What's Your Mood? V2.


Freakin' lab for my EP classes are killin' me and we have a graded progress check to do on Monday that looks like it's gonna kill me. I mean I've gotten 95%'s on the tests and junk, but the lab excersises are just confusing as hell.

It's generally shitty looking day, it's 3 days straight now we've had dense fog, and 5 a side better not be called off because of it, it's stupid that even when it rains slightly they call it off because of a leak in the roof, which isn't even that bad >.>
I'll probably end up all day on the PS3 or on photoshop, although I'm going to see Year One later.
Mood: Tired

I had a busy weekend yet again.

Yesterday I went shopping all day and tidied the house. Gosh, it seems I always say I tidy the house on the weekends. How on earth does it get so messy with only two people here?! :gasp:

Anyway, then I was meant to go out for dinner with a mate, but she bailed.

Then today we went to the shops again, then to our good mates place to chill out for a few hours and then we went out to dinner with Steve's family.

I had one drink and it made me so damn tired.

I suppose that's a good thing though, considering I need to be up early in the morning for work. Have to be up at around 5:30 to 6:00 in order to start at 7:00am.

Gah. At least I get to come home at around 2 or 3. Love it.

Anyway I'm off to bed then.

Mood: Good

reason: We ran out of wine rather early and was like, WE NEED MOAR, we came to the conclusion that at 11:30pm at tnight, th is probably wasnt the best idea, so we settled for a cup of tea instead, so becuase for the first time EVER in Clare/Kelly drinking HISTORY, we didnt end up SHIT faced and NEITHER of are hungover for once!

we ate a buttload of crisps and pizza though, we are a pair of ganits. Good night was had though, we had a good old natter, watched Peep Show (which is HILARIOUS I cant beleive Ive never seen it before) and just drank our wine

So today Im fresh as a daisy :monocle:
Mood - Irritated.

Kinda annoyed lately, I'm just tired, so the slightest thing irks me to no end. :gasp: And, I just had yet another pointless driving lesson. Thank God I've got a new instructor, who'll actually teach me stuff, and I have a lesson with him tomorrow.

Just one more lesson left with the stupid one >_>
Mood: Alright

I started work at 7am today. I got to leave at like 3pm though, which is really good because I got to do some birthday shopping for mum and Steve.

But the one thing that really shit me off was when I went to print two photos, (that I was going to use to do something special with the pressies) I realised that out of all the photos I had saved onto my USB, the one I really needed wasn't there. <_<

Mum's birthday comes first and the picture I needed for her wasn't bloody on the USB so I have to try and save it again and attempt to print it tomorrow.

The thing is, I don't know how long it takes to do this special thing I intend to do with the photo after I print it and mums birthday is 10 days away. :gasp:

Might have to be a late birthday pressie me thinks.

Another easy monday i was at college. Only needed to do math which is between 10-12pm so i went in at 8 then went down to the beach for an hour with my mate came back got food and had my math over and done with by 11pm =) so the whole college course is finished and i can get back to work without having this stupid deadline hanging over my neck.. Happy days :D
Mood - Annoyed

Just a few general things going on in my "real life". I still have to finish a few things on request of my parents and whatnot, and a friend of mine had recently moved away. Argh.
Mood: Meh

Just got home from work. Was meant to work from 8 to 4 today. Yet again I had to stay back an extra hour.


Oh well I have two hours owing to me to take whenever I want now. XD

Just got some DVD's out, so I plan to chill out and watch some with Steve tonight. I went to bed at like 7:30 last night and didn't get a chance to talk to him. Feels like I haven't seem him all day yesterday. =(

Oh and I got my S2 S3 certificate from work today! Wootage!

I have the urge to do something, but I don't know what >.> I have 5 a side at 1 but that's only for an hour >.> I should do my Psychology homework or something but it's pointless since I only have to make a questionnaire >.> Fantastic.
Mood: A tad irritated

Reason: Caught Ellie red handed being naughty before, so she's been banished to the bedroom and she aint coming out anytime soon, it never rains but it pouuurs, roll on thursday when I get some time off, i welllllll need a break
Im generally just feeling lazy and unmotivated today, I need to hoover but I can't be arsed at all. There's not actually THAT much housework to do, I just can't be bothered doing what little there is ¬.¬ It's the weather, it's too damn muggy and its amking me all tired and cranky :gonk:
Totally feeling pesimistic about this assessment for this job I have coming up aswel, ugh, Im well giving off the emo vibe today haha
Mood: Tired and grumpy at the weather.

