What game did you buy last?

latest games for me are bujingai the forsaken city, because when i read the back of the box it sounded similar to devil may cry and also sounded like it would be fast paced (it is somewhat but im only on the 2nd lvl now) and Dragon Quest Monsters Joker for something on the go, but it kinda sux when ur not that far in the game or dont have any of the more massive monsters.
I bought war of the lions last

im still waiting for revenant wings to land tho. Stupid postie
the last game i bought was the simpsons game, all i can say about it is, bad graphics, bad camera angles but a laugh with the comments from the characters and some good levels to get through
a game deal, the first 3 devil may cry games for $30.00 includin devil may cry, devil may cry 2, and devil may cry 3 special edition. i like special edition because if u have beaten the game once then you can use dante's brother to go through the storyline, also the annoying joker thing has made my dream come true, he's now a boss so i can kill that annoying idiot.
First there was a buy two get one free on pre-owned at the local GAME, so God Of War 2, Farenheight and Worms 3D were purchased.

But more importantly, my copy of Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike for the PS2 finally arrived. No longer will I be forced to play on either XBox controllers or emulator, I now have the proper thing, woo!
i bought resident evil:the umbrella chronicles with the money i got for Christmas. i was good but nothing like what i expected, i thought you would be able to walk around but its much more like the 'house of the dead' arcade games than resident evil, which isnt that bad because house of the dead kicks ass, i think i've got ocd with it whenever i go anywhere that has a HotD machine, i have to play it lol. anyway yeah id definitely recommend resident evil umbrella chronicles, especially if you have the wii zapper
Well, got two games from GAME in post today. One was Burnout Paradise for PS3 and other was Advanced Wars: Dark Conflict for DS. Will try them out a bit later. Am hoping to get Bladestorm for PS3 over the weekend if not Friday.
Don't think I've posted yet but last game I bought is Capcom Vs SNK 2 for the PS2, good fun with a huge selection of characters. Just plugging away to try and unlock Shin Akuma now.
Can people please put effort into their posts?

I purchased Oblivon for 360 along with the guide for £30. I havent played it for a good while as my ex took the game when we spilt. Love this game.
Burnout Paradise.

I just play a little today, 'cause i need to come to work; but seems kinda fun. But i doesn't like that there isn't aftertouch-control as in Burnout 3.
Phantasy Star Universe: Attack of the Illuminus

Been waiting forever for this chuffing expansion. Online killing stuff. Great fun
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Well, I stopped by at Gamestop hoping to buy either Street Fighter Anniversary Collection or Street Fighter Alpha Anthology, but as I figured, they don't carry them around anymore. I did see a USED Capcom Vs SNK, but I didn't buy it.

So I bought a new Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus instead. Then I went home, went to ebay and after much deliberation, finally bought a new Street Fighter Alpha. I really wanted to get the Anniversary Collection, but the brand-new game costs 60 - 80 dollars, and I don't trust used games from ebay.
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