What's your mood?

Mood: Lazy
Reason: There are plenty of things I should be doing but I just can't be stuffed at the moment.
Mood - Blah.

Reason - I think I'm immune to sleep. I've had less than 4 hours sleep, and haven't been able to get back to sleep. So I've been awake since midnight. Fuuun. Luckily I only have two lessons today...however I have a Law essay that needs to be in for tomorrow too D=
Mood: restless

Reason: I really wanted to do stuff today but I ended up oversleeping, I finally caught up on some much needed sleep... I have stuff in my garden I need to sort but aswel as over sleeping the rain scuppered that plan aswel -__-
Mood: Calm.

Reason: It's actually peaceful at home right now and I want it to stay that way forever.
Mood: Ok

Reason: Its bonfire night, im sure we get into this more than Xmas lol, its the thought of making bonfires and setting off orks I think haha. Anyway, Im freeeezing and I have a headache, but it was a pretty good display :monster:

I love te smell of fire and fireworks awswel, its dead xmokey outside and its cool
Mood - Tired, but happy.

Reason - I've had all of two hours sleep. But, I've got all my work done and I had a fun night out with Joanna, Kady and Lee. Fireworks display and the fair =D
Mood: Average.

Reason: I've just stood on a drawing pin which found it's way into my heel so that kinda put a poor finish to my day, but luckily i'm as happy as can be so i'm not gonna let a hole in my foot stop me!
Mood: Crappy

Reason: I've had a horrible headache all day long that just won't go away, no matter what I take to relieve it :/ Today just wasn't a good day in general though thanks to yesterday's election and all of the tension it caused at my school. The principal was so afraid there would be a fight that he made an announcement saying we couldn't talk about it at school....ugh..
Tired. I had to walk all over the place at work, and I have shitty shoes. D=

Not to mention I worked in the softlines section. The WORST section EVER. You'd think folding clothes wouldn't be so bad. Well it is.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I wasn't able to completely enroll and I must come back tomorrow morning so that was pretty hectic. Now I'm home and I'm finally relaxed.
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I need to stop having late nights, because now all I wanna do is slob around and not get dressed, maybe stick FFVII on but I cba even turning the PS2 on......
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep yet, but at the same time I don't know what I want to do before I go to sleep -__-