What's your mood?

Mood: Happy
Reason: Our 3rd of 4 early days this week. :D I still have an essay to do but it's not that bad since a speech about how America has come forward in it's black equality (MLK Jr, Obama etc).
Mood: Hungry

Reason: i have no food and I have to go shopping later -__-

Food shopping SUCKS. I might treat myself to a new top or summat to make up for it >_>
Mooood: Hungover, slightly paniked

Reason: Bottle of wine and Im kinda concerned at how fast smas is approaching, I think I ought to have a look on ebay....which reminds me, i made 2 drunken bids last night, why do I alsways DO that.....anyway, Im after a couple of disney DVD's for the sprog
Mood: Accomplished

Reason: I am getting a lot of stuff done this week, especially today. I finally have the time to do everything that needed to be done and it feels great!
Mood: Miserable.

Reason: Due to a combination of a unsettled stomach, a mind that never seems to stop thinking about stuff and just a unability to sleep i have found myself tired beyond my imagination and been to tired to do anything during the day/night so it's been a pretty sleepless week for me, i'm hoping that it will pass.
Mood - Somewhere between fantastic and shitty.

Reason - Yay! New phone! Unlimited texts and all that, very nice. Possibly going to be in a relationship by the end of the week too, although that's all over the place right now. And I have no homework either. Which is a total surprise. I NEVER have no homework D= And, I also feel much better now that I've had a moan to Mitsuki about certain things that were bothering me ^^

But on the flipside, I've got Double Law in the morning and I've decided to have an insomnia bout NOW. Tomorrow's also my full day and I REALLY can't be arsed. It's like a charity day at college, so everyone and everything will be trying to take our money tomorrow, which I guess is good because it's for a good cause. But they're really pushy and scary D= And, we start Hamlet coursework tomorrow, which leaves me kinda screwed, since I didn't read the sodding play >_>
Mood: Grumpy

Reason: I'm stuck at work right now and I'm here from 1am-1pm. I hate working 3rd shift. I'd rather be at home sleeping like most people.
Omg that's an EVIL shift to do Bei D:

Mood: Tired

Reason: Went to bed FAR too late and got up FARtoo early, and Im supposed to be going to the pictures tonight....guess who's gunna be falling asleep at the most inconvienient time >_>

*currently drinking a strong coffee*
Mood: Well good.
Reason: Weekend innit. :monster: After a week of college there is nothing like a good 'ol weekend, plus it was Children in Need's day today and some lads wore a skirt...it was rather sickening tbqh since he has legs like a gorilla. :wacky:
Mood: Epicly Tired.
Reason: 12 hour night shifts, Mon-Friday, doing jobby on the set of BBC's 'Waking the Dead' as they are filming nearby. I've never seen it before but it better be fucking good. I've had little sleep inbetween because I've had things to do during the day aswell.
Mood: Irritated.

Reason: My braces are pissing me off, especially these elastic bands which I don't think I'll ever get used to. They hurt like hell as well and I can't eat solid foods, it's very annoying. -_-
Mood: Hazy

Reason: Stayed of till 2 am with a lot of junk on the mind (clutter). Woke up for work at 7:00am and am out the door until 6pm later today. Work work work work work. One day, I tell ya.. it will all pay off.
Mood: Shit

Reason: the combination of not getting enough sleep, nerves and Mc Donalds is not a good mix.
Mood: Lazy

Reasson: Im just a lazy oaf, and Ineed to get myself dressed because Im going out soon......fucking effort -__-
Mood: Bored to death

Reason: There be nothing to do. People start posting faster!