When did you became a FF fan?

Well, I had heard of Final Fantasy from a few places... videogame magazines, and I even saw a Final Fantasy commercial in Italy where I live! It was weird. I remembered Queen Brahne most distinctly. And I always thought that 'the guy with the spiky yellow hair and a big sword' looked fucking awesome. (I was about 7 or 9 years old or something then, and still in my DBZ stage aswell. So I loved guys with spiky hair...) But then for some reason I didn't want to play it right away because I thought it had too much blood and violence. *gasp* Few years later at age 11, 2001, when I lived in Spain, I was looking for a new Playstation game to buy. I thought Legend Of The Dragoon and Final Fantasy VII both looked awesome respectively. Though I chose LOTD first (Another underrated RPG) because the case was more colorful. I played that for a while. Then when I bought FFVII next... ho boy.

Videogames have always been a huge part of my life since I was 7 and got a Nintendo 64. Before Final Fantasy I was big into Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Banjo Kazooie...

N64 really had great games that really just kick today's games asses. Old Playstation games too. And FFVII was one of them. Seriously, it just grabbed me from the beginning. I was never bored. I followed Cloud's story, kept wanting more... As I said, I had played great games before, but the emotional involvement in this one was amazing... It's better than most movies. It can probably move you to tears more than most movies... How can I explain? I loved the pixels. I loved how it was so colorful and just... even though I played it in 2001 and there were far better cinematics during the time, something about it still impressed me, as a whole. These game's characters were amazing. There must be something so awesome about Cloud and Tifa if I can love their pixelated 3-D bodies that much, you know? There must be something awesome about the fact that I absolutely hated Aeris, even though she isn't real. And it is. There is definetely something special about this game and characters to me. You can relate to them. Their stories are... beleivable. They're beautiful, cool, and they kick ass. Qualities anyone would love.

They're pretty much ordinary people who gathered together to do something and in the end they saved the planet. This band of ragtags...

I mean when you first look at Tifa's description in the booklet, and if you are a harsh labler, you may think she is a slut for what she wears, or that she's a Lara Croft clone. Yeah, she uses her fists... she must be some butch tough girl. Oh god, how people were so wrong. What I also love so much is that, these characters really didn't fit under any sort of videogame cliche' too much. If they did, there was always something distinct and different about them that made them stand out from the rest...

When you leave Midgar the first time, and discover the world map, don't you remember feeling a sense of... like there was just a whole new bigger world waiting for you and that you couldn't wait to see what lied ahead? Getting a chocobo for me was hard at first, but I absolutely loved riding one. I loved the battle system, and the summons. Tifa's devotion was just so freaking beautiful to me and I knew, that even if these were just pixels, that I'd always love their amazing and unique story. It's the same as watching a movie or reading a book. You become emotionally atattched, and you expirience a wide variety of emotions. When the characters are sad, you get sad. When the characters are happy, you get happy. And when you finally beat the game and it's all over... you just wish it hadn't ended like that, so soon, and you want to cry, and you're not sure why. The character's stories have ended, and you're left staring at a blank screen with the FF theme looping back and forth... you expirienced their adventure, fought battles for weeks, followed along on this amazing adventure that touched you to the core, and now it's just over like that.
I was a a friends house and he was playing X. I thought it was awesome but didn't pursue it. Besides i didn't have a ps2. A while later (i don't remember how much later) me and my friend were talking and he brought it up. A year and a half after that, i finally bought a ps2 and X. And i lived happily ever after...the end.
I became a Final Fantasy fan when I was 17 I borrowed FF8 from a friend. I had no idea what I was doing and got half way throught the game before I asked for help. My friend was shocked to find I hadn't taken any magic from the draw points and had gotten so far without it ... It was so embarrassing, Oh well ^-^
I dunno, i think i was about 10 or 11, i borrowed ff7 i think from a friend, then he moved, and left me with the game, then i just brought them all with my money as they came out :D
At the age of 7. Oh they were the days, my dad and uncle were addicts of the game, and I finally thought I'd have a shot. Addicted from then. x3 Played a big part in my life..
my first final fantasy was 4. i was 13 and lucky enough to find it at a local video rental store that was willing to sell it to me. once i finished 4, i bought 7 and have been hooked ever since.
My first (like so many) was FFVII I was 14 and I had just gotten it for my birthday after seeing my brothers friend play it, I remember on the second reactor I installed the bomb but when the timer didnt come up so I thought my game was glitched so I reset and (being a foolish 14 y/o) I hadn't saved at all lol when I got back to thr reactor I saved (thankfully) and the same happened again so I asked my brother to ask Al and he said that is ment to happen lol
Mmm, around three-four years ago, maybe. My first game was number 10, and I got hooked from the start. Since then, I've gotten about 6 other FF games, and am still addicted. :P The Aeons and fiends are probably what hooked me.
playd an copy of 8 first jap import about a year b4 it came out over fully translated into english though, 7 second, then 9 so im guessing '98
Although My Favourite Game ever is FFVII the first final fantasy game i played on was FFX - i remember it was just after my Bday and i had some money left so looking around in the games shop i came across FFX - i vaguley remembered hearing final fantasy was awesome so i bought it :D im so glad i did :D i then bought the other FF games in this order :

FF5 & 6 (Emulator)
FFXII (On February 23rd when it gets released over here - ill make sure to get it asap)
When I was 8 I think...My uncle give me a PC CD and I noticed FFVIII it was Demo but who care?...anyway I asked My relations about it and no 1 knew anything about it...after while My cosine bring FFVII and give it to my bro I didn't like it...after 3 monthes I asked my friend About FFVIII and he said that he have it but he didn't gave it to me unless i gave him FFVII saw I give it to him and he gave it to me and I start playing this awesome game..and now I'm a master with it I playied FFVIII 7 times now.
Always a big gamer in high school, but usually short on funding, I had been saving up for no paticular reason (I was 16 at the time and working at Target). After work one day I came home and was watching some TV (for a change). I saw the most amazing commercial for a video game I had never heard of, Final Fantasy VII. From that moment until the 7th of September, 1997, I waited in anticipation, with my money in hand. That glorious morning I was waiting outside my Target store, with only one thought in my mind; I wasn't leaving without a PSX and FFVII. I was successful! From that day forward, I was a FF nut, and here I am. <3