What's your mood?

Mood: Quite sick

Reason: First time I've eaten properly since Tuesday and I ate waaaay too much, my tummy hurts now. D: I was so full that I even turned down a chocolate eclair. ><

Tired cause I just woke up an hour ago, and annoyed that this riff keeps deciding to be a pain when I record.
Mood: Sick

Reason: I've been coughing non-stop all day and my head's all stuffy :/
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: The forum is dead, MSN as well. and its also starting to get really late, but today (past Midnight) is Sunday, so thats not a problem
Mood: Inspired

Reason: Well, since Hearts of Iron (video game) died out on me right after I conquered the whole world, I've since devoted more time to Photoshop again. >.>
Mood: Haaaaappy!
Reason: I managed to get out of bed fairly early to do so I didn't waste half the day. Watching the Boro game then going straight to 5-a-side afterwards. Ace. :neomon:
Mood: Satisfied

Reason: With food, that is. Yellow Cab pizza is just...pizza perfection.
Moood: Geeeewd

Reason: Had a great time last night, got drunk but didnt get shit faced so the hagover is minimal, although all I can taste is lemonade, no mattsr how many times I brush my teeth. I've got the munchies though, may have to go on a food mission in a mo
Mood: Hopeful

Reason: I'm supposed to be going out to lunch today if everything goes through. I'm going to be very mad if it doesn't because I really want to go out to lunch today!
Mood: Frustrated.

Reason: I can't come up with a signature idea with my Sun Quan render I am using. ._.
Mood: Happy...again. :)
Reason: I've just finished moving all the threads about in the multiplatform section with Dave so that's something done and dusted. :D
Mood: Shitty
Reason: Lots of them. Mainly because I pushed my only friend away and now I have no one to hang out with, so I'm stuck with having to bother my family, which I don't do because I'm tired of doing that, leaving me no other option but to stay at home and sulk and throw paper balls at the cat. I need to get my act together but I have no motivation.
Mood: Shitty
Reason: My stupid trigonometry teacher put us a freakingly long homework which I know that not over 2% of people will do something of it... And I'm one of the two who has done some of it... -__- She could at least explain... Grrr...
Mood: Bored/hyper
Reason: I haven't done much today and there is nothing to do right now.
Mood: Exhausted
Reason: I've had a fairly busy day, I've been out of the house all day and I only just got home.
Mood: Hungry

My partner recently got a new job working later in the evenings, which means dinner is always going to be later than usual. He does all the cooking majority of the time. That's the way we both like it >_< I pretty much do everything else so it's only fair lol. I can cook though =P

Looks like I'm going to have to step up from now on lol.