What's your mood?

Hur hur hur, good hearing about you guys' academic happenings. :nerd:

Mood: Happy.

Why? Tomorrow is the 4th of July, one measly break in the midst of summer school driver's ed. Also, tomorrow's going to be a good day for watching the History Channel, where they'll come up with bits about American history. :)
Mood: More ecstatic than yesterday

It's finally the 4th of July, I have a break from school, and we're going to a barbecue party in the afternoon, though I think we're also going to the beach to watch the nice fireworks out in Oceanside harbor. :)

Other than that, I feel fine.
Nice weather. ^_^
Mood: wow
Reason: I've just discovered that I can stay awake for more than 27 hours without sleep (and still counting) and without coffee...

Well the problem is that when I was trying to sleep yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking and since I couldn't sleep, I stayed awake...-_-
Mood: Hungry (yes that's a mood!)

Reason: All i've eaten today was toast when i got up.
^ Gasp. D:

Mood: Tired

Reason: It's been a hard day's night. ;)
No, actually, I've been working at the Blood Bank all day, woke up really early after going to bed so late. >.< I should've listened to those nagging doubts.
Groggy. o_O

Mood: So-so

Reason: Regular schedule, regular routine. :( Ugh.
Going to church, coming back home, logging on again on FFF. ^_^
Mood: Worried and tired.
Reason: Could have broken up with my boyfriend today. But hes assured me that we're fine and everythings okay. Crying can take alot out of you.