What's your mood?

Mood: Irritated

Reason: The weather decided to become swelteringly hot recently. I'm not inclined to remove any clothes, so I'm stuck with t-shirt and jeans... I need an air conditioner.
Mood: smitten
Reason: I just got off the phone with the bf, I always feel loved when I get off the phone with him
Mood: Restless
Reason: I keep thinking that I've forgotten something though I don't know what it is. It's like stopping me from really relaxing
Mood: Happy
Reason: Two of my friends who used to be friends with each other had a falling out, and now I think they're going to try to patch things up between them so we can all be friends again!
mood: Thrilled
reason: It's so nice and warm outside, and I just love when it's sunny. It's actually starting to feel like spring
Mood: exhausted
Reason: I have a paper due tomorrow, and I haven't even started it yet, and I have no chocolate!
Mood: In love
Why? Cuz Matt C. is the hottest guy in the whole school and we are friends but well..... i dont think he likes me and telling that i like him would be wierd... for everyone...:huh:
Mood: Stressed
Reason: Got a long weekend ahead of me, and on top of that someone stole my wallet
Mood: Angelic

Reason: It is my mission to be all of the moods available, keeping one for at least a day, and this is just the next one on the list. Interesting tidbit, I've found that though I pick the moods based on the order they appear (alphabetical, for those of you who fail to realize this) I've found that I unconsciously conform to fit the mood. Weird, huh?

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Mood: Cheerful
Reason: It's a beautiful warm sunny day outside, and I didn't have to work all night. Also because I actually have money now after work