What's your real name?

Real name? well the names Jessica, if you didnt already know that by looking at my profile :/ :ninja: now i shall go hide myself in the shadows :P
Mines Lee. Not short for anything and the totally male version of the name :P.
I is James Bickerstaff. I'm not going to say "don't you dare laugh at my last name" but you will anyway, so >.<

I get called Jimmy by my female friends, by my male friends, its just creepy. But I hate the name 'Jim', call me that, and you diea painful death in your sleep :P
My real name is Austin. It's a good name, but a few years after I was born it got popular so there are lots of little tiny ones named Austin now.
Hey, my name's Sean (its pronounced shawn, but when I meet new people they always think its pronounced see-an) which is Irish and means God is Gracious. Though it says Sean original spelling is Seán which is irish for John.