What's your mood?

Mood: Heart-poundingly nervous.

Reason: College apps due on Tuesday, I still have to finish them. Essay due this week, 2 tests in English and Math, oral presentations for prose, and physics exam in the middle of the week.
Mood: Lazy
Reason: I've done so much work the past few days, I don't even want to do anything productive instead of just sit here online, though I still have homework to do, clean, and make dinner! well lets just see how far I actually get
Mood: Pretty hopeless. And annoyed.
Reason: Things suck on many levels right now. And I have a bunch of homework calling my name that I dooooon't wanna do.
Mood: Determined

Reason: Just determined to get my homework done. I'm also determined to get off my lazy ass and start reading a damn book. >(
Mood: YeeHaw! Haha.

Reason: Okay, I feel a little ill and tired and I gotta write a couple of essays, but I managed to get through to my boyfriend last night! w00t! His phone wasn't working all weekend.
mood: glorious!
reason: my bro came to fix my internet whatsit for my PS2 so im back online gaming woohoo
Mood: tired
Reason: I didn't sleep very well last night, and I didn't do anything yesturday that I was supposed to do so I have to do it all today
Mood: Fed up.
Reason: Its raining, may not see my boyfriend tonight, havent got my DS to play my new game and Im just meh.
Mood: Excited
Reason: I finished all my homework, I did my laundry, and I don't have to go to my one class tomorrow! I also bought a new shirt today at walmart, it was so cute!
Mood: Tired/exhausted

Reason: I had a long long day. *sighs* I hate rush hour traffic.... Ugh, I finally have a day off.
Mood: Pissed off
Reason: Just found out someone who I thought was my friend is actually pretending to be my friend to spread rumors about me.
Mood: Excited
Reason: My friend is on her way to stay with me for the weekend, and I don't have to work the whole weekend likend like normally! Oh yeah, and I'm playing Halo 3 this weekend!