! The battle themes' probably the only one to use a guitar, if i do remember correctly.
The last game I got was Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, fun game imo, fairly long game too, could be more challenging though, but am not at all disappointed with it, wasn't expecting it to be extremely challenging, like beating Nemesis in FFX without casting Auto-Life (which I've never done, btw. :lol:).
the last game i bought was Dragon Quest: The journey of the cursed King, and that was because i thought the character art on the front looked quite cool, and because one of my mates who was with me at the time mentioned he had played it and it was quite good, so i bought it and i have been playing it, my friend was right, it is good IMO
The last game I bought was Crisis Core for the PSP. I had heard so much good reviews on it, and they were mostly right. The battles are a little bit too easy, but otherwise its a solid game.
The last game that I bought was Kingdom Hearts II.

Which was actually quite a while ago...
I haven't bought a game since I preordered Persona 3: Fes. I may never need to.
Final Fantasy X-2.

Lol i don't care what you say Final Fantasy X-2 pwns :P. I usally borrowed it from my friend but i saw it at EB Games for 20 or 30 dollas so i thought 'What the heck'?
Metal Gear Solid 4!

I've yet to play it since I'm at my mums, albeit when I get to my house after 5pm I'll be able to sink my teeth into it ^_^.
HOWEVER, I was not impressed that I got the last copy even when I preordered it...this was at 10am this morning. GAME have always been bad when it comes to dealing with customers and their preorders but when it comes to a game that has so much hype it's sort of taking the piss...I'm actually surprised I managed to get a copy at all to be honest.
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Soul Reaver 2
I still haven't played it yet, but I think it's a great game ^^.
Metal Gear Solid 4
I still haven't played it yet cause I want to beat MGS3 first

and Burst Limit
pretty good game came with free movie
well technically it was trauma centre wii, but i just preordered myself a copy of SSBB, yes i am in the UK, dumb realease dates.
Metal Gear Solid 4. I've beaten it 3 and a half times now and it is far and away the greatest game ever created...GREATEST!
The last game I bought was, The Darkness for the PS3. Because the graphics looked pretty great when I searched screen shots of it. And I have to say it is pretty great but not the best game I've played.
After my original bungle with pre-ordering Crisis Core I pre-ordered it again and somehow managed to fluff that aswel..... :gasp:

I managed to pre-order it proper with like 3 days to spare so I got the nice little box with the art book

That arrived on Friday morning and it's well addictive :monster: