What's your mood?

Mood: tired and irritated
reason: my computer is slow and crappy right now and it's really starting to bug me. Ruined some clothes today too so that didn't helpt.
Mood: Stupidy excited

Reason: Its my birthday on monday and me and the girls are off to manchester tomorrow night to cause havoc in fancy dress, Iv got my fairy outfit ready and im just in the middle of a pampering sesh. I can't WAIT :D Iv not been out for 3 weeks in preperation for this and im so excited i prolly wont sleep....anyone would think I was an excitable 10 year old xD
Mood: Depressed Again...
Reason: The girl I like who also said that she likes me, goes out with another guy instead of me. 'Nough said.
Mood: Bouncing off the walls

Reason: Its saturday and its party time!
poor wolfblack :(
mood: In Love
reason:i can't explain it in public uhm...because the one that I suspect that has a crush on me is already friends with me yay! :D
Mood: Pissed Off
Reason: Christmas Party tonight but I cant go because Im too ill =( Complete waste of £42 :dry:
Mood: Annoyed.

Reason: Mom singing country music badly as she listens to it on her Mp3 player with NOISE CANCELING headphones, so she can't tell how badly she sings. >-<
Mood: Jolly
Reason: It's snowing, and I started my new years party early so I'm not letting anything bother me!
Mood: Angry and Stressed
Why: Because I found out everyone calls me ugly at school because I am in general retarded, a freak, and stupid. I am retarded because of my voice, since it's the lowest of the female version of voices, whatever it's called. I am a freak because I have hearing loss and I have to wear hearing aids, like old people (except I'm not old). And I am stupid because I am very forgetful and I can't stop lying to all my friends. The devil makes me do it, I presume.
And I'm really sick of this girl in the other class who spreads alot of rumors about me saying retarded things in front of my ex-crush, who I drunkenly asked out to a Halloween dance few months ago.
Everyone in my school and my old school calls me ugly.
Makes me proud.:P