What's your mood?


holy shi-
its Bei.

Mood: Good
Reason: Bei is here
Mood: Satisfied and angry

Reason: I just got my school schedule for senior year and it seems I can't get the AP type of classes for History and Art, which yous should know I love so much. So yeah, I have to sort it out on the first day.

holy shi-
its Bei.

Mood: Good
Reason: Bei is here
awww, that's sweet

Mood: Exhausted
Reason: It is too hot outside, my airconditioner only goes down to 78 and I just spent 2 hours cleaning up poop since my puppy couldn't wait till I got home to go! She's small but she poops like a heard of horses!
Mood: Indifferent

Reason: I keep telling myself that I haven't a care in the world (to-day of course I mean ;)) xD
Mood: tired and hungry
Reason: I skipped dinner today to hang out with friends and ended up working instead. I'm too lazy to cook anything at home and I'm too tired from working to make anything simple
Mood: cranky
Reason: I woke up way too early for no reason at all, and I have to work later today. I also don't have anything to do today and I'm hoping I can get someone to come over and hang out with me!
Mood: hungry and tired, but happy
Reason: been working all day, with basically no breakfast, and no lunch :(. but happy cos i've just got letters from my gf whos in america for a month :)
Mood: Stressed
Reason: I worked till about 10:20pm today and they want me there by 6am tomorrow and they want me to work till 2pm and they just scheduled it today but I have 2 appointments tomorrow, one at 11am and the other is at 2:45pm and he is like begging me to work!
Mood: Tired yet ecstatic.

Reason: I just got FFXII last night, and I have to say LATE last night. Well, not really, but it was circa eleven o'clock that I went out to the local mall and found a really cheap priced one. xD
Mood: Excited yet nervous.

Reason: I'm going to have to go to school on Monday, much much earlier than any of you. >.< Also, I still need to write up a review on the things I've read over the summer. I've already read, but I still need to write up my drafts.
Mood: Happy
Reason: Just got a call from my baby who's missing me and is miserable. I know that shouldn't make me happy, but the fact that he wants to come back and be with me does!
Pretty tired right now.

Just got done playing Halo 2 for the last 4 hours or so, and before that I was at work since 10AM and the Little League World Series is going on here so it's crazzzzzzzy!
Haha, I was wondering why Williamsport, Pennsylvania was sounding pretty familiar. :P

Mood: Fine

Reason: Quite a good day at school actually. With ice-breakers aside, it was overall enjoyable and I liked how my schedule worked out in the end. It's not going to be too stressful and yet it's tough enough to provide some kind of point of interest in school.
Mood: Sick
Reason: Weather got cold, so naturally I started getting sick, though I feel a little better today than I did in the middle of the night when I woke up coughing and then throwing up. At least I'm not throwing up this morning.