What's your mood?

Mood: Tired and cranky
Reason: I stayed up a little too late last night and had to be up early this morning. It's all my fault, but I wish I wasn't this tired.
Mood: Tired, hungover & poisoned

Reason: not getting to bed til 6:30am, vodka & wine and scrambled egg that made me feel REALLY sick. The bog was my best friend for a while. I also went to the gym that damn near killed me so Im not in the best pof moods right now. Bath & bed seems liek the best plan EVER
Mood: Blehh
Reason: Procrastinating homework as usual, but on the plus side I have chocolates (well, chocolate, I only have one left >_>) as a late christmas pressie and new sketchy pad and pencils for doodlings ^.^ Oh and The Jungle Book! Best film ever xD
Mood: disappointed
Reason: Well, I think I'm getting sick, so I have to take it easy the next few days. I have a feeling I won't be going snowboarding this weekend now :'(
Mood: Miserable

Reason: I have been feeling bored and peckish all day so I stuffed my face full of M&Ms and maltesers, and have been feeling sick nearly all day.
Mood: angry
Reason(two reasons actually): 1. I have to make a project for tomorrow and I reaaly don't have the patience for a silly project right now.
2. Bad news concerning Dawn of War Soulstorm....it has terrible voice actors. :mad::mad:
Mood: Tired and bleh.
Reason: I had 5 hours of sleep last night and had to take a Literacy exam all morning... At the end of the day, I had two tedious periods of earth science, and now that I'm home, I'm procrastinating from studying for my history midterm tomorrow and my science test on Thursday, along with entries for a group English project. I wish the freaking summer would hurry up. :monster:
Mood: Irritated
Reason: Some people just really piss me off sometimes, even though I try not to show it, I just want to smack them with a rotten fish.
Mood: Bleh...
Reason: I dunno, I just feel rather sleepy and phlegmatic today for some reason. Odd, that I was so tired considering I got a good 8 hours sleep for once last night..
Mood: Joyous
Reason: It's a sunny day, I slept great last night, I don't have work or school today, and it's my best friend's birthday!
Mood: Very Happy
Reason: I started playing the RPG today! I really suck at it, but I'm still a beginner so I have a lot of time to improve