What's your mood?

Mood: Shit
Reason: It's one of those mornings where I feel hung over even though I didn't drink last night...
Mood: Frustrated

Reason: Urrgh. I can't believe my efforts are always in vain. -__-
Mood: Good

Reason: Got a quiet child free weekend, got no plans other than just slobbing around the house, I well cba going out, and Im skint....I just fancy a nice peaceful time to myself for a change. And I also need to do some bloody decorating.... >_>
Mood: Relaxed
Reason: I'm just about to hit the hay, some pre-sleep munchibles would be nice though.
Mood: Content.

Reason: I didn't throw my PS2 remote at the TV this morning like I almost did last night when I got killed twice causing me to redo the same stage over when I was almost finished.
My mood is contemplative and slightly depressed. I have a lot of work to do this week and it's getting me down a little. Music always cheers me up as does playing Final Fantasy though :)
Mood: Bored and bleh

Reason: It's been a boring day. Well, a usual Saturday really, which is annoying because I hate my Saturdays. And I'm in a bleh-ish mood and can't really be bothered with people or anything...
Mood: Glad

Reason: I downloaded LimeWire and now I'm able to download FF (or something else) songs into my ipod ^_^
Mood: Shit.
Reason: We lost which basically means that our 4 points from Villa and Everton are basically worthless, plus Bolton are shit which makes it more annoying >.>
Mood: Tired and pissy
Reason: Because you touch yourself at night. Fuck off, there isn't one. I just got tired all of a sudden and now I'm on edge.

EDIT: It was because I hadn't eaten. Went out to eat after the Penn State game... feel much better. I always forget how much an empty stomach negatively affects my personality.
Mood: Bleh
Reason: I have a Spanish project, a Chem lab report, and a powerpoint for English all do Monday. The bad thing is that the powerpoint has to be on a book my English teacher assigned us, and I haven't finished reading it! :gasp: Tomorrow's going to be a very busy day.
Mood: Depressed yet hopeful.

Reason: I have depression (it's mild, though, as of now, anyway, thanks to my medications) It's weired, though; my mind feels depressed, but it feels as though there is a layer of hope over it... I don't know how I can feel two opposite emotions at the same time.. This has been happening often lately. So confusing.
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Mood: Ok

Reason: Feeling rather pleased with myself about getting that dexcorating (half) done, Im just abit ired because I went to bed faaaar to late and I havent eaten yet so Im hungrrrrry
Mood: Annoyed.

Reason: People just annoy me too much and won't back off no matter how many times I tell them to.