Where did you get your username from?

I just dropped an "N" out of Basch's last name. It's part of my theory that his character was originally slated to be Ashe's attorney instead of her guardian.

What a difference one letter can make.

Because of the manga of the same name. I liked it pretty much, due to it's deep storyline, and interesting reference to Human Psychology. The colons are added just to make it seem nicer? (To me at least)


I've already asked for a user name change, but this seems to be taking quite a while.. But anyway, I decided to get this user name because this is the name of my favourite character in the anime Scrapped Princess. (Which I like to a rather large extent at present.)
At first it was meant to be "SeeD", like from FFVIII,
but I forgot and made it "seed", and then I wanted to fix it.
So I changed it right after I made it to "Seed".
I forgot to cap the "D"....../facepalm
Well, one day, when I picked up interest in roleplaying, I used a name generator to find a name for my character. Kunera came up, I liked it, and I used it much more often.
I changed my user-name to EVA, because she is definitely my favorite Metal Gear Solid female. She really left an impact on me, so I'm enjoying using her name.

Warbourne: that's my original name. It was originally supposed to be modeled after Winterbourne, a character from a Henry James short story, but the War thing kinda stuck as it sounded more badass. >.>

Diego Velazquez: great Spanish painter who served in the royal Spanish court in Madrid back in the 17th century. His great works include: Las Meninas, Pope Innocent IX, and various portraits of the royal family.

I'm going on an artist username theme for the next couple years. :monster:
Why Blue Wolf? Because my favourite color is blue, and I love wolves, they are such beautiful animals.

And blue is such a pretty color. Red used to be my favourite color a while back, but blue has been my favourite color for quite some time now. ^_^
Actually, I started using this username when I was 17. I created it on AOL and then eventually took it to yahoo, hotmail, gmail and comcast along with many various other online communities I visit. Before I started using this name, you could run a search in any search engine for idiotic idioms and find nothing at all. These days you pull up a good amount of stuff, not all by me. There's a lot of stuff that isn't due to me, and it makes me think of this username as a muse for some people, because I'm sure that's how it happened. One day, someone saw me using it and was like, that's a good idea for a website theme or a picture theme. Of course, it might not have gone down like that at all, but either way, I was still the first to have the idea and use it. Kind of cool, I think.
Im on a Buffy Marathon, and Spike is just the best character in that show ever, anything that comes out of his mouth is just gold, so I decided to honour his amazingnes by changing my username and bullying Lewis into making me the sexiest sig EVER
I chose mine because of my love of kingdom hearts. Key of Destiny was roxas's name in the Organization 13 and Roxas is my favorite character in the whole series.

Well simply because I use that a bit too much, it even went far to get into my google searchs :wacky:
I used to go by KenX back in the day because in my SFAlpha days always played as Ken Masters

I don't now the switch to Mokken. And it's Pronounced Moe-Ken not Maw-Ken to ou ingrates.

and according to google i picked the name because i love Coffee Mugs



DarkSquall....Squall is cool and I like to sit in the dark *I like dark places* :).I thought this name is cool so I just went using it and the name DarkSquall turned to be a powerful curse on the user!!

I'm using this name since June 2006.
I'm not really sure why I chose Jesus, probably because I thought it sounded egotistical. Perhaps to also see how people responded, but I'm not so sure about that.

Morrissey, because The Smiths wouldn't work very well as a username, so it was either Morrissey or Johnny Marr, and Morrissey is better.
Synlea is Al Bhed for my real first name, Marcie.
I chose this name while I was playing Final Fantasy X and it just sort of stuck. I use it for any forums as well as use it for my IGN in online gaming.

I like it for two reasons:
1) It's in Al Bhed.
2) I love the "Syn" in it. It sounds evil in a sort.
As you can tell I'm not very inventive at all. I practically pulled the first thing out of my head that was FF related and/or non-prattish. Plus Tonberries are little buggers that have caused my constant pain over the years so I thought it'd be fitting to quasi-honour them :P
Umm... Claymore used to be my PERFECT anime , as well as manga.
Now I love Code Geass [anime] more and Tsubasa Chronicle [manga] more.
So Claymore is my 2nd in both anime and manga.

But I still consider it as the first EPIC series I saw. So that why the "Claymore".

As for "Dark"... I guess just for fun (I don't want to be called just "Claymore")
I used to call myself DarkKnight in the past, so lol :).
Was googling stuff many years ago about all the GFs in VIII, ended up looking at the wiki page for Tezcatlipoca, thought Tezcat would make a good name and I've stuck with it for a few years on various sites.