What's your mood?

Mood: Really Bad
Reason: Bad stuff happened this weekend. I have a list of all the bad stuff that happened, thats how bad it was and I'm still in a bad mood at this very moment
Modd: Worried.
Reason: Me and my boyfriend kinda hit a bump in the relationship. Hopefully its sorted now.
Mood: Bored...and a little down
Reason: I know their a lot better things I should be doing...but I just don't want to.
Mood: Tired
Reason: I could barely fall asleep, I was up like every half hour and it doesn't feel like I slept at all. For some reason I just couldn't fall asleep.
mood: bored

reason: sitting here waiting for the bus, so i cab get out and do sumthin
Mood: Ticked off
Reason: Ohio. The other day it was around 80 degrees...yesterday it dropped to freakin' 30! What is wrong with this place?!
Mood: Potentially silly

Reason: Had a pretty lengthy conversation with my favourite person in the world... and the sun is affecting me in a positive way.
Mood is sorta stressful since it's crunch time with the semsster winding down and projects, papers, and presentations are all piling up on top of each other. :/
I'm very annoyed right now because I can't get my nose to stop bleeding. Well, I can, but then it starts up again. It's been off an on all day.
Mood: Worried


One of the persons I really care is right now sick, and if she doesn't get better, she might end up with anemia which could end up as leukemia if it gets worst. If that happens...I will be really sad.....:'( :sad2:
Mood: Annoyed.

Reason: No ones business really. Mainly personal stuff.
Mood: Tired
Reason: I had to pull an all nighter last night and I'm seriously paying for it right now. I wanna take a nap so bad but I have class to go to and after that I have to start a little homework, but I think I'll just go to bed a little early tonight instead of taking a nap
mood: Grumpy
I've never been allergic to anything in my entire life, but all of a sudden I'm getting a huge allergic reaction....ONLY on my left eye. It's like I'm having one red eye and one normal white one.
And that not being bad enough, all my friends and everyone at school starts to ask me what's up with my eye. And I don't mean the innocent asking kind of way, I mean the "WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOUR EYE?!" kind of way. Fine, I can handle it once, twice or even three times, but every single person asks.
When I was sitting on the bus home, this guy asks concerned about my eye, and I answer. Simple enough, but then the next one asks and I answer, then the next one and every single one sitting there... Can't they just notice what I'm giving as an answer the first time... jeez!

Well, that was my bad day, filled with concerned people. who just got on my nerves. I really hope this allergy goes away, taking medicines and eye drops twice a day....
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mood: Grumpy
I've never been allergic to anything in my entire life, but all of a sudden I'm getting a huge allergic reaction....ONLY on my left eye. It's like I'm having one red eye and one normal white one.
And that not being bad enough, all my friends and everyone at school starts to ask me what's up with my eye. And I don't mean the innocent asking kind of way, I mean the "WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOUR EYE?!" kind of way. Fine, I can handle it once, twice or even three times, but ever single person asks.
When I was sitting on the bus home, this guy asks concerned about my eye, and I answer. Simple enough, but then the next one asks and I answer, then the next one and every single one sitting there... Can't they just notice what I'm giving as an answer the first time... jeez!

Well, that was my bad day, filled with concerned people. who just got on my nerves. I really hope this allergy goes away, taking medicines and eye drops twice a day....

I know that one my boys had and the old one have it now too.Dont worry it will go away after about 5-7 days,just keep taking that medication your taking.:)


Why :both kids are at home and they dont sitt even for one sec.on there a.....!And they have some Batteries in there mouth :Mum that mum the other mum mum mum mum uff al times they whant something.I cant even sitt down for more than a sec.
mood: Grumpy
I've never been allergic to anything in my entire life, but all of a sudden I'm getting a huge allergic reaction....ONLY on my left eye. It's like I'm having one red eye and one normal white one.
And that not being bad enough, all my friends and everyone at school starts to ask me what's up with my eye. And I don't mean the innocent asking kind of way, I mean the "WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOUR EYE?!" kind of way. Fine, I can handle it once, twice or even three times, but ever single person asks.
When I was sitting on the bus home, this guy asks concerned about my eye, and I answer. Simple enough, but then the next one asks and I answer, then the next one and every single one sitting there... Can't they just notice what I'm giving as an answer the first time... jeez!

Well, that was my bad day, filled with concerned people. who just got on my nerves. I really hope this allergy goes away, taking medicines and eye drops twice a day....

Ouch, good luck with that.

Mood: Tired
Reason: It's late and i have to get up early tommorow. Gonna get some Z's.