What was the latest Final Fantasy when you were born?

What Final Fantasy did you grow up with?

  • B.F.F. (Before FFI was created.)

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Final Fantasy

    Votes: 9 8.8%
  • Final Fantasy II

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • Final Fantasy III

    Votes: 7 6.9%
  • Final Fantasy IV

    Votes: 15 14.7%
  • Final Fantasy V

    Votes: 10 9.8%
  • Final Fantasy VI

    Votes: 7 6.9%
  • Final Fantasy VII (You are too young to be on FFF mate!)

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Final Fantasy X (Highley doubt a 7 year old is on FFF, right?)

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Final Fantasy XI

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Final Fantasy XII (This is rather pointless...a 3 year old...lmao)

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters
Oh GOD. Now that is really scary... The first FF wasn't out until two years after I was born.

But thankfully, the first one I actually played was actually FFVII. When I was a kid I didn't often pick which games I wanted to play, I just got them picked out for me at Christmas and birthdays and such. FFVII was probably one of the first games I absolutely CLAMOURED to own.
Final Fantasy 3 for me since i was born in 89. When i was going through my school years i heard a few things about FF here and there. I had no idea what it was so i kept an eye out to see if anyone i knew had any of the games, so i could see firsthand how they were played and if i wanted to buy any of them or not.
7 was my first but i prefer 8 and 9 , such amazing games like!! Zell was a legend!

That wasnt the question ... It was what was the latest Final Fantasy MADE when you were born ... Not was your first ...

I was born in 1985, so the first one was released in 1987. So Im 2 years older then Final Fantasy lol.
Just to help people out, those are Japanese release dates

FF1 - 1987
FF2 - 1988
FF3 - 1990
FF4 - 1991
FF5 - 1992
FF6 - 1994
FF7 - 1997

i´m born 1987, the year first Final Fantasy came out
so me + final fantasy = best year in history of mankind :P
Final Fantasy V.

On the same year that game was released, I was born. 1993, that is. Not exactly the most cool, if I had been born earlier, say, in IV's time, that would have been a lot better. Considering IV had been the first Final Fantasy I've completed, and also my absolute favorite, it'll have been nice to know I was born in the same year as this favorite of mine. Too bad that isn't the case :P
That wasnt the question ... It was what was the latest Final Fantasy MADE when you were born ... Not was your first ...

I was born in 1985, so the first one was released in 1987. So Im 2 years older then Final Fantasy lol.
If you read the poll question it clearly states what final fantasy you Grew up with , i had 7 and 8 first so i Grew up with them , get youre facts right before you tryto make little of me , im only new to this forum and im already getting grief :rolleyes:
If you read the poll question it clearly states what final fantasy you Grew up with , i had 7 and 8 first so i Grew up with them , get youre facts right before you tryto make little of me , im only new to this forum and im already getting grief :rolleyes:
Okay, calm down and cut the attitude. Strictly speaking SS is right, the poll has unfortunately been worded wrongly therefore, like most threads the question is based on the thread title and the first post. In this case it would be "What was the latest Final Fantasy when you were born?" To avoid any conflict, should you have a problem in the future, please contact a member of staff and they will deal with the matter. Thank you.

Therefore, I would like to note from this point onwards that people read the first post rather than what the poll says. Thank you.
oh mines was Final Fantasy III. Ahh thats cool but kinda weird as it was the last final fantasy i got to play! well up until XIII comes out that is :). that was a good final fantasy to be born on as i was nice and ready for the first ever 3-D final fantasy ! awsome-o :D
Um...FFII I guess. Not that it actually matters. I didn't find any Final Fantasy until IX...and it was on discount at Shopko. So just showed how behind the times I've always been. Lmao.
First Final Fantasy I played was Final Fantasy 6, though I was born in '86, and FF1 did not come out till December of '87. I did not really "like" RPGs till I played and completed Final Fantasy 7 though. Been enjoying RPGs of all types ever since.
I guess it was FFIV :hmmm:]

Quite an interesting question. Never thought about which FF game was out when I was born. Never really mattered to me.
If FFI came out in '87 then it would be that one--I was born in '84--but the first one I ever owned was IV. I only had SNES until about 3 years ago, so I'd only played IV and VI up until then, but I played them over and over enough times to feel like I grew up with a consistent amount of FF. Still haven't played I or II though :/
Final Fantasy VII came out in August of 1997 right? I was born in January 1998. -does math-

Yep, FFVII was the latest FF game when I was born. That does sadly make me feel a bit weird. XD Anyway, I'm glad that FFVII was my birth game. Not the horrible FFVIII. XD

If you want to, FF Tactics came out the same month I was born! XD
January 1989, FF II was release in Japan in 88, III was release in Japan in 90 and IV got release in Both Japan and America (where I am from) in 91.... so... I guess technically it was III, but The one that was release where I was born was IV.... so take your pick?