What's your mood?

Mood: BLAH and Dead

Reason: i cried for like hours and i had a headache from 6 am to 9 pm
i dont feel anything at the moment just...serious straight face and very quiet...
Mood: Inspired and excited

Reason: New photo idea. I love it when it just hits me. XD
Mood: Pretty Happy

Reason: Good news has graced my ears and it's been a pretty long time since i've had real good news so that's just great and then i have aqquired a lovely crate of Guinness which is lovely and cold and is craving my attention/drinking.
Mood: Happy

Reason: Today was a lot better than yesterday was by far. My headache finally went away and school wasn't as hectic ^^ Tomorrow is Friday as well, which is always something to be happy about.
Mood: Bored, Restless and Grumpy

Reason: It's 1:51am i can't sleep i haven't had any sleep in the past 30+ hours there's nothing to do apart from this and music but it's just not satisfying me, and due to the lack of sleep i'm feeling kinda dull and grumpy.
Mood: Buzzing.
Reason: Due to our review days I finished today 4 hours early, tomorrow 5 hours 45 minutes early, Wednesday 1 hour early and Thursday 1 hour 45 minutes early! :D:D:D
Mood: Feh

Reason: It's fucking FREEZING, Im bored, there's nowt to do, I don't even have any housework to do....well, apart from emptying the washing machine which I really cbf doing........and I need a van. :gasp:
Mood: Blah.

Reason: I keep getting these headaches off and on that won't seem to stay away.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Volleyball varsity tryouts today. I even got this painful wound-scratch to show for the effort I put in. -__-

The tryouts took 5 hours. I was exhausted after. It's a wonder how I even got home..