What's your mood?

Mood: Tired

Reason: Just am, I'm about to go to bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow which is quite annoying.
Mood: Meh

Reason: Having a proper lazy day when I really wanted to go out and do stuff today.... I also need to do another coat on that wall AND buy more paint, guess Il have to do it another day -__-
The same applies to this thread - I've been noticing a great deal more posts with a lower content. Again, try not to let this thread become an easy way for you to get a post count, okay?
This thread is post count? Seriously?

Mood: Happy but gasey

Reason: It's been a good football weekend. I really got into it this weekend. Not sure why. Usually I watch a game or two pretty intently and the rest of the time I just check score updates now and again. This weekend was different. I really got into every game. I was pumped for every play. It was a good football weekend... wrapping it up now with the Saint/Packers game.

Reason 2: I ate beans for lunch and drank apple cider...
Mood: Nervous
Reason: I have a chair tryout coming up in band next week, and some numskull signed me up for the first time slot -__- I'm even more worried than I was now, even though I've been practicing a lot for it the past few weeks. Ugh...I hope everything goes ok.
Mood: Gewd

Reason: Got me new chest of drawers buit, although they are full of xmas presents instead of clothes, so that's summat I'l have to leave til after xmas :wacky:

Gunna get the second coat on that room later aswel and Im gunna go buy summore paint tomorrow...I keep saying that >_>
Mood: Knackered
Reason: It's the first time in like 3 weeks we've had a full Tuesday at college...and I hate it. >.>
5 hours worth of lessons with an hour and a half of English to top it off, is rather shit. :sad:
Mood: Pure bullshit...
Reason: This last weeks have been deadline over deadline for every other project, and even when I've done all I could... before this (That is, even after fighting procrastination) it's still not enough time and I've been sleeping little lately... and deh... the overworking is making me lose myself.
Mood; Mellow!!!

reason; Even though im quite tired and will be returning to school tomorrow, i got myself a job at rogers for the time being, so mellow :)
Mood: Horny

Reason: It's always the mood I'm in. There. Now I've posted in this worthless fucking thread and I don't have to keep coming back to see what everyone's dumb mood is. Un-subscribe, please and thank you... mother fucker...
Mood: Ok

Reason: got that second coat of paint on the wal, so now I just need another tin of paint, Il get it tomorrow....... >_>

Im also a tad hungover, but well, that's my own fault, and Im starving, must go raid the fridge soon
Mood: Wooooo!
Reason: Not at college until next Monday now! :D Plus we're all going to Cineworld tonight to go and see Quarantine...although I'm still struggling to see how 20+ of us are all going to get into an 18 film when we're all 16/17 xDD
Mood: Tired.

Reason: I didn't get much sleep last night. Woke up with a stuff nose that needed attendance. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight.
Mood: HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reason: I am 'bout to have 1000 posts!
Mood: Miserable and hurting

Reason: I wanted to go out tonight but i've someow managed to break a rib so that's put a downer on my parade and as for the miserable things in my life were going well but now they seemed to have to stop and i'm slowly starting to fall backwards into the lovely pit of depression again.
Mood; Happy

Reason; My first day at rogers was today and i did well, they were pleased and the work was slack, it's nice to be slack at work hahah.
Mood: Confused, angry, and sad

Reason: My friend just told me something about herself that I didn't know today, and it's really changed my opinion of her. I don't agree with something she did at all, yet as her best friend, I know I should be supportive. I'm really upset because I see her going down completely the wrong path, yet I don't know how to stop it. I hope she heeds my advice, because I really don't feel like helping her out of a bind when I told her how to prevent it..