What's your mood?

Mood: Happy

Reason: That's the only mood that I can think of really. :D
I have a whole 2 months off and I can do anything I want around the house, including to talking to y'all on the SB, or just keep on posting like Forrest Gump was running. :P
Mood: Angry

Reason: Well...
1) My kitten keeps going to my naighbour's back yard
2) There are no damn hard bosses in FFX-2 in chapter 2
3) Can't find Dark Knight's sphere
4) I didn't unlock the scene in Gagazet
5) I really need to go to toilet but there's some one in already
6) I dead in "Member character Elimination" Thread
7) Something smells terrible and I dun like it

Mood: Pensive

Reason: I dunno, I think I'm stocking up on ideas, for my essays over the summer. ^_^
Other than that, I'm just happy to be here on the forums and talk to y'all. ^_^
Mood: Bored

Reason: Crap to do. Well that can be because it's 7am, but still
Pissed off. But I usually am by the time I get home from work. Now that I'm sitting down and grubbing on some takeout and dicking around on the computer I'll start calming down. And by the time I grab either a book or my psp and go to take my after-work-shit, I'll be right as rain.
^ I doubt your parents hate you ...

Mood: Excited.
Reason: Boyfriends coming round and taking me to the final Harry Potter launch.