What's your mood?

Mood: Angelic.

Reason: <No reason. Its just what my mood is I guess.

Mood: Happy

Reason: You don't get 2 nationalwide first places everyday, do you? (Yes, I'm a geek, and what about it?)

Nationalwide? You mean nationwide?
Obviously you're no geek.

PHONY! :wacky:
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Mood: Fat, lazy and bored

Reason: It's half one on a Sunday and I'm lying in bed eating sweets instead of doing anything productive, nothing new there then. >_>
Mood: fed up

Reason: Stil have a stupid headache which is pecking my head, and Im just generally feeling abit ...meh.....Ive been like this for weeks lol, Il have to cheer up eventually or Im in danger of turning into a grumpy old git D:
Mood: Blaaaargh.
Reason: Back at college tomorrow in which two essays need to be handed in. But I think think there is a PD day on Tuesday so I should be able to do them then. D:
Mood: Sleepy. Tired. Dead.

I worked for about nine hours yesterday, and now I have to work nine more hours today. ;_; I can't wait to get a REAL job. [/sarcasm]
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: How can I not be? It's...1am. :gasp: Good night.
Late Happy Birthday then. The years pass too quickly.
Good luck on your license.
Thanks! ^^

Mood: Sick

Reason: I have a bad stomache ache and a migrane that won't go away. I suppose the internet isn't helping, but meh...
Mood: sick/cold

Reason: Its freezing here and I catched a cold >_>

Reason: Lewis Hamilton just won the World Championship!!
Mood: Angry

Reason: NOBODY wakes me up early in the morning :stare: NOBODY!! If I'm sleeping, let me sleep.
Mood:Annoyed mad and aggravted

Reason: No matter where i go..this guy keeps following me on forums realted to FF XIII Versus. harrassing me about the reason why i got banned from a previous ffxiii forum. which in his opinion i caused problems when all i did was ask for some respect from the moderators thats all. they were extremly rude to me for no reason
but i joined a new forum and this guy is replying to my threads talking trash to me saying to the moderators to watch out for me when i havent done anything wrong in their eyes. i jsut hate it and its annoying
Mood: Tired

Reason: Couldnt sleep last night -__- And I feel sick , I think Im getting poorly D:
Mood - ARGH!

Reason - I have two huge essays that need to be in for tomorrow, for two very scary teachers. And I have about three law essays to do for Wednesday, as well as a new History essay for Thursday. So, the next few days are going to see me swamped D=
Mood: Gah.

Reason: I got a headache that won't go away still and my nose is a bit runny too. >.<
Mood: Happy

Reason: Tomorrow is election day, so no school! Yippee! ^^
Mood - Excited
Reason - Tomorow im going to meet with an friend, I don't see her for two years.
I believe it will be an awesome day, can't wait for it. ^_^

@Motochicka - Hope you get well soon ;)
@Stella - Lucky :P
Mood: Restless and Depressed

Reason: Got WAY to much on my mind so i can't sleep this is also part of my downfall, i've had a pretty bad day was mean to be in the pub with mates but they didn't show so i was waiting for ages like a nub, what the fuck are friends for when they don't show to something they arranged!