What's your mood?

Mood: Carefree :D i just had the loveliest meal with my gf :) im sooo happy :D i feel like everything will be alright, i wanna be friends with the birds and the trees and bami :D weeeeeeee horay for weed and bong! :D
Mood: Confused

Reason: Things that happened today were just plain bizarre. :gasp:
Mood: Bah

Reason: It's just one thing after another -__- I'd say things can only get better but alas, Im sure summat else will happen to piss me off. I think some fucker must have a voodoo doll of me, either that or I was an absolute CUNT in a previous life
Mood - Silly

Reason - I'm going to a party tonight, going to get pissed and make out with someone, so I can't wait for that. At the moment though I'm just dancing around my room to Bootylicious. 'Cause I'm that cool.
Mood: Happy

Reason: I traded in my intermediate license today for my "real" one, so I don't have a curfew anymore ^^ Also, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow because it's Halloween and me and a bunch of friends are getting together to watch scary movies and stay up late. My favorite show is coming on tonight as well, so I'm in a really good mood!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Well I can't really think of a reason, it's only 10:30 and I got to sleep in today...
Mood: OK

Reason: Its Friday, Im off out tonight, I just need to get my arse in gear and decide what Im wearing, get in the bath, shave my gorilla legs fake tan...etc...etc....*sigh* I wish I was a man.....
Mood:Really Frustrated and Angry

Reason:Only one person in my house works, thats my dad
my mom stays home all day and does nothing. she doesnt clean go shopping..NOTHING! so when i come home from school i have to PICK UP MY BROTHERS clean the whole house and go shopping for everyone in my house
if i complain i get hit and grounded and i just` had the last of it tonight
Mood: Tired

Reason: I have troubles sleeping at nigth lately, so I usually stick around in some Foruns, MSN, Music etc...until I can get some sleep. Well at least some...

Mood: Excited

Reason: Since I just turned 17, I can finally get my "real" license. That means no more curfew or restrictions! Yippee!
Late Happy Birthday then. The years pass too quickly.
Good luck on your license. ^_^
Mood: Nervous.

I'm about to go to work, and for some reason I always get nervous when I'm about to do so. X_x
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Alcohol, I think Im gunna go back to bed >_>
Mood: Confused

Reason: Just a while back my whole town had a power discharge. Everything was dark and something outside kept on beeping. Most of the cars' alarms went off. I had a little portble DVD player so I watched Titanic for an hour and a half.
Mood: Inspired

Reason: Since all my videogames I've been destroyed and/or deleted due to accidents, I've found time for more Photoshop. 8D