Up in the north it is indeed grim. Been sorta foggy all day and now it's just overcast, whilst London basks in 32 degrees! OH and it's just started to drizzle. Why can't the whether be nice so I have an excuse to skive off of work!
Mood: Anxious

I can't wait any longer for the weekend to come. :gasp:

I am over work at the moment. I just need a long as holiday away from it all. I've never left Queensland in my whole 21 years of being alive. <_<

I have never left the state whatsoever save for the time I stood just over the border at Tweed Heads. :gasp:

Everyone else seems to be able to just go on a cruise, or go overseas. My mate is going to New Zealand for the second time in less than a year and within the time that I haven't even had ONE holiday.

Why is that everyone else seems to be able to slack off from their jobs and I never seem to get any time off? <_<

Horrid world this is sometimes.
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Mood - Irritated.

This. Fucking. Heat. I can't bear it. It makes me feel all tired and ill. I just want it to be cold! This is England! It's not supposed to be warm! D=<

On a plus note, I finished college tooooday. No more work until September! Hallelujah! Although, today took the piss, I had to go in for one lesson, so I got all dressed up and everything, then she let us go after 15 minutes. And I had to walk home in the sun, since my parents went down town and couldn't pick me up, so I melted. 45 minute walk in the ridiculous is not my idea of fun :ness:
Mood: Grr

Reason: Wellllll wish I didnt check my online banking, ive overspent this month, looks like Im having a quiet weekend in :wacky: Least next time Clare comes round/I go hers, i ts her turn to buy the beer food :gonk: I just cant beleive how much money ive spent, ive done so well then in the space of like, 3 weeks it all gets blown :gonk:

Mood: Overjoyed

For once. Would actually be quite uncommon for me. To simply put it, things have cleared up nicely and I get to stay over at a friend's house tomorrow.
Mood: Tired
I really shouldn't go to bed at half 1 when I have college the same day >.> I suppose it doesn't matter really since I only have history 8:45-11:00 then English 2:30-4:00 so I'll probably just sit outside n shit, Although, I'll probably fall asleep, 3 and a half hour frees are shit >.>
You people in England better share some of that glorious heat! :gasp: I am well over Winter. It's Australia!!! It's not meant to be effing cold!!! Though our Winter is probably like your Summer right now. XD XD


Mood: Tired

Been staying up far too late the past few nights. Been too busy at work to be tired and it's really getting to me.

Tomorrow I get to sit in the office all on my own because everyone else gets the day off for some reason or other.

The past few weekends have been so hectic and just when I think I'm going to have a quiet one, I find that both days and nights are occupied again. Which is good and means that I do in fact have a life, but I need a break. XD

Anyway, off to have bacon and eggs and potato gems. XD
Mood: -__-

Reason: What's it gonna take for people to just let go? Your boyfriend breaks up with you and after few months he goes and gets himself a new girl, FINE: cry for a few hours (days if needed) and leave him alone. You don't go around stalking him and harassing his girlfriend.

But then again, maybe that's when restraining orders come in. -__-
Mood: Ok

Reason: Aside from the fact I totally drew out my last 20 quid :-)gonk:) Im not too bad xD Ive baked some bread which was well nice (burnt bits aside :wacky:) ive scoffed half of it and im feeling abit tubby, but oh well. Had a stroll into Ashton before and almost got ran over, my fault for not watching where im going hahaha, got harrassed by some fundraising people and some crazy people tried talking to me, my dress blew up twice which was dire, so i just gfave up and came home

Dug the fan out, turned it on and got covered in a years worth of dust -__- and becuase iI was all sweaty it all stuck to me :gonk:

Ive stuck my elbow in it afew times aswel :gonk:

Im convinced Im on the truman show sometimes ¬.¬