What's your mood?

Mood - Foul.

Reason - No idea. Several people are making me annoyed too easily for my own good. I've just woke up after falling asleep at 4, so it's going to be another shitty sleepless night for me. And, I have Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas is you song stuck in my head.
Mood: Crappy

Reason: My cat just attacked me from out of nowhere while I was sitting on the couch, so now I have a big gash across the top of my head and a cut on my chin. Throwing that damn animal outside in the cold sounds like a really good idea right now -__-
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Due to restrictions on my internets i can't go on msn at my house so i'm restricted to use it on my phone but when my phone starts to be a fucktard and not send and recieve messages and get random messages from people i don't know i think that's enough to annoy the life out of any one, but not only that it ALWAYS seems to mess me around when i'm talking to a certain someone, now i'm usually a calm guy but this is just so fustraiting!!
Mood: Happy and hyper
Reason: See Shoutbox.
Woot all those fails!
/fails again.
Mood: Great!
Reason: It was another half day at college today. Only had one lesson and all me reviews were ace. 5 a side in about half an hour, and then our awards night at 7pm. :D
Mood: Alreet

Reason: I've almost finished my crimbo shopping, just Danny and the grandparents (his side) to buy for, Il just get them some alchol between them or summat...anyway, othr than that Im dooone. Also considering what I put away last night I have a very mild hangover which is good :monster:
Mood: tired

Reason: Ive well been out shopping all day. Im nakkered. I bought summore xmas prezzies, just need to get Danny a couple of things, my brother some socks (xD) and Ellie just needs some stocking fillers now

Although I still need to get my exes mum and dad and sister summat, I never know what to fecking get them though -__-

tired lol :P

that must make my mood: Slightly Fatigued, but at the same time relieved.

Reason: Been working 7 straight shifts this week and they all been tough so worn down, last one tonight woohoo
Mood: Woot woot!
Reason: The weekend if finally here so now I can just chill out and relax for the a few days. Gonna go and see Emily later and the first Boro match in 2 weeks tomorrow. :D
Mood Amazed because am amazed that this forum is so good and amazed about Mitsuki lol.
Mood: Wonderful + Thankful

Reaso: I feel wonderful because a lot of people have complimented me today. I feel accepted, loved, respected and warm.
I am thankful for the alarm clock that wakes me up every morning because that means that I'm alive. I'm thankful of the room I have to clean after a party because that means I was visited by friends. I'm thankful for the cold rain that washes away my tears and cleans my soul. I'm thankful for every day that has filled me with love.
Mood: Good.

Reason: It has actually been a good day for me. Nothing bad or wrong has happen to me today. This is why I love Fridays so much.