What's your mood?

Mood: Tired, yet unrelenting (in training FFXII :P)

Reason: Tired because I had to do so many things yesterday including taking 3 big exams in my AP Classes and having all that pressure on me to complete that big AP Studio Art assignment that was due. I also have a ton of homework over the weekend, which I've been doing now and then during intervals of forums and FFXII.
Mood: Somewhat irritated

Reason: Great timing for my wireless connection to spazz out. I think I'll be stuck on dial-up for a while so that means I have to cut down on posting. :'(
Mood: Inspried
Reason: Mitzuki's work has inspired me to paint what I've been meaning to paint for a couple of months. :lol:
Mood: Stressed and exhausted, but happy

Reason: I've been so busy with everything lately and with school coming up I have less time for everything! But I just got off the phone with my baby and I'm always happy when I talk to him!
Mood: Excited

Reason: I found this Tifa costume (for halloween) and I asked my granmother to buy it for me (because she is wealthy and lives in America) she's a nice lady, I hope she will agree...

I don't really know why, but it probably has something to do with my plans being butchered today. But it just kinda came out of nowhere and slapped me in the face. I just feel like I could care less about anything that I'm currently supposed to be doing and the world can blow me if it's got anything to say about it. :\
Mood: A tad grouchy.
Reason: Terry told us to get up at 4 so we can go fishing. So I did...and no one else was up. I shall make a note that no one in my house ever gets their ass up out of bed when someone's bugging them. So I went back to sleep and got up again about three hours later...still no one up. At this point, I figured that they were calling off the little fishing trip, so I go back to sleep. About two hours later, my sister's poking me and flickering the lights and calling my cell phone to tell me that NOW they were going to go fishing. :dry: By then, I was pretty much saying "Screw it."
Mood: Excited/Sad

Reason: I'm excited because my mom is getting her new car today! ^_^ I can't wait to drive it around. It will be useful for the winter, all wheel drive ftw! I'm also starting school again.

Sad - My best friend left for college and I have to work today. Q_Q
Mood: Plain

Reason: Nothing seems to be happening today, and I'm listening to some good music.
Mood: Anxious yet again

Reason: Tomorrow, I have to give a presentation in front of the whole 30-person class. Dx
I'm scared but I know I have to do it and it won't be the last time I'll do it but it's just so hard to get out of my mind.