What's your mood?

I'm sleepy! >_< That's because I need to be up for work in five hours and I'm not in bed yet T_T
Mood: Happy and full
Reason: I just finished a fantastic lunch, and I had an awsome sleep last night, it's sunny out right now so I'm in a good mood.
Mood: Exhausted
Reason: I woke up early today since I basically thought it was tuesday, so I made it to school early and realized I still had an hour till my next class, so I did homework, went to all my classes today, and then I ran a lot of errands like going to the bank, the post office, the grocery store, and finally mcdonalds for lunch.
Mood: Sad
Reason: A few things on my mind I'd rather not have.
Mood: Crappy.
Reason: Well, its more like reasons. Im missing out on a concert with my guy cause its in my hometown and I have work tommorow (hes in it right now!), I have 3 essays to write and 21 days to write them.
Mood: Content
Reason: I don't have to work tonight, sitting at home listening to music, and I'm almost finished with my homework. good enough for me
Mood: blah
Reason: I got a really bad headache and I can't get it to go away, and I'm actually thinking of going to bed early tonight
Mood: Crabby
Reason: I hate working mornings. I don't even know why we're open, like today we only had 3 people come in, I spent most of the time at work sleeping!!! Why did I even have to come in today?