What's the deal?


Blue Mage
Jun 28, 2006
As a Final Fantasy fan, finding out there was a movie being made i was thrilled. But after going to see it i was totally disapointed. I was expecting somthing with unique characters, a great storyline basically what Final Fantasy games are. Though as close that movie came to Final Fantasy is the planet being named Gaia. Is it just me? or does anyone else think it was crap?
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i find it too boring and stupid and the monsters can't be killed what a stupid movie and it's like somekind of games like Swat it was really crap.
It was a disapointment because I could see nothing similar between the games and the movie. It didn't have the magic or the mix of monsters. At first I didn't think it was even conected to the Final Fantasy series because it was so unlike them.
I was expecting it to be based on one of the games, also. Oky(sp?) resembled Rinoa, and I was expecting a sequel to FFVIII. To reply to the founder of this thread: yes, I thought it was crap.
It was bad to a point where I felt like that should've payed me for watching the movie. Just calling this thing a Final Fantasy makes the games look bad...my $8.....
Funny. I really enjoyed this movie, but they shouldn't of called it Final Fantasy because it has no relation to the actual game.
There are parts of FF: Spirits Within that I really liked, and others I didn't. It had its pros and cons. I wouldn't say it was crap, because it had its good moments. I agree with Darklink - They shouldn't have called it Final Fantasy because it doesn't have to do with any of the games.
It was boring, but the final made me cry :P, the man left the girl >>U and died (wohooo) but I was a little girl :P. Still, it was bad, not magic, nothing related to FF. Good thing that dad only wasted like 2$ for renting it lol.
Since when it is a given right to push your opinion on people who post? Instead of flaming it for not being your perfect Final Fantasy movie, look past that, ignore the missing elements - is it still a good movie in general?

I thought it was ok, not brilliant, but it was half decent. Graphically, this was better then AC.
Frankly, I agree that it was better than Advent Children. Advent Children seemed...plotless. Parts of it were even non sensical. For example, the 'arm up' part during the battle with Bahamut. Honestly... what was that about? And then the sudden apperance of Sephiroth? Was that supposed to be metaphorical?

Anyway, FFTSW had a plot, the voice acting was solid and I appreciated it for what it was. It wouldn't have been, at all, popular if it had just been called The Spirits Within, though I did think it lacked the qualities fans have come to expect from Final Fantasy (Summons, Magic, etc.)

If I had to give it a rating out of 10? I'd give it a 6 or a 7. It wasn't the greatest film I've ever seen but I definately liked it more than Advent Children.

I don't know that murder is really necessary...but yes, I saw it. I was unimpressed. Graphically? It was fine. But AC recycled scenes (of the slums) and didn't compare as story-wise to FFTSW in my opinion.

I thought The Spirits Within was "ok".

I've seen movies that are much worse, and considering they did the whole thing with computer animation I felt it was put together well.. The storyline somewhat lacked any real impact though, and I guess that's what we're so used to Final Fantasy delivering, that overall the film was disappointing.

Strider said:
Though as close that movie came to Final Fantasy is the planet being named Gaia.
That, and it had a character called Cid. =p
I felt that if you just called it Spirits Within, it was not so bad. However as soon as you say it is supposed to be a Final Fantasy well then it collapses under the weight of it letting down most of the population of Earth.

It lacked Magic, swords, decent monsters and Gravity defying hair. Spirits Within was not a Final Fantasy.