What's your mood?

Damn... What i have to say to that is... Just don't listen to them. As Madea said in one of those Tyler Perry movies, 'It's not what they say, it's what you answer to'. I hope that just helps your mood. ^^

Mood: Happy

Reason: One of my sister's friends is coming tomorrow and she's really interesting to talk to and hang out with.
xD No, she's just a nice change to conversing with D'lain... if you can call it conversing. :P
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Intarwebz being retarded and taking forever to load page now... >-<
Mood: Just plain old regular moodage today

Reason: No reason, just having a day of non thinking and mebee abit of shopping....altho mah kb is choosing to irritate me....

Make that - Mood: Slightly irritated but non the less ok

Mood: Proud

Reason: I love to be a retard and a freak. I'm actually deaf, for your information. They call me freak for my deafness. And they don't know the simple pleasures of wearing hearing aids(blue):):):)
Mood: Thrilled
Reason: I'm about to beat every chapter in Warriors Orochi and finally unlock my favorite character!
Mood: Piss off

Reason: My wages were fucked up again, my passport hasn't come through yet, my SIA application hasn't come through either, the assistant at Barclay's was rubbish, I went for a job only to find out its already taken by some Italian prick who I used work with, and on the way home I got shat on by a fucking Pigeon!
Mood: Piss off

Reason: My wages were fucked up again, my passport hasn't come through yet, my SIA application hasn't come through either, the assistant at Barclay's was rubbish, I went for a job only to find out its already taken by some Italian prick who I used work with, and on the way home I got shat on by a fucking Pigeon!

It's supposed to be good luck being shat on by a pigeon:wacky:


Reason: read above xD
Mood: Relaxed.

Reason: I just showered, and am about to watch the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.<3 No complaints here, except that I'M STILL SICK.><
Mood: Tired
Reason: The lack of sleep recently may have something to do with it... just a hunch.
Mood: Crappy...though it was close to dead >_<
Reason: I don't do anything for 2 weeks then I am hit with 10hours of football training in a week...and I got blisters from it tonight :omg:
Mood: Tired
Reason: I was up early this morning and I really want to take a nap but I can't fall asleep
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: On heavenly sword I recently beat roach (hell mode) But now I have to beat Flying fox, who is being a bloody nightmare.
Marginally annoyed.

I have to go to work in an hour... I do the website for chihuahuas canada. It is so massively boring.
Mood: thrilled
Reason: whole bunch of things are going on, good things actually, and getting ready for a certain event!
Mood : Pished off

Reason : I spent TWO hours in the crystal tower/world of darkness on FF3 only to get my arse well and truly KICKED by the STUPID final boss
My DS almost went out the window >_>
Oh yeah, my friend did that on FF3. Says it's impossible. :P I never got that far on it, though.

My mood is stressed... exams week coming up, and I have to study hardcore for AP Calc and make sure I don't mess up my writing portfolio... egggh.