What pissed you off today?

Short story: Doctors.

Why? Skin issues. Hate. Them. Now I'm forced to follow a bland, strict regiment in order to get rid of said skin issues. Yay. But, on the bright side at least I finally have a cure after living with this shiz for a good 9-soon to be 10 years of my life. Still . . . it's so much stuff and it was expensive. I'm more pissed at the fact that these fucking corporations suck so much money off of people. $86 for a fucking body wash, I mean, my mom already had to fret about college . . .

Christ, this country . . . and healthcare . . . ugh . . .
Ive not had a good nights sleep in the last 3 days and Im getting mega pissed at it. And to top it off stupid student loan people are pestering me again. I dont earn enough, now fuck off and leave me alone!!! God, I hate these people.
My sinuses.
Woke up this morning with a headache and a bad throat because I think I've got another sinus infection :sad3:
The doctors gave me some stuff in February which they told me to just keep taking because it should stop it returning but no, it hasn't, and I've got it again.
I need to go back when I'm back in Devon, but it's a bit confusing at the minute because the guy I usually see has just died, so I'm going to be transferred to a different guy :hmph:
Norwegians :hmph:

Well, rather just a friend. Inviting me to Norway for some sort of strange event in October. It seems interesting enough but it's not like they live in the next town over so I can just go whenever I want. It's still like a 8 hour drive to that destination, perhaps more. Sometimes teenagers annoy me with their sort of....Naïvity about things at times. Like...everything is more possible than it actually is. Yeah sure, I will drive to another country and like...just not work or see my family or whatever for several days, you know? I guess the best thing to do is not over-analyse it though. should be fun =/
My computer has got a virus. I had to delete my account on the computer and make a new one. It was rather frustrating. I think it might've been because of Media Player. I'm not sure exactly how, but that's my theory. It's the second one in three days. :hmph:
Well I pre-ordered Blazblue from gamestop months ago but today when I went to get it they said they sold all copies. Well it is a gamestop policy to hold all pre-orders for up to 48hrs and Blazblue came out on the 27th which mean I still should have 24hrs before they put the game on the shelf to sell to other customers but they didn't cause they forgot tocheck the pre-orders on their computer and they sold out. It just got to me that I made a trip for nothing today in heavy rain and then a train took like 30mins to get through just to be told to come back Friday.

I was at work as usual. On a rush job aswell. Basically this job has to be out by 3.15 tommorrow to be on a boat heading offshore. So im working away pretty fast, things are goin fine. Its like 4pm almost home time and i think, right il get everything ive built so far checked before i get it further welded. Got the gaffer to check it.......its wrong -.- as soon as he pointed it out to me i noticed it was wrong. Fuck knows how it went over to my head but im pretty annoyed with myself, seeing as i was stressin all day making it right. Soooo tommorrow i have to go cut the fucker up and start again, to make it worse il have so little time. Il get some help and it should get done but i feel like a rite knob -.-
Got pretty annoyed when I realised I was a little naïve over something. Got completely lowballed and thought I was getting deal of the century. I guess that teaches me for trusting another Scotsman haha. Now when I look back on it I should have worked it out pretty quickly with the shit he was saying, but I was too busy talking my ass off as usual =/

Thievin' robbin' bastad!
I recently sold my grandmother my keyboard for $75 (that was the price she offered, I did not haggle). First, the mail arrived late. Then, I look through it and the check was not there. I was pretty pissed because I got my hopes up. A little while later, a woman arrives at our door. Apparently, my grandmother put the wrong address on the envelope and this lady got it. She brought to us so that was a really nice thing to do. I've known people to get someone elses mail and open it but this woman didn't which I was really thankful for. But what sucked is that by the time she dropped it off, the banks were already closed so I gotta wait 'till tomorrow to cash it. I know this makes me sound like a greedy little child, but I'm okay with that. :britt:
Tennis practice was called off for the rest of the week >:( I know most people would be happy, but I like to practice. And on top of that I NEED to practice.
People in the goddamn way of my dad.

He's in a wheelchair and wants to get past everyone, but the vast majority of them are so blind as to who's in front of them. So my stepmum and I just encouraged him to ram them over to make them more alert. :wacky:
>:l I was sleeping and then my dad entered my room at 7:15 in the morning and turned on my computer to do something even though HE has his own damn laptop. It's summer vacation for frick's sake! After he left I went back to sleep, but then at like 10 my mom started talking loudly on the phone 'cause she made a call to Asia and she was yelling INTO it and it doesn't help that my parents' room is right next to mine. Lack of sleep during summer vacation makes me really angry. >>
Elder Scrolls and its ridiculous 'random loot' bullshit that may never hand you a daedric claymore. UGHHH! Level 32 and can't find a claymore. The last game I played I had to kill Mazoga to get a daedric shield but found claymores everywhere. Random loot... can kiss my ass..
women asking for your phone number and never calling back :monster:
My driving skills.

I just have to park on our driveway but I just can't do it yet. (have my licence officially for a week now) It took me like 10 minutes to drive on it. .. o_O Constantly going forward, going back, turn again, nope wrong, go forward again, go back... aaaargh.. I really need to practice this week.
Two people that should know better watching and none of them does a thing. =) What else is new. If you do it yourself you'll catch shit over it, even though it's not taken as far as the next pair does.

Dear god, people are ignorant.
My dad lost his cash card, the idiot.

So he asked me to come out and lend him £40 that he was giving to my sister, who was going out tonight. I go out and then five minutes later, I'm halfway there only to see him coming back. My sister's changed her mind about going out. There went about ten minutes of my life I'll never get back.

And what do you know? An hour later, the stupid sod wants to go out now. Me and my stepmother go out together to the cash machine at QUARTER TO ELEVEN AT NIGHT to get £30. Not only is it dark and anything could happen, but add on a bitching stepmother who was about to have a cup of tea and go bed. Jesus. >_>

It's the fact that I wasted time and THEN she changes her mind that pisses me off. In fact, I don't think I've been THAT aggravated for a long time. I gave her the death glare and told her to never EVER leave it that late again. She said thanks, but meh. It's just not enough. It's not on.

And I'm not doing it AGAIN. :rage:
Those bitches and hoes on other forums that can't losen up and quit thinking everyone is out to get them. :ahmed:It's like nobody can accept that people will have differing opinions than themselves. It makes me so mad when people try to instigate and can't do anything BUT instigate with others. It's so damn annoying.
The fact that my moms car is yet again malfunctioning, its gear box wont allow shifting between 1st and 2nd gear so you'll have to start in 3rd gear. funny thing is, you can put it in reverse and that one is next to 1st gear. stupid car...

and those GODDAMN dogs next door!!!