What's your mood?

Mood: Blah

Reason: I'm dreading my Chem midterm test Friday, seeing as how I don't understand a single thing we've been doing this week. I'm sooo gonna fail! :gasp:
Mood: Nervous

Reason: I always get nervous before work. Since I'm new I'm always worried about messing up, or not working fast enough.
Mood: Nervous
Reason: There seem to be problems round here... nature is running wild... today we had really strong winds... a lot of windows broken, a lot of trees down, ...
Mood: Blah

Reason: I didn't get much sleep last night, so I have a headache and to top it off it is a pretty hot day.
Actually very tired and about to fall asleep after listening t a 45 minute lecture in a hoodie and sweatpants. Knocked me right out and I dozed off a few times. Need sleep like crazy.
devilish:cus i am the devils first servant
sometimes i think wath the ''normal'' people have against the satanic
dam,we dont kill anyone,you venerate your god,let us venerate the our!!!!!!!!!

Mood: Ok

Reason: Had a good sleep, not much housework to do, just gunna lounge round because it's too cold to go out...not that I would anyway, but that's beside the point
Mood: irritable.

Reason: I'm not liking the orchestra, which I attend, at the moment. The whole establishment is far too relaxed for a serious band and, when you're paying money, you want to believe that you'll be ready to play the pieces by the time the concert comes around!
Mood: so very annoyed and also sad.

Reason: I've just lost so many friends in a short time, I don't actually know why. No one really says anything. Well, maybe I'm just a boring person then.
I don't actually know anymore who I can call my friend anymore or anything.
Then, school. I'm so stressed. speech, lots of essays, I'll have many exams soon, annoying teachers, then being mostly alone even there. I have time for nothing right now.
Mood: Good.
Reason: I got a new modem, now I won't allow anyone to suprass me on the RPG! :D and among other things...especially in my free times, its so damn boring. >_>

Mood: so very annoyed and also sad.

Reason: I've just lost so many friends in a short time, I don't actually know why. No one really says anything. Well, maybe I'm just a boring person then.
I don't actually know anymore who I can call my friend anymore or anything.
Then, school. I'm so stressed. speech, lots of essays, I'll have many exams soon, annoying teachers, then being mostly alone even there. I have time for nothing right now.
You aren't the only one, I don't believe anyone talks with all the people on MSN, and I usually talk with you and never ignored you. I just don't like start conversations...as for other people I don't really know, busy with something , not in the mood, it could be anything... but then again, why turn the MSN on?
You aren't the only one, I don't believe anyone talks with all the people on MSN, and I usually talk with you and never ignored you. I just don't like start conversations...as for other people I don't really know, busy with something , not in the mood, it could be anything... but then again, why turn the MSN on?
I been down that road before as well. All the "friends" I use to have (in real life and online), they kicked me out of their life over the most ridiculous things. I got over them and moved on with my life.

Mood: Fine but hungry.

Reason: I don't have a headache today and I smell dinner being cooked so I am getting hungry.
Mood: Tired!

Reason: So busy. Work, friends, parents (I have... a lot of step parents), presents, money, worry. Ugh. Just wanna sleep it all off.
^ that's an interesting signature.

Mood: Panicky

Reason: I have so many many things to finish.. I don't know where to start.

...I should probably get off the internet now. >_